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Recent peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are characterized by decentralized control, large scale and extreme dynamism of their operating environment. As such, they can be seen as instances of complex adaptive systems (CAS) typically found in biological and social sciences. Anthill is a framework to support the design, implementation and evaluation of P2P applications based on ideas such as multi-agent and evolutionary programming borrowed from CAS. An Anthill system consists of a dynamic network of peer nodes societies of adaptive agents travel through this network, interacting with nodes and cooperating with other agents in order to solve complex problems. Anthill can be used to construct different classes of P2P services that exhibit resilience, adaptation and self-organization properties.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.61mb Publisher : ada

Recent peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are characterized by decentralized control, large scale and extreme dynamism of their operating environment. As such, they can be seen as instances of complex adaptive systems (CAS) typically found in biological and social sciences. Anthill is a framework to support the design, implementation and evaluation of P2P applications based on ideas such as multi-agent and evolutionary programming borrowed from CAS. An Anthill system consists of a dynamic network of peer nodes societies of adaptive agents travel through this network, interacting with nodes and cooperating with other agents in order to solve complex problems. Anthill can be used to construct different classes of P2P services that exhibit resilience, adaptation and self-organization properties.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.61mb Publisher : ada

随着车用电气设备越来越多,从发动机控制到传动系统控制,从行驶、制动、转向系统控制到安全保证系统及仪表报警系统,从电源管理到为提高舒适性而作的各种努力,使汽车电气系统形成一个复杂的大系统,并且都集中在驾驶室控制。另外,随着近年来ITS的发展,以3G(GPS、GIS和GSM)为代表的新型电子通讯产品的出现,它对汽车的综合布线和信息的共享交互提出了更高的要求。-With the car more and more electrical equipment, from motor control to the transmission system control, from the driving, braking and steering system control to the safety assurance system and instrument alarm system, from power management to improve comfort and to make various efforts to make automobile electrical system to form a complex large-scale systems, and are concentrated in the driver
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 743kb Publisher : pengjun

采用BH1417调频广播发射机是一种新型的广播信号发射机,特点是 (1) 采用了频率合成,频率稳定,可调 整范围宽。 (2) 采用了红外线遥控调整频率方便。 (3) 采用了高性能的立体声专用芯片,音质好,分离度高。 (4) 采用了宽带功放,整机的频率范围 30MHz---450MHz. 用途 :广泛应用于学校的英语听力发射,和学校试验用信号源,也可用于组建大型会场的广播系统。设计要求采用单片机为控制平台能在88—108MHz范围内改变发射频率,并显示发射机的发射载波频率。发生距离不少于1公里。 -BH1417 FM radio transmitter used is a new kind of radio signal transmitter, characterized by (1) adopted a frequency synthesizer, frequency stability and adjustable range. (2) adjust the frequency of the infrared remote control convenience. (3) use of high-performance ASIC stereo, good sound quality, separation is high. (4) use of broadband power amplifier, whole frequency range of 30MHz-450MHz. Usage: widely used in school English Listening fired, and school test signal source, can also be used for the formation of large-scale broadcasting system in the venue. Design requirements for the control of the use of single-chip platform in the 88-108MHz frequency range of changes in the launch and display the launch carrier frequency transmitter. The occurrence of not less than 1 km distance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 王曦帆

多投影仪大规模显示系统 多通道同步控制模块代码-Large-scale multi-projector display system of multi-channel synchronous control module code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : minny

系统网络拓扑结构采用共享总线型,大型网络控制器NCE通过BACnet MS/TP现场总线连接下位的小型多功能DDC控制器FEC,实现数据共享和分散控制-System network topology using a shared bus-based, large-scale network controller NCE through the BACnet MS/TP field bus to connect the next bit of small multifunctional DDC controller FEC, data sharing and distributed control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 王建

DL : 0
广泛应用于工程建筑景观、舞台灯光、大型活动、节庆场所等场合的灯光装饰。用户可在世界各地用IE或Nescap等现有的Web浏览器,对LED装饰照明系统进行控制。-Landscape architecture is widely used in engineering, stage lighting, large-scale activities, festive occasions, such as places of decorative lights. Users around the world, such as using IE or Nescap existing Web browser, on the LED decorative lighting system control.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 170kb Publisher : 徐保伟

用VHDL 语言设计交通灯控制系统, 并在MAX+PLUS II 系统对FPGA/ CPLD 芯片进行下载, 由于生成的是集成化的数字电 路, 没有传统设计中的接线问题, 所以故障率低、可靠性高, 而且体积小。体现了EDA 技术在数字电路设计中的优越性。-The design method of traffic light control system by using Very- High- Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is introduced, and the downloading of the controller design to the FPGA/ CPLD chip in MAX+PLUS II is fulfilled. As FPGA/ CPLD chips are based on large scale IC and there are no connection problems in the presented circuit, so the chips are re1iable and faults are less prone to happen, which shows the advantages of the EDA technology in digital circuits design.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 71kb Publisher : li

旅馆业管理系统,旅馆上传,派出所和市局管理,功能齐全,大量使用了powerbuilder的数据通道,数据传输控制,山东某公安局正在使用中的。-Management system for the hotel industry, hotels From the police station and Urban Management, a full-featured, large-scale use of the data powerbuilder access, data transmission control, a Public Security Bureau in Shandong are in use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : 刘晓东

采用大规模专用射频集成电路nRF2401A设计、实现短距离无线数据传输设备,基本性能指标为:通信距路不小于100米,传输速率不小于200kbps,发射功率可控,可实现点对点及点对多点通信。课题内容涉及基于nRF2401A射频集成电路及单片微机的硬件电路设计、系统控制软件及点对多点数据传输软件设计等。本课题侧重于基于nRF2401A射频集成电路及ATMEG16L单片微机的硬件电路设计。-Large-scale integrated circuits using a dedicated radio frequency nRF2401A design, the realization of short-range wireless data transmission equipment, the basic performance indicators are: communication from the road is not less than 100 m, transmission rate of not less than 200kbps, transmitter power control, enabling point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communication. NRF2401A on topics related to single-chip radio frequency integrated circuits and computer hardware circuit design, system control software and point-to-multipoint data transmission, such as software design. Focused on the topic nRF2401A based on single-chip radio frequency integrated circuits and computer hardware ATMEG16L design.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : 谢旺

单片机无线数据传输接口C程序设计 介绍一种抗干扰能力强的单片机无线数据传输接口的工作原理与软件设计。主控芯片采用AT89C51单片机,信方式采用抗干扰能力强、可靠性高的DTMF信号和单工调频的无线通信方式。十六DTMF信号码作为信息帧的十种位码,以及采用校验码进行检错和纠错,数据传输误码率几乎降到为零,极大地提高了无线数据传输质量。软件采C51模块化设计,可方便地进行移植以实现各种数据的区域无线传输。本接口可应用于实验室大型仪器设备的无线通自动登记和管理系统,也可应用于无线通信动抄表系统等。 -Single-chip wireless data transmission interface C Programming A strong anti-interference ability of the single-chip wireless data transmission interface and software design principle. AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer control chip, the letter means the use of anti-interference ability, high reliability and the DTMF signal and FM simplex radio communication. Letter No. 16 as the DTMF information of the ten-bit code frame, as well as the use of checksum error code and error correction, so that data transmission error rate dropped to almost zero, has greatly improved the quality of wireless data transmission. C51 mining modular software design, can be easily transplanted to the region to achieve a variety of wireless data transmission. The interface can be applied to large-scale laboratory equipment wireless Automatic registration and management system, also can be applied to wireless communications, such as automatic meter reading system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher : 王成

介绍基于S3C44B0控制的大型LED显示系统。数据传输采用并行总线方式,并提出将LED显示模块厦显示锁存单元虚拟地视为一段连续的存储单元,利用S3C44B0内部DMA控制器进行数据传输和控制,节省使用指令传输数据额外的软件开销,使其具有传输速度快、效率高的特点,以达到用单CPU系统代替多机系统控制LED显示系统的目的。 -S3C44B0 introduced based on the control of large-scale LED display system. Parallel data bus mode, and LED display module will show the latch unit building be regarded as a continuous period of virtual storage unit, the use of S3C44B0 internal DMA controller for data transmission and control, to save data using the command additional software overhead to have a transmission speed, high efficiency, so as to achieve a single CPU system to replace multi-system control purpose LED display systems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 162kb Publisher : 打狗队

DL : 0
公司制作的大型开关电源老化监控系统,需配合特定的硬件实现,但有部分功能没有完善,可进行二次开发。-Produced a large-scale switching power supply aging control system, required to meet the specific hardware implementation, but some feature is not perfect, it can conduct secondary development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 218kb Publisher : xiaolong

类似于电信基站 变电站 银行储蓄所等的分布范围大,数量多的大型网络门禁系统。-Similar to the telecoms base stations such as the distribution substation bank savings bank scope of large quantity of large-scale network access control system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 975kb Publisher : 周梦辉

运筹学是把科学方法应用在指导和管理有关的人员、机器、物资以及工商业、政府和国防方面资金的大系统中所发生的各种问题。其独特的方法是发展一个科学的系统模式,列入随机和风险等各种因素的尺度,并运用这个模式预测和比较各种决策、战略并控制方案所产生的后果。其目的是帮助主管人员科学地决定方针和政策。-Operations research is the scientific method in the direction and management of personnel, machinery, materials and industrial and commercial, government and defense funding of large-scale systems in the various problems that occur. Its unique approach is to develop a scientific system model, the inclusion of various random and risk factors of scale, and use the model prediction and comparison of different decision-making, strategies and consequences of control programs. The aim is to help executives decide scientific principles and policies.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 851kb Publisher : baolon

Excitation system models suitable for use in large-scale system stability studies are presented. Important limiters and supplementary controls are also included. The model structures presented are intended to facilitate the use of field test data as a means of obtaining model parameters. The models are, however, reduced order models and do not represent all of the control loops on any particular system. The models are valid for frequency deviations of ±5 from rated frequency and oscillation frequencies up to 3 Hz. These models would not normally be adequate for use in studies of subsynchronous resonance or other shaft torsional interaction problems. Delayed protective and control features that may come into play in long term dynamic performance studies are not represented. A sample set of data for each of the models, for at least one particular application, is provided.-Excitation system models suitable for use in large-scale system stability studies are presented. Important limiters and supplementary controls are also included. The model structures presented are intended to facilitate the use of field test data as a means of obtaining model parameters. The models are, however, reduced order models and do not represent all of the control loops on any particular system. The models are valid for frequency deviations of ±5 from rated frequency and oscillation frequencies up to 3 Hz. These models would not normally be adequate for use in studies of subsynchronous resonance or other shaft torsional interaction problems. Delayed protective and control features that may come into play in long term dynamic performance studies are not represented. A sample set of data for each of the models, for at least one particular application, is provided.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 833kb Publisher : amidi

提出基于可编程逻辑控制器PLC 的太阳能跟踪系统, 使光伏模块能实时跟踪太阳光照, 从而最大限 度地获得太阳能。系统的硬件有PLC 输入/输出端口的配置、信号处理单元、光敏电阻光强法比较电路和开关电 源的设计 系统的软件有PLC 的控制和监控程序, 基于Visual Basic 6.0 软件平台开发的PC 机监控和数据采 集程序。基于PLC 的太阳能跟踪系统既适用于独立的太阳能发电设备, 也适用于串、并联的大型太阳能光伏发 电系统的现场总线控制-Proposed based on programmable logic controllers PLC' s solar tracking system that allows real-time tracking of photovoltaic modules to sunlight, so as to maximize access to solar energy. System' s hardware PLC input/output port configuration, signal processing unit, the light intensity method is more photosensitive resistor circuit and switching power supply design system software with PLC control and monitoring procedures, based on Visual Basic 6.0 software, the PC platform monitoring and data collection procedures. PLC-based solar tracking system is applicable to an independent solar power generation equipment, but also for the series and parallel large-scale solar photovoltaic power generation fieldbus control system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 331kb Publisher :

广域测量系统实测信息及故障集仿真结果构成了电网时空大数据,如何采用大数据技术对它们进行快速、高效地挖掘,实现大电网在线安全评估与防御是智能电网核心目标之一。从电网广域时空量测信息角度,解释了电网时空大数据的内涵,提出大电网在线稳定态势评估与自适应防御体系(stability situation assessment and adaptive defense control system,ST-SADC)的整体架构及关键技术。ST-SADC 以大数据分析与处理为底层技术支撑,基于广域时空量测信息实现大电网稳定态势量化评估及主导环节的反映射虚拟建模,进而实现轨迹型自适应防御控制。针对当前技术现状,讨论了 ST-SADC 循环递进式研究路线。该体系可进一步提高广域时空量测信息的挖掘深度和广度,最终提升大电网轨迹型智能化预警和防控能力。-Construction of Stability Situation Quantitative Assessment and Adaptive Control System for Large-scale Power Grid in the Spatio-temporal Big Data Environment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : liudaowei

This article presents a newly developed, novel and effi cient optimization technique called quasi- oppositional grey wolf optimization algorithm (QOGWO) for the fi rst time to solve load frequency control problem (LFC) of a power system. Grey wolf optimization (GWO) is a recently developed meta-heuristic optimization technique based on the effect of leadership hierarchy and hunting mechanism of wolves in nature. Two widely employed test systems viz. two-area hydro-thermal and four-area hydro-thermal-This article presents a newly developed, novel and effi cient optimization technique called quasi- oppositional grey wolf optimization algorithm (QOGWO) for the fi rst time to solve load frequency control problem (LFC) of a power system. Grey wolf optimization (GWO) is a recently developed meta-heuristic optimization technique based on the effect of leadership hierarchy and hunting mechanism of wolves in nature. Two widely employed test systems viz. two-area hydro-thermal and four-area hydro-thermal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 997kb Publisher : Gomaa Haroun

In this paper, a FPGA-based step motor driver implementing adjustable subdivision and sine pulse width modulation is introduced. This driving system can solve the high subdivision problem, increase the driving torque and angle resolution, and smooth the motor angle. Employing the bottom-top design method, the circuit was described by the VHDL language, synthesized by Xilinx ISE integrated environment, and simulated by Modelsim in both behavior level and gate level through the PLI interface. According to experiment’s result, this driver has the advantages of easy debugging, high anti-interference ability, larger driving power, low volume and low cost in large scale production.
Update : 2020-06-12 Size : 608.5kb Publisher : jionad123
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