Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This book briefly de scribes the 100 great est sci ence dis cov er ies of all time, the dis cov-
er ies that have had the great est im pact on the de vel op ment of hu man sci ence and think ing.
Let me be clear about ex actly what that means:
Greatest: “Of high est im por tance much higher in some qual ity or de gree of un der-
stand ing” (Web ster’s New Col lege Dic tio nary).
Science: Any of the spe cific branches of sci en tific knowl edge (phys i cal sci ences, earth
sci ences, and life sci ences) that de rive knowl edge from sys tem atic ob ser va tion, study,
and ex per i men ta tion.
Discov ery: The first time some thing is seen, found out about, re al ized, or known.
All time: The re corded (writ ten) his tory of hu man civ i li za tions.