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Description: download\\software.jsp download\\style.css download\\testdate.jsp download\\密码.txt download\\admin\\admin.jsp download\\admin\\adminedit.jsp download\\admin\\adminedit.jsp.bak download\\admin\\adminsave.jsp download\\admin\\adminsave.jsp.bak download\\admin\\adminuser.jsp download\\admin\\chkadmin.jsp download\\admin\\classmana.jsp download\\admin\\classmana1.jsp -download \\ software.jsp download \\ style. css download \\ testdate.jsp download \\ password. txt d ownload \\ admin \\ admin.jsp download \\ admin \\ ad minedit.jsp download \\ admin \\ adminedit.jsp. bak download \\ admin \\ adminsave.jsp download \\ admin \\ adminsave.jsp.bak download \\ admin \\ ad minuser.jsp download \\ admin \\ chkadmin.jsp do wnload \\ admin \\ classmana.jsp download \\ admin \\ classmana1.jsp
Platform: | Size: 15662 | Author: lk | Hits:

[Develop ToolsCSS

Description: 在VB应用程序中巧用D-in VB application program Using D
Platform: | Size: 68728 | Author: lile | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 8895 | Author: niyang2005@126.comni | Hits:


Description: 在VB应用程序中巧用D-in VB application program Using D
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: lile | Hits:


Description: download\software.jsp download\style.css download\testdate.jsp download\密码.txt download\admin\admin.jsp download\admin\adminedit.jsp download\admin\adminedit.jsp.bak download\admin\adminsave.jsp download\admin\adminsave.jsp.bak download\admin\adminuser.jsp download\admin\chkadmin.jsp download\admin\classmana.jsp download\admin\classmana1.jsp -download \ software.jsp download \ style. css download \ testdate.jsp download \ password. txt d ownload \ admin \ admin.jsp download \ admin \ ad minedit.jsp download \ admin \ adminedit.jsp. bak download \ admin \ adminsave.jsp download \ admin \ adminsave.jsp.bak download \ admin \ ad minuser.jsp download \ admin \ chkadmin.jsp do wnload \ admin \ classmana.jsp download \ admin \ classmana1.jsp
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: lk | Hits:

[WEB Codestruts2+eclipse+DWR+tomcat

Description: eclipse+tomcat+dwr+struts2 无限级扩展菜单 菜单的类要可以改写 CSS也可以修改 其他配置部分都没有问题-eclipse tomcat dwr struts2 unlimited expansion of the menu-type menu to be to rewrite CSS can also modify some other configuration no problem
Platform: | Size: 4017152 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 关于symbian的一些文档、例子,很不错,大家看看。
Platform: | Size: 5812224 | Author: ws07 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLCSSParser

Description: delphi 中用于 css 样式表的解析的类-delphi in css style sheet for the class of analytic
Platform: | Size: 636928 | Author: ptma | Hits:


Description: 本程序使用C#开发,结合JS、CSS等实现了一个基本的WEBEXCEL,能够实现合并、打印。。。等一系列功能。并能够与EXCEL进行数据通信。-This procedure using C# Development, combined with JS, CSS, such as the realization of a basic WEBEXCEL, able to realize the merger, print. . . A series of functions. And be able to carry out data communication with EXCEL.
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: huyao | Hits:


Description: 动态生成 3维 动画饼图 非常漂亮 例子 里已经有详细的介绍 sa[0][1]=85 sa[1][1]= 2 sa[2][0]= http://www.baidu.com // 第一列 数量,js 会根据数量 自动分配比例 //第二列 数量代表的意义 //第三列 是点击列表选项的链接 css 样式 不能去除 -Dynamically generated 3-D animation pie very beautiful examples already has a detailed introduction sa [0] [1] = 85 sa [1] [1] = 2 sa [2] [0] = http://www.baidu. com// The first column number, js the number automatically assigned based on the ratio of// the second column represents the number// The third column is a list of options click on the link should not remove the css style
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 赵舒 | Hits:


Description: 生成dcv css工具-Dcv css tool to generate
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: asdfasdf | Hits:

[DSP programccsbook

Description: DSP开发环境CSS的中文说明书,对大家学习有帮助-DSP development environment of Chinese CSS specification, the U.S. has to help learning
Platform: | Size: 571392 | Author: 吴此人 | Hits:


Description: CSS教程,DSP源码的开发环境,想掌握DSP2812必备之物-CSS tutorials, DSP-source development environment, I would like to grasp the essential thing DSP2812
Platform: | Size: 617472 | Author: 王博 | Hits:

[WEB CodeVBScript-JavaScript-Dhtml-SQl-WSH-DOM-XML-CSS-ASp.

Description: VBScript JavaScript Dhtml SQL WSH DOM XML CSS ASp等12个参考手册-VBScript JavaScript Dhtml SQL WSH DOM XML CSS ASp 12 Reference Manual
Platform: | Size: 8242176 | Author: goldzhu | Hits:


Description: 说明: 此组件为操作数据库的组件,实现了jdbc的功能,还包含了一些分页功能,实现事务的功能等。 组件中有一些静态的方法,在这些方法中包含了开关数据库的操作,所以用户不需要实例化对象就可以用类名调用这个方法,同时实现对数据库的操作。 组件中非静态的方法则需要实例化对象才可以调用,在实例化过程中会调用构造方法,开启数据库,在最后还要调用关闭数据库的方法。 在测试例子中用了一个main()方法,用户只需将环境配好,运行一下main方法就可以看到结果。 环境搭建: 1.首先建一个web工程。 2.在工程src下面新建两个包smart.css.database和smart.css.util。 3.将Source下的DBHandle.java考到smart.css.database,DateUtils考到smart.css.util下。 4.将Sample下的文件也考到smart.css.database包下。 5.将Enviroument下的jar文件考到WebRoot下的WEB-INF下面。 -Description: This component for operating the database components, to achieve the jdbc function, but also contains a number of paging capability to achieve affairs functions. Component has some static methods, these methods include the switching operation of the database, so users do not need an instance of an object can use the class name to call this method, while achieving the operation of the database. Component Central Africa static method you need to instantiate an object before they can call, in the instantiation process will call the constructor method, open the database, but also in the final call to close the database. In the test case using a main () method, the user simply with a good environment, running about main ways you can see the result. Environmental structures: 1. First, to build a web project. 2. In the new project src the following two packages smart.css.database and smart.css.util. 3. DBHandle.java the Source under test to smart.css.database, D
Platform: | Size: 1187840 | Author: 姜晓燕 | Hits:


Description: 电子阅读器(kindle irex hanlin)使用的阅读器软件,支持ePUB from <idpf> (some css, tables are not supported yet) fb2 e-book format (style attributes are not supported yet). HTML format (tables are not supported). CHM format (tables are not supported). plucker format (tables are not supported). Palm DOC (aportis doc). zTXT (Weasel format). TCR (psion text) format. RTF format (stylesheets and tables are not supported). OEB format (css and tables are not supported). Open Reader format (css and tables are not supported). MOBI Non-DRM ed mobipocket format (tables are not supported). Plain text format. eReader format non-DRM d -FBReader is an eBook reader which aims to be the universal reader program.
Platform: | Size: 4998144 | Author: hehe | Hits:

[WEB Codeffcms

Description: 这是迄今为止最受欢迎的一套网站程序。可以说它集目前所有的网站功能于一体,同时可根据个人的喜好修改网站的信息,定义风格,增删栏目、无限级分类、所有信息可设会员查看权限等等,总之你想怎么改就怎么改!纯DIV+CSS设计,兼容各种流行浏览器。内置多套免费模板,随时实现网站换肤! 下载地址:http://www.ffcms.com/publish/ffcms.rar 后台帐号:admin 后台密码:admin -This is by far the most popular set of an application. Can say that all of the current set of functions in one site, and can modify the site according to personal preference information, the definition of style, add or delete columns, infinite-level classification, all information can be set up so members permission to view, in short, how to change it to how you want Change! Pure DIV+ CSS design, compatible with all popular browsers. Built-in multiple sets of free templates, web site at any time to achieve skin!
Platform: | Size: 4031488 | Author: baby002 | Hits:

[WEB Coded

Description: div+css样式弹出小窗口,可移动关闭,新建小窗口等,易于使用,适合网站开发。-div+ css style small pop-up window can be moved off, the new small window, this is easy to use for website development.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 左文家 | Hits:


Description: Utilisation des certaines critères comme les textures ,la couleur et la forme ,donc en peut associer un vecteurs de caractéristiques pour l’image qui se trouve dans notre base des données , Nous utilisons les maxima de courbure de passage a zéros contours de Curvature Scale Space (CSS) sur l’image comme un vecteur de caractéristiques , l’approche consiste a calculer l’image CSS de chaque frontière et ensuite trouver les maxima des contours CSS comme un discripteur de forme pour comparer des images , les propriétés de base da la representation CSS qui rendent presque unique pour la recherche de similarité sont les suivant  : - Il est robuste par rapport au bruit, l’échelle et l’orientation de l’objet - Il conserve les informations locales de la forme d’entrée. Chaque concavité ou convexité de la forme a ses propres correspondants contour sur l’image CSS, chaque point dans l’axe horizontal de l’image de CSS à son correspondant sur les limites réelles.-Utilisation des certaines critères comme les textures ,la couleur et la forme ,donc en peut associer un vecteurs de caractéristiques pour l’image qui se trouve dans notre base des données , Nous utilisons les maxima de courbure de passage a zéros contours de Curvature Scale Space (CSS) sur l’image comme un vecteur de caractéristiques , l’approche consiste a calculer l’image CSS de chaque frontière et ensuite trouver les maxima des contours CSS comme un discripteur de forme pour comparer des images , les propriétés de base da la representation CSS qui rendent presque unique pour la recherche de similarité sont les suivant  : - Il est robuste par rapport au bruit, l’échelle et l’orientation de l’objet - Il conserve les informations locales de la forme d’entrée. Chaque concavité ou convexité de la forme a ses propres correspondants contour sur l’image CSS, chaque point dans l’axe horizontal de l’image de CSS à son correspondant sur les limites réelles.
Platform: | Size: 973824 | Author: oussama | Hits:


Description: 工业、 java、labview、 Mybatis、SpringMVC(With the rapid development of China's automobile industry, automobile production continues to expand the scale of powertrain development is the core of automotive research and development system, and the need to test, a large number of repeated, large amounts of data generated in the experiment is the core of the core. According to these data, engineers can powertrain optimization and design; and the current situation is generated by most domestic engine R & D center test data is discrete stored in various industrial control computer and in the form of structured and unstructured hybrid storage.)
Platform: | Size: 49694720 | Author: zj132136 | Hits:
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