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DVB系统中的卷积交织和解交织通用方法,可实现任意形式的卷积交织器和解交织器-DVB system of convolution intertwined deinterleaver common method can be arbitrary forms of convolution interleaver reconciliation interleaver
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1005byte Publisher : 孙月

The purpose of this application note is to describe the main elements of an RS-422 and RS-485 system. This application note attempts to cover enough technical details so that the system designer will have considered all the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS- 485 are data transmission systems that use balanced differential signals, it is appropriate to discuss both systems in the same application note. Throughout this application note the generic terms of RS-422 and RS-485 will be used to represent the EIA/TIA-422 and EIA/TIA-485 Standards.-The purpose of this application note is to d escribe the main elements of an RS-422 and RS-48 5 system. This application note attempts to cov er enough technical details so that the system d esigner will have considered all the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS -422 and RS-485 data transmission systems are not hat use balanced differential signals. it is appropriate to discuss both systems in the same application note. Throughout this applic ation note terms of the generic RS-422 and RS-48 5 will be used to represent the EIA/TIA-422 and E. IA/TIA-485 Standards.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 373.44kb Publisher : yzodong

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.35kb Publisher : 玄冰

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.26kb Publisher : chenhao

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.18kb Publisher : 向阳坡

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DVB系统中的卷积交织和解交织通用方法,可实现任意形式的卷积交织器和解交织器-DVB system of convolution intertwined deinterleaver common method can be arbitrary forms of convolution interleaver reconciliation interleaver
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 孙月

The purpose of this application note is to describe the main elements of an RS-422 and RS-485 system. This application note attempts to cover enough technical details so that the system designer will have considered all the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS- 485 are data transmission systems that use balanced differential signals, it is appropriate to discuss both systems in the same application note. Throughout this application note the generic terms of RS-422 and RS-485 will be used to represent the EIA/TIA-422 and EIA/TIA-485 Standards.-The purpose of this application note is to d escribe the main elements of an RS-422 and RS-48 5 system. This application note attempts to cov er enough technical details so that the system d esigner will have considered all the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS-485 data transmission systems are not hat use balanced differential signals. it is appropriate to discuss both systems in the same application note. Throughout this applic ation note terms of the generic RS-422 and RS-48 5 will be used to represent the EIA/TIA-422 and E. IA/TIA-485 Standards.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 373kb Publisher : yzodong

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 玄冰

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : chenhao

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 向阳坡

一种新的常数度数的P2P覆盖网络,在此与各位网友分享了,-A new constant degrees of P2P overlay network, in sharing this with you friends, and
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 523kb Publisher : 苏伟

covariance matrix by c-covariance matrix by c++
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : sun

visual DSP 下实现卷积码以及维特比译码-under visual DSP Convolutional Codes and Viterbi Decoding
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 64kb Publisher : huangyingpei

This book briefly de scribes the 100 great est sci ence dis cov er ies of all time, the dis cov - er ies that have had the great est im pact on the de vel op ment of hu man sci ence and think ing. Let me be clear about ex actly what that means: Greatest: “Of high est im por tance much higher in some qual ity or de gree of un der - stand ing” (Web ster’s New Col lege Dic tio nary). Science: Any of the spe cific branches of sci en tific knowl edge (phys i cal sci ences, earth sci ences, and life sci ences) that de rive knowl edge from sys tem atic ob ser va tion, study, and ex per i men ta tion. Discov ery: The first time some thing is seen, found out about, re al ized, or known. All time: The re corded (writ ten) his tory of hu man civ i li za tions.-This book briefly de scribes the 100 great est sci ence dis cov er ies of all time, the dis cov- er ies that have had the great est im pact on the de vel op ment of hu man sci ence and think ing. Let me be clear about ex actly what that means: Greatest: “Of high est im por tance much higher in some qual ity or de gree of un der- stand ing” (Web ster’s New Col lege Dic tio nary). Science: Any of the spe cific branches of sci en tific knowl edge (phys i cal sci ences, earth sci ences, and life sci ences) that de rive knowl edge from sys tem atic ob ser va tion, study, and ex per i men ta tion. Discov ery: The first time some thing is seen, found out about, re al ized, or known. All time: The re corded (writ ten) his tory of hu man civ i li za tions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : Dinakara

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bilinear interpolation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : sathish

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mATLAB cov函数详细说明 很棒,很好-mATLAB cov function details
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 681kb Publisher : care

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详细介绍了MATLBA中的COV函数的使用和作用-Introduces the use of MATLBA COV function and role
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 高远

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matlab协方差计算 举例说明协方差cov命令的计算-matlab ccovariance claculator
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 83kb Publisher : ke lu

仿真程序共分5个模块: 1.平坦衰落信道仿真 2.LCR法仿真 3.COV法仿真 4.信号功率谱估计 5.高阶谱矩法仿真 经典的多普勒估计算法-The simulation program is divided into five modules: 1. flat fading channel simulation simulation simulation method 2.LCR signal power spectrum estimation 4. 5. higher order spectral moment method simulation classic 3.COV law Doppler estimation algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : sunjoy

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协方差计算,计算点云数据协方差,坐标旋转等。(ji suan dian yuan shu ju xie fang cha, zuo biao xuan zhuan ,xie fang cha.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : Johnie666
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