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原创代码,采用VHDL实现的64点均值滤波。实验测试过,效果良好。可轻松修改成任意点数均值滤波。采用了多点滑动运算,减小了输出延时,最大为3个时钟延迟。可用于AD采样后的滤波处理。-Original code, the use of VHDL to achieve the 64 point mean filter. Experiment tested the results were very good. Can be easily modified into arbitrary point mean filter. Use of multi-point sliding computation, reduces the output delay, a maximum of three clock delay. AD sampling can be used to deal with post-filtering.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : M

DDR SDRAM控制器的VHDL源代码,含详细设计文档。 The DDR, DCM, and SelectI/O™ features in the Virtex™ -II architecture make it the perfect choice for implementing a controller of a Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM. The Digital Clock Manager (DCM) provides the required Delay Locked Loop (DLL), Digital Phase Shift (DPS), and Digital Frequency Synthesis (DFS) functions. This application note describes a controller design for a 16-bit DDR SDRAM. The application note and reference design are enhanced versions of XAPP200 targeted to the Virtex-II series of FPGAs. At a clock rate of 133 MHz, 16-bit data changes at both clock edges. The reference design is fully synthesizable and achieves 133 MHz performance with automatic place and route tools.-DDR SDRAM controller VHDL source code, including detailed design documents. The DDR, DCM, and SelectI/O
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : xbl

本文主要描述了如何在QUARTUS II 中输入程序文件,生成网表及标准延时文件,然后通过 MODELSIM进行功能仿真与后仿真的过程,主要为图解,含全部代码及仿真波形。 -This article describes how to enter at QUARTUS II program file, generate netlists and standard delay file, and then through the ModelSim for functional simulation and post-simulation process, mainly for the diagrams, containing all the code and the simulation waveform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 271kb Publisher : 朱雯

programmable delay register (16-bit) in VHDL source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 81kb Publisher : bfuclin
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