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[DSP programsensor-closeloop

Description: 这是使用DSP TMS320F2812对无刷励磁直流电机进行有传感器闭环控制的程序-This is the use of DSP TMS320F2812 of brushless DC motor excitation to the sensor has a closed-loop control procedures
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: 黄明明 | Hits:

[DSP programsensorless

Description: 这是一个使用DSP TMS320F2812控制无传感器无刷励磁直流电机的源程序-This is a DSP TMS320F2812 to control the use of sensorless brushless DC motor excitation source
Platform: | Size: 208896 | Author: 黄明明 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个控制发电机的直流励磁程序,采用积分分离PID算法实现,c语言编程-This is a DC generator excitation control procedure for the separation of integral PID algorithm implementation, c language programming
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 黄明明 | Hits:

[Energy industryRD_on_Sensorless_Control_Technology_for_Brushless_

Description: 无刷直流电机无位置传感器控制技术的研究(博士论文)无刷直流电动机利用电子换相代替机械换相,不但具有直流电动机的调速性能,而且体积小、效率高,在许多领域已得到了广泛应用。采用无位置传感器控制技术之后,不但克服了外置式位置传感器的诸多弊病,而且进一步拓宽了无刷直流电机的应用领域。目前,无刷直流电机无位置传感器控制已成为无刷直流电机控制技术的发展方向。 本文纵观了无刷直流电动机的兴起、发展与现状,概括了无刷直流电动机无位置传感器控制技术的现有水平及存在的问题,以研制、开发全直流变转速空调产品为依托,从理论和实践两个方面对这些问题展开了较为全面的研究和讨论。 (1)针对反电动势过零点检测方法和换相点检测方法中存在的不足,分别提出了“延迟90°-α换相”和“超前60°-γ换相”的方法。同时,本文提出的软件、硬件相结合的换相原理突破了单纯依靠硬件电路换相的局限性,拓宽了系统的调速范围,提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。 (2)本文详细阐述了无刷直流电机控制系统中的换相转矩脉动问题,分析了造成换相转矩脉动的原因,通过理论推导,创造性地给出抑制换相转矩脉动的方法,并利用计算机仿真手段及实验对这种换相转矩脉动抑制方法进行了验证。-R&D on Sensorless Control Technology for Brushless DC Motor Brushless DC motor with permanent magnet excitation, in which electrical commutator is used instead of mechanical, has the same good characteristics of speed control as traditional DC motor. Brushless DC motors have found wide application due to their high power density and ease of control. Moreover, the machines have high efficiency over wide speed range.
Platform: | Size: 4206592 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本课题结合无刷直流电机的结构特点,完成控制系统。根据硬件电路设计相应的外围辅助电路,并编辑驱动程序。使控制器具有体积小、功能全、价格低的优点。本课题采用Microchip公司PIC系列单片机16F72作为控制芯片,在降低成本与提高控制性能之间取得较好平衡。根据PIC16F系列单片机的特点设计了系统的控制策略:利用PIC单片机的引脚电平中断控制电机的换相,根据霍尔信号输出6路控制信号驱动电机旋转;利用AD转化功能检测手柄电压,实现给定速度检测,保证响应速度;实现电机正反转转换、启动防冲车、欠压重启电压限制等功能;制定了多项电机保护措施,实现了过流保护、过压保护、欠压保护、过热保护等功能;有详细注释。-Brushless DC motor (BLDC) has the characteristics of simple structure, credible running, easy maintenance and no wastage of excitation. By analyzing the BLDC`s characteristics, this paper has developed a control system. Design the circuit that be attached to existing device. The controller has the advantages of small volume, various function and low price. In this project, 16F72——an PIC-series MCU product of Microchip company has been used. The consideration between low-cost and good-controlling performance has been well balanced by choosing this central-controlling unit.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 兜兜 | Hits:

[Software Engineering123

Description: 本文介绍了基于可控电流源的高精度高细分数步进电机细分驱动方法,采用 PwM(脉冲宽度调制)和5阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器实现了双14位精度较高的DAc,用 于控制精密可控电流源的电流输出,使得励磁线圈中流经的电流为稳定的直流,实现 了步进电机低噪声,高稳定度的细分驱动运行。 -This article describes the controlled current source based on the subdivision number of high precision stepping motor driving method, using PwM (pulse width modulation) and 5-order Butterworth low-pass filter to achieve a double-precision 14-bit high DAc, precision controlled current source for controlling the current output, making the current flowing through the coil excitation for the stability of the DC, stepper motor to achieve a low noise, high stability of the sub-drive operation.
Platform: | Size: 2961408 | Author: 孙文 | Hits:


Description: 通过pwm控制DC电动机的定子电压的Matlab仿真- PWM EXCITATION DC motor
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 李广 | Hits:


Description: adc0804测直流电压,利用分压电阻、激励源作为待转换电压-adc0804 measuring DC voltage, the use of partial pressure resistance, excitation voltage to be converted as
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: feifei | Hits:

[Windows Developmagnetic

Description: 一种稳恒磁场产生装置的设计.pdf,直流励磁,产生可调稳定磁场。-A static magnetic field generating device design. Pdf, dc excitation, resulting in stable adjustable magnetic field.
Platform: | Size: 5552128 | Author: kfkc | Hits:


Description: 自己写,西门子直流调速器2台并联控制,速度与励磁调节系统,里包括一个完整封装的USS通信库,可以用到SIMENSE的其它驱动产品中去-Write, Siemens DC drives 2 parallel control, speed and excitation control system, to include a complete package of USS communication library, you can use SIMENSE to other drives in
Platform: | Size: 1905664 | Author: drxingjian | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsxy7z.ZIP

Description: 基于改进型磁链观测器直流励磁同步电机控制Based on the improved of stator flux observer of DC excitation synchronous motor control-Based on the improved of stator flux observer of DC excitation synchronous motor control
Platform: | Size: 797696 | Author: mp33 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringtransformer-link

Description: 变压器过励磁硕士论文,与直流偏磁有关,非常经典。希望对大家有帮助-A transformer excitation master thesis, and dc partial magnetic relevant, very classic. We want to help
Platform: | Size: 3824640 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本程序是基于verilog HDL语言设计的反馈震荡电路的程序。其构成的电路叫振荡电路。能将直流电转换为具有一定频率交流电信号输出的电子电路或装置。种类很多,按振荡激励方式可分为自激振荡器、他激振荡器;按电路结构可分为阻容振荡器、电感电容振荡器、晶体振荡器、音叉振荡器等;按输出波形可分为正弦波、方波、锯齿波等振荡器。-This program is a feedback oscillator circuit design based on Verilog HDL language program. Constitute a circuit called the oscillation circuit. Able to convert DC to a certain frequency AC signal output of the electronic circuit or device. Many different types of oscillation excitation can be divided into self-excited oscillator excited oscillator RC oscillator, the inductor-capacitor oscillator, crystal oscillator, a tuning fork oscillator circuit structure can be divided into output waveform can be divided into sine wave, square wave, sawtooth oscillator.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 李炳旭 | Hits:

[Energy industrycontrol-of-HVDC

Description: 发电机励磁与高压直流输电的协调控制 : 针对包含励磁控制的发电机与高压直流输电的交直流 互联系统,设计了发电机励磁与高压直流输电的协调控制 器。-Excitation and coordinated control of HVDC: For generator excitation control included with AC and DC HVDC interconnection system designed HVDC generator excitation and coordination controller.
Platform: | Size: 568320 | Author: 王敏华 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemshunt

Description: Wound-field synchronous motors are well-known in industrial drives requiring constant speed irrespective of load. Separately controllable dc excitation in the form of dc field current is a unique feature in the power factor control of such a motor the lagging to leading mode.-Wound-field synchronous motors are well-known in industrial drives requiring constant speed irrespective of load. Separately controllable dc excitation in the form of dc field current is a unique feature in the power factor control of such a motor the lagging to leading mode.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Shahab | Hits:


Description: Applications of photovoltaic solar energy conversion are increasing, and among them are systems of electric motors coupled to solar cell arrays, such as for water pumping. A study of the interaction of the photovoltaic converter and the electric drive is needed for these systems. This paper deals, therefore, with the performance of direct current motors-separate, series and shunt excitation. supplied a solar cell array. The-Applications of photovoltaic solar energy conversion are increasing, and among them are systems of electric motors coupled to solar cell arrays, such as for water pumping. A study of the interaction of the photovoltaic converter and the electric drive is needed for these systems. This paper deals, therefore, with the performance of direct current motors-separate, series and shunt excitation. supplied a solar cell array. The
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: ali | Hits:


Description: It is about modeling and simulation of an D.C motor with excitation series using matlab/simulink software.
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: Youcef | Hits:


Description: It acts in this TP of the regulation the speed of a D.C Motor with separated excitation, supplied with a chopper series, by using a regulator of the Proportional-Integral type (PI). The chopper is a static inverter allowing, starting a source of voltage U continues fixes, to obtain continuous a U_c voltage of variable median value. One uses a static switch for ` to chop ` the voltage continues and to feed a load. We will be interested in the particular case of a chopper series whose one can order the cyclic report/ratio α. -It acts in this TP of the regulation the speed of a D.C Motor with separated excitation, supplied with a chopper series, by using a regulator of the Proportional-Integral type (PI). The chopper is a static inverter allowing, starting a source of voltage U continues fixes, to obtain continuous a U_c voltage of variable median value. One uses a static switch for ` to chop ` the voltage continues and to feed a load. We will be interested in the particular case of a chopper series whose one can order the cyclic report/ratio α.
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: Youcef | Hits:

[Energy industry3_9PSCAD

Description: 同步发电机3机9节点模型,包含水轮机和汽轮机,直流励磁和交流励磁,能够稳定运行,观察潮流-Synchronous Generator Unit 3 9 node model, including turbines and steam turbines, DC excitation and AC excitation, stable operation, observe trends
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 蔡秋瞳 | Hits:


Description: This is an algorithm that simulates a Dc motor with independent excitation. The results were validated with real data obtained real machines.-This is an algorithm that simulates a Dc motor with independent excitation. The results were validated with real data obtained real machines.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Student | Hits:
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