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JAVA客户端安装,只需要将此文件拷贝到客户端机器上,并设置path路径,即可运行java程序-JAVA client installation, need only copy of this document to the client machine, and a path trails can run java programs
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.68mb Publisher : 周云鹏

JAVA客户端安装,只需要将此文件拷贝到客户端机器上,并设置path路径,即可运行java程序-JAVA client installation, need only copy of this document to the client machine, and a path trails can run java programs
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.68mb Publisher : 周云鹏

精通JDO又名: Using and Understanding Java Data Objects 作者:(美)埃兹尔(Ezzio,D.) 简介   对于Java程序员和应用程序架构师宋说,JDO具有不容忽视的价值。JDO为Java对象定义了通用的持久性, 从而给应用程序的开发带来了众多优势。JDO能大大减少使用关系数据库所需的代码量,并且独立于数据库体 系结构。   本书分为两部分。第一部分介绍了JDO的基本概念、查询、持久性管理器、事务和缓存、增强类和托管字 段,以及JDOHelper、回调和异常。第二部分讨论了每种体系结构的应用程序设计问题和编码模式问题。书中 还提供了一些示例来展示客户/服务器应用程序、Web应用程序以及使用Enterprise用JavaBeans的应用程序。 希望我多年来使用JDO构建应用程序的经验能对读者有所裨益。   本书主要面向Java程序员和应用程序架构师。-Using and Understanding Java Data Objects by David Ezzio ISBN:1590590430 Apress © 2003 This text provides an overview of JDO s specifications and behaviors in depth, covering the major application architectures, client-server applications, Web applications, and applications that use Enterprise JavaBeans.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.43mb Publisher : arthurkuo

这是用J2SE编写的一款仿QQ的源代码,里面包含有客户端和服务器端,可以实现多人聊天。-This is used to write a copy of J2SE Java QQ source code, which contains the client and the server can realize people chat.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 689kb Publisher : VincentHuang

Color and colorspaces  Numbers and Java  Feature detection Globally define thresholds  Self-calibrate for different lights  Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy  Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)  Getting a pixel performs a multiplication  int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)  offset = y*width + x  Memory in rows, not columns…so go across rows and then down columns-Color and colorspaces  Numbers and Java  Feature detection Globally define thresholds  Self-calibrate for different lights  Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy  Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)  Getting a pixel performs a multiplication  int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)  offset = y*width + x  Memory in rows, not columns…so go across rows and then down columns
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 399kb Publisher : bou33aza

用java写的聊天室软件,含有客户端和服务器。利用Eclipse开发,欢迎大家下载。-Written in java chat room software, containing the client and the server. Use Eclipse development, welcome to download.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 104kb Publisher : jason_sun

DL : 0
java语音编写一个简单的模仿QQ的安卓客户端程序-a simple copy android client for QQ program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : 李文思

RedisClient 是 Redis 客户端 GUI 工具,使用 Java swt 和jedis 编写。它将redis数据以windows资源管理器的界面风格呈现给用户,可以帮助redis开发人员和维护人员方便的建立,修改,删除,查询redis数据,完全不需要了解redis命令,可以让用户方便的编辑数据,可以剪切,拷贝,粘贴redis数据,可以导入,导出redis数据,可以对redis数据排序。-RedisClient is Redis client GUI tools written using Java swt and jedis. It present redis data to user in windows explorer style UI interface, can help developers and maintainers of redis convenient to create, modify, delete, query redis data, eliminating the need to understand redis commands, allowing users to easily edit data , you can cut, copy, paste redis data, you can import, export redis data, can sort redis data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.91mb Publisher : cao xin yu

本书探讨了如何通过使用与HBase高度集成的Hadoop将HBase的可伸缩性变得简单《把大型数据集分布到相对廉价的商业服务器集群中;使用本地Java客户端,或者通过提供了REST、Avro和Thrift应用编程接口的网关服务器来访问HBase;了解HBase架构的细节,包括存储格式、预写日志、后台进程等;在HBase中集成MapReduce框架;了解如何调节集群、设计模式、拷贝表、导人 批量数据和除节点等。 本书适合使用HBase进行数据库开发的高级数据库研发人员阅读。-This book discusses how to through the use of scalability and Hadoop HBase highly integrated HBase will become simple " the large data set distributed to business server cluster is relatively cheap use the local Java client, or by providing REST, Avro and Thrift application programming interface of the gateway server to access the HBase HBase architecture the details, including the storage format, the pre writing background process logs, etc . in the HBase MapReduce integrated framework learn how to adjust the cluster, design pattern, copy table, guide the batch data and removing nodes etc .. This book is suitable for the use of HBase development of senior developers to read.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 41.21mb Publisher : xinyue

一套完整的 google drive 认证系统,可以根据以下命令编译运行: 将申请的Client ID和Client secrets加入到client_secrets.json cd . (当前源码根路径) mkdir bin dir /b/s src\*.java > src.list javac -sourcepath src -d bin -classpath "lib/*;" @src.list copy client_secrets.json bin\ java -classpath "bin;lib/*;" complete set of Google drive certification system, according to the following command: run the compiler will apply for ID and Client Client secrets added to the client_secrets.json CD. (the current path source root) MKDIR bin dir /b/s src\*.java src.list javac -sourcepath SRC -d bin "-classpath" lib/*; "@src.list copy client_secrets.json bin\ Java -classpath bin; lib/*;"
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : tesla-ggg

DL : 0
SAP部署 连接sap系统需要通过sap javaconnect来连接,对于sapjco.jar系列文件有32位与64位之分。即对jdk有严格要求。现说明客户端部署及服务端部署两种情况: 一、 部署客户端(基本没啥用,我现在已经部署到服务端了) a) 确定本机使用JDK版本,一般均为32位。 b) 将相对应位数的librfc32.dll、sapjcorfc.dll、msvcp71.dll、msvcr71.dll四个文件拷贝至system32,其中前两个文件是必须拷贝。 c) 将相对应位数sapjco.jar拷贝至对应模块lib下,然后将其部署好。 d) 这步很重要,若只是执行java最简单的main方法倒没影响,若是plugin工程,必须配置classpath,具体是找到fragment.xml中的runtime将sapjco.jar加载进来。(SAP deployment The connection to the SAP system needs to be connected through the sap javaconnect, which has 32 bits and 64 bits for the sapjco.jar family file. That is, there are strict requirements for jdk. The client deployment and server deployment are described in two cases: First, the deployment client (basically no use, I have deployed to the server) A) make sure that this machine uses the JDK version, typically 32 bits. B) copy the relative number of librfc32.dll, sapjcorfc.dll, msvcp71.dll, and msvcr71.dll)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.06mb Publisher : 王大哥
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