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扭曲图像形状源码,对图像进行变形,如扭曲,双线性空间变换等-distorted images shape source, the image deformation, such as distortions, bilinear space conversion, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 817kb Publisher : 何薇

给定栅格图象及其变形后的栅格图象,首先确定各栅格交叉点的位移,然后采用控制栅格的方法编写实现图象几何校正的程序。-given raster image deformation and the raster image, the first to determine the grid Crosspoint the displacement, then use the control Raster Image prepared geometric correction procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : 胡雪飞

DL : 0
一个有意思的实用小程序:在屏幕上显示一个小精灵,通过设置可以控制小精灵的行为,使其能够行走,变形,休息,还可以设置闹钟定时提醒等。很有趣!-an interesting practical small : on the screen shows an elf, By setting can control the elves, to enable it to operate, deformation, rest, but also can set alarm clocks regular reminders. Very interesting!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.58mb Publisher : 婷婷

ransac是常用的稳健计算机视觉的方法,可用于两幅影像的配准。本源代码用仿摄模型模拟两影像的几何变形,用ransac算法来剔除错误匹配点,得到最终的仿摄参数。-ransac is commonly used in computer vision of a stable, two images can be used for the registration. Imitating source code model perturbation two images of the geometric deformation, ransac algorithm used to remove erroneous match point, imitation is the ultimate parameter perturbations.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 陈艳

这是用于工程测量进行大坝变形分析的软件,比较有价值,欢迎试用。-This is for engineering measurements dam deformation analysis software, valuable, welcomed the trial.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 145kb Publisher : 王超

This paper presents an interactive technique that produces static hairstyles by generating individual hair strands of the desired shape and color, subject to the presence of gravity and collisions. A variety of hairstyles can be generated by adjusting the wisp parameters, while the deformation is solved efficiently, accounting for the effects of gravity and collisions. Wisps are generated employing statistical approaches. As for hair deformation, we propose a method which is based on physical simulation concepts but is simplified to efficiently solve the static shape of hair. On top of the statistical wisp model and the deformation solver, a constraint-based styler is proposed to model artificial features that oppose the natural flow of hair under gravity and hair elasticity, such as a hairpin. Our technique spans a wider range of human hairstyles than previously proposed methods, and the styles generated by this technique are fairly realistic.-This paper presents an interactive techni que that produces static NAR by generat ing individual hair strands of the desired shap e and color. subject to the presence of gravity and collisio ns. A variety of NAR can be generated by a djusting the wisp parameters, while the deformation is solved efficiently, accounting for the effects of gravity and colli sions. Wisps are generated employing statisti cal approaches. As for hair deformation. we propose a method which is based on physical si mulation concepts but is simplified to efficie ntly solve the static shape of hair. On top of the wisp statistical model and the deformation sol ver. a constraint-based styler is proposed to model artificial features that oppose the natural fl ow under gravity of hair and hair elasticity. such as a hairpi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.62mb Publisher : Andy

基于三角剖分的图像变形(Morph)代码,见中国图象图形学报,2003,8(6):641—646 "基于Delaunnay三角剖分的图象变形技术研究"-Triangulation-based image deformation (Morph) code, see the Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, 2003,8 (6) :641-646,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : gabriel

在Visual C++开发环境中,利用分形技术,同时结合动画效果,产生变形的圆-In Visual C++ Development environment, the use of fractal technology, combined with animation effects, resulting in deformation of a round
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 蒋丽涛

Visual C++ 基于粒子系统的弹性形变 结合PHANToM设备使用 适合于触觉编程-Visual C++ Particle system based on the combination of elastic deformation of the PHANTOM device is suitable for tactile programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 387kb Publisher : 潘家辉

给定栅格图象及其变形后的栅格图象,请你首先确定各栅格交叉点的位移,然后采用控制栅格的方法编写实现图象几何校正的程序。-Given raster images and raster images after deformation, you first determine the grid cross-point displacement, and then using the control method of preparation of raster realize image geometric correction procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 125kb Publisher : 张宏基

主动轮廓的MATLAB实现算法,主要用于图像分割,基于其的变形有很多优点-Active Contour realize the MATLAB algorithm, mainly used for image segmentation, based on its deformation has many advantages
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : 明明

Multiphase segmentation of deformation using logarithmic priors (2007)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.28mb Publisher : xiaojun

绘制完成的工作面沿倾向方向的水平变形曲面图形和生成的倾向方向水平变形等值线图-Drawing completed face along the inclined surface direction of horizontal deformation generated graphics and the tendency of the direction of horizontal deformation isogram
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 小云

选取两幅图像的对应点后计算出变形函数,图像变形后再将两幅图像镶嵌为同一副图像-Select the two images correspond to point out the deformation function, image deformation and then to two images for the same Vice-image mosaic
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 154kb Publisher : 卢天华

四面体网格划分的有限元计算源代码,在将变形体划分为四面体后,输入节点坐标,程序利用弹塑性本构,将载荷和位移关系转变为线性方程组,是一个很好的求解简单三维变形体的程序,还可输出单元变形量,应力等。-Tetrahedral mesh of the finite element method source code, in the deformed tetrahedron is divided into, the input node coordinates, the program using elastic-plastic constitutive, will be the relationship between load and displacement into linear equations, is a very good Solving a simple three-dimensional deformation body procedures, but also the output unit deformation, stress and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : jzhee_mail

DL : 0
岩体非连续变形分析,该部分的作用是前处理:数据准备和划分网格。-Discontinuous deformation analysis of rock mass, the part of the role is to pre-processing: data preparation and classification of the grid.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : liugang

岩体非连续变形分析的后处理部分:图形显示和输出。-Discontinuous deformation analysis of rock post-processing parts: graphical display and output.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : liugang

弹塑性小变形程序,用于计算弹塑性的小变形,另附有一些简单的例子-Small elastic-plastic deformation process used to calculate the elastic-plastic small deformation, there is an additional example of some simple
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 刘夏

DL : 0
几篇关于ffd自由变形算法的英文论文 十分难得哦-Several articles on ffd free-form deformation algorithm is very rare in English papers oh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.74mb Publisher : shuxin

(l)提出了基于最小二乘网格的自由变形技术。以最小二乘网格作为原始网格 的低分辨率网格,将两者之间的高低频差用局部标架编码,达到保持网格模型的 表面几何细节的目的。算法基本思想就是利用网格自由变形技术(均值坐标)控 制低分辨率的最小二乘网格,而不是直接控制原始网格 然后通过局部标架编码 重建变形后的网格。-(L) proposed a free-form deformation based on least squares of the grid technology. The least square grid as the original low-resolution mesh grid, the difference between the two high frequency frames with local codes, to maintain the mesh of the surface geometry details of the purpose. The basic idea is to use grid algorithm is free-form deformation techniques (mean coordinates) to control low-resolution least-squares grid, rather than direct control of the original mesh and then re-encoded frame by local deformation of the grid.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.96mb Publisher : 周保兴
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