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Description: 这是瑞利信道中有关多普勒频移的多径信道和单径信道的相关matlab仿真程序。-Rayleigh Channel is the Doppler shift of the multipath channel and single-channel tracks of Matlab simulation program.
Platform: | Size: 10281 | Author: 刘娜 | Hits:


Description: 仿真OFDM中的多径信道-Simulation of multi-channel in OFDM Modeling
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李朗 | Hits:


Description: 该程序是用matlab语言实现的关于瑞利信道多径传输的多谱勒效应的描述-that the procedure was used Matlab language on the Rayleigh Channel multipath transmission of the description of Doppler effect
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 火箭 | Hits:


Description: 这是瑞利信道中有关多普勒频移的多径信道和单径信道的相关matlab仿真程序。-Rayleigh Channel is the Doppler shift of the multipath channel and single-channel tracks of Matlab simulation program.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 刘娜 | Hits:


Description: 瑞利信道仿真程序,文件列表有:pdf_cdf_gen.m rayleigh_doppler_multipath.m rayleigh_doppler_singlepath.m rayleigh_Filter_Model test_rayleigh_pdf-Rayleigh channel simulation procedures, the document list are : pdf_cdf_gen.m rayleigh_doppler_multipath. m rayleigh_doppler_singlepath.m rayleigh_F ilter_Model test_rayleigh_pdf
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: astraeawang | Hits:


Description: Gauss_generator利用参数(多普勒频移、系数、相移)生成确定的实高斯过程.m gaussian确定离散多普勒频移、系数、相移的程序.m Rice_generator在瑞利过程的基础上考虑视距分量,生成莱斯过程.m Suzuki_generator成确定型Suzuki过程.m Rayleigh_Doppler_multiPath.m Rayleigh_Doppler_singlePath.m rayleigh_Filter_Model.m pdf_cdf_gen.m test_rayleigh_pdf.m rayleigh.m-Gauss_generator use parameters (Doppler frequency shift coefficient, phase shift) formation to determine the actual Gaussian process. m Gaussian identify discrete Doppler frequency shift coefficient, Phase-shifting procedures. m Rice_generator in Rayleigh process on the basis of weight to consider the horizon, Rice production process. m-Suzuki_generator identified as Suzuki process. m Ra yleigh_Doppler_multiPath.m Rayleigh_Doppl er_singlePath.m rayleigh_Filter_Model.m pd f_cdf_gen.m test_rayleigh_pdf.m rayleigh.m
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 刘笛 | Hits:

[Program docMultipathDopplerEffects

Description: 通过仿真,分析了多径效应和多普勒效应的原理.并给出了移动信道的建模方案和程序.每个结论都给出了仿真程序可直接运行.-through simulation, Analysis of the multi-path effects and the principle of Doppler effect. and gives the mobile channel modeling programs and procedures. Conclusion gave each a simulation program can run.
Platform: | Size: 1139712 | Author: 李艳平 | Hits:


Description: 基于多径传输和多普勒频移的 瑞利(Rayleigh)信道的仿真 主要考虑不同条件下的仿真-Based on Multi-Drive transmission and Doppler frequency shift of the Rayleigh (Rayleigh) channel simulation main consideration different The simulation conditions
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 飘来的南风 | Hits:


Description: 在多经衰落条件下锐利分布对无线信道的影响-by the decline in the number of conditions under sharp distribution of the impact of wireless channel
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陶哲 | Hits:


Description: 空间无线信道建模程序matlab,考虑了多径延迟,多普勒效应,信号的角度扩展(拉普拉斯分布),MIMO,可以产生MIMO信道矩阵。-Spatial channel modeling procedures matlab, taking into account multi-path delay, Doppler effect, the signal point of view the expansion of (Laplace distribution), MIMO, can generate MIMO channel matrix.
Platform: | Size: 457728 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[Other systemsray_doppler

Description: 生成一个 Rayleigh flat-fading channel with Doppler shift
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李理 | Hits:


Description: 对多径信道的仿真 输入码元,是一行矩阵,可以是实数也可以是复数 %fs是输入码元的比特率 %fd是多普勒频移 %n_delay是多径信道的径数 %t_delay是多径信道各径的时延时间 %p_delay是多径信道各径的功率db值 -Of the multipath channel simulation input symbol is a line matrix, can be a real number can also be plural fs is the input symbol of the bit rate fd is the Doppler frequency shift is n_delay multipath channel diameter of a few t_delay is multipath channel time delay of the Path p_delay is multi-path channel the power of the diameter db value
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李洁 | Hits:


Description: (1) 在某些无线信道中,多普勒频移会引起无线信道输出信号的混叠。请描述产生混叠的各种原因; (2) 无线信道中的多普勒谱有一种经典谱(classic spectrum),请解释产生这种谱形状的机理; (3) 请用Simulink工具编写代码(S-Function方式),产生一单径瑞利信道,其多普勒谱为经典谱,其中移动速率为120km/h。并请回答:证明自己用计算机产生的经典谱是正确的可能方法。 -(1) in certain wireless channel, the Doppler frequency shift will be caused by wireless channel output signal aliasing. Please describe the resulting aliasing of a variety of reasons (2) wireless channel Doppler spectrum there is a classical spectrum (classic spectrum), please explain such a spectral shape of the mechanism (3) Please use Simulink tools for writing code ( S-Function mode), resulting in a single Path Rayleigh channel, the Doppler spectrum for the classical spectrum, including mobile rate of 120km/h. And please answer: prove that they used computer-generated classical spectrum is correct possible ways.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: haohao | Hits:


Description: 关于无线信道的多普勒谱 无线信道中的多普勒谱有一种经典谱请解释产生这种谱形状的机理;-1. On the radio channel of the Doppler spectrum (2) wireless channel Doppler spectrum has a classic spectrum (classic spectrum), please explain such a spectral shape of the mechanism
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: bill | Hits:


Description: A signal is transmitted using a carrier frequency of 900 MHz. It is transmitted through a multipath channel which can be modelled as Rayleigh fading. Assumingthe Dopper spread as 10Hz and the number of multipaths as 10, generate the Rayleigh faded signal. Compute the outage rate (the probability of the signal falls below certain rate, say ?10 dB) of the signal. Using MATLAB, demonstrate the path loss as a function of loss parameter for distances ranging from 2 km to 40 km. Calculate the power loss in dB
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Johnathan | Hits:


Description: 介绍了在多通道下的多普勒频移解决方案,能很好的解决实际多径频移问题-Describes the multi-channel Doppler frequency shift under the solution, can be very good to solve practical multi-path frequency-shift problem
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dalong | Hits:


Description: 瑞利信道仿真,是一种多普勒经典谱,可用于基本无线通信信道仿真。-Rayleigh channel simulation, is a classical Doppler spectrum can be used for basic wireless communication channel emulation.
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: 天下 | Hits:


Description: 1. 关于无线信道的多普勒谱,请回答以下问题: (1) 在某些无线信道中,多普勒频移会引起无线信道输出信号的混叠。请清楚的描述产生混叠的各种原因; (2) 无线信道中的多普勒谱有一种经典谱(classic spectrum),请解释产生这种谱形状的机理; (3) 请用S-function产生一单径瑞利信道,其多普勒谱为经典谱,其中移动速率为120km/h。并请回答:证明自己用计算机产生的经典谱是正确的可能方法。 -Doppler spectrum of radio channel 1, please answer the following questions (1) In some wireless channel, radio channel Doppler shift will cause the output signal aliasing. Please clearly describe aliasing for various reasons
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 王林 | Hits:


Description: This is relevant in Rayleigh channel doppler frequency shift of channel multipath channel and a single diameter related matlab simulation program,
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: bkgsdvlt | Hits:

[Industry researchAddressing the curse of mobility in massive MIMO with Prony-based angular-delay domain channel predictions

Description: Massive MIMO is widely touted as an enabling technology for 5th generation (5G) mobile communications and beyond. On paper, the large excess of base station (BS) antennas promises unprecedented spectral efficiency gains. Unfortunately,during the initial phase of industrial testing, a practical challenge arose which threatens to undermine the actual deployment of massive MIMO: user mobility-induced channel Doppler.
Platform: | Size: 1395404 | Author: zhedongtzdt@163.com | Hits:
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