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[OpenGL programOpenGl_2

Description: 计算机图形学实验中的其中一个,学习了绘制图形时所需填写的基本函数及各个属性,设计卡通人造型,实现卡通人的行走。-Computer Graphics experiment one of the study required for drawing graphics to fill the basic function and all property, design modeling cartoon people, cartoon people realize the walk.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesLlkGameFlash

Description: VB写的一款宠物连连看游戏源代码,带有声音,宠物卡通头像,很逗,游戏分高、中、低不同难度,不过好像游戏在设计时候有点小BUG,就是在玩游戏的时候,在选中任一头像时如果点击鼠标右键的话,头像会消失,建议把右键禁止掉,这样就完美了。-Written in a VB Lianliankan pet game source code, with the voice of a cartoon pet portrait, it is funny, games at high, medium and low different degree of difficulty, but it seems a little game time in the design of small BUG, is playing a game, and when select any one image, if the right mouse button click, the head will disappear, it is proposed to prohibit the out right, so perfect.
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: Pennsylvania | Hits:


Description: 可用性设计是Web设计中最重要也是难度最大的一项任务。本书作者根据多年从业的经验,剖析用户的心理,在用户使用模式、为扫描进行设计、导航设计、主页布局、可用性测试等方面提出了许多独特的观点,并给出了大量简单、易行的可用性设计的建议。本书短小精练,语言轻松诙谐,书中穿插大量色彩丰富的屏幕截图、趣味丛生的卡通插图以及包含大量信息的图表,使枯燥的设计原理变得平易近人。-Web design, usability design is the most important and most difficult task. Author of this book based on years of practice experience, the psychological analysis of users, in user mode, to scan the design, navigation design, home page layout, usability testing put forward a number of unique views, and gives a lot of simple, easy the availability of the design proposals. This book short and concise, easy to humorous language the book is interspersed screenshot of a large number of colorful, fun cartoon illustrations, as well as clusters of large amount of information that contains the chart, so boring design principles have become approachable.
Platform: | Size: 32499712 | Author: 王齐 | Hits:

[Database systemSource

Description: 某银行拟开发一套ATM取款机系统,实现如下功能: 1、开户(到银行填写开户申请单,卡号自动生成) 2、取钱 3、存钱 4、查询余额 5、转账(如使用一卡通代缴手机话费、个人股票交易等) 现要求对“ATM柜员机系统”进行数据库的设计并实现,数据库保存在D:\bank目录下,文件增长率为15 。 -Intended to develop an ATM of a bank teller machine system to achieve the following functions: 1, open an account (complete bank account opening application form, card number, automatically generated) 2, to collect the money 3, save four, query the balance of 5, transfers (such as the use of a Cartoon payment of phone calls, personal stock, etc.) is called for " ATM ATM system" for database design and implementation, the database stored in D: \ bank directory, the file growth rate of 15 .
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Daniel | Hits:

[OS programcartoon

Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。 -Design a cartoon figure, the program can complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) mapping using different models designed to display graphics (3) and MM_ANISOTROPIC MM_ISOTROPIC two mapping mode, the conversion factor to adjust the graph to zoom in and out.
Platform: | Size: 6738944 | Author: wscnwps | Hits:


Description: 北师大易语言教程 到目前为止,我们已经有了丰富的使用软件的经验。我们可以很自如的使用文字处理类软件写文章、制作版面精美的报刊;可以使用图片处理软件制作出创意新奇的宣传画;或者用画图软件描绘出自己设计的卡通人物等等;但是无论我们的使用计算机的经验多么丰富,我们一直都是处于一种“使用者”的层面上。一直在使用或者说创造性的使用他人编制好的软件来解决问题。-Beijing Normal University and easy language tutorial so far, we have a wealth of experience in the use of software. We can be very comfortable using word processing type of software writing, producing beautiful pages of newspapers can use image processing software to produce creative novelty of the posters or paint with drawing software cartoon characters of their own design, etc. But regardless of our how rich the experience of using computers, we have always been in a " user" level. Has been creative in the use or the preparation of a good use of other software to solve the problem.
Platform: | Size: 1285120 | Author: 白云 | Hits:

[Button controlKaTong

Description: 卡通动画 (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 -Cartoon Animation (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use a different mapping mode to display the graphic design
Platform: | Size: 958464 | Author: 彭亚兴 | Hits:

[WEB Codecartoon

Description: 自己设计的一个网站 框架假设各种设计 具有播放器-Framework to design a website design has assumed a variety of players
Platform: | Size: 10130432 | Author: 张博 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesCangShuQiu

Description: 仓鼠球 这是一款平衡球类的休闲小游戏,换面非常卡通,色彩斑斓,犹如置身于一个缤纷的玩具世界。游戏虽然很小,但游戏性、耐玩性却极高,非常挑战控制能力,以及考验平衡感。游戏关卡设计极其有趣丰富,能让人一直保持新鲜感。-Hamster ball is a balance ball games, casual games, change the face very cartoon, colorful, like being in a colorful world of toys. Despite its small game, but the game playable sex was very high, very challenging control capabilities, as well as a test of balance. Game level design is extremely interesting, and something people have been to keep it fresh.
Platform: | Size: 8455168 | Author: sunyong | Hits:


Description: 数字电路与逻辑设计 用Quartus7.2 编辑的点阵灯控工程文件,让8*8的LED点阵能够按照不同的方式显示图像,数字等-Digital circuit and logic design using Quartus7.2 to design a cartoon by VHDL language.
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 波比丫头 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpay-request

Description: 支付系统-总体需求说明书 全套设计,包括:快捷支付,卡通支付,安全认证,财务系统,运营管理系统-Payment system- overall requirements specification a full range of design, including: quick payment, cartoon payment, security certification, financial systems, operations management systems
Platform: | Size: 868352 | Author: langlang | Hits:

[Windows Develophuatu

Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能:    (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用    (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。-Design a cartoon map, the program is able to complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use a different mapping mode to display the graphic design (3) in two mapping modes MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, adjust the conversion factor graphs can zoom in and out.
Platform: | Size: 947200 | Author: 韩自强 | Hits:


Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。 (4)具有水平和垂直滚动功能。 -Design a cartoon map, the program is able to complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use a different mapping mode to display the graphic design (3) in two mapping modes MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, adjust the conversion factor graphs can zoom in and out. (4) has horizontal and vertical scroll functions.
Platform: | Size: 1175552 | Author: wth | Hits:


Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。 (4)具有水平和垂直滚动功能。 -Design a cartoon map, the program is able to complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use a different mapping mode to display the graphic design (3) in two mapping modes MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, adjust the conversion factor graphs can zoom in and out. (4) has horizontal and vertical scroll functions.
Platform: | Size: 14143488 | Author: 向添铎 | Hits:


Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。-Design a cartoon map, the program is able to complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use a different mapping mode to display the graphic design (3) in two mapping modes MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, adjust the conversion factor graphs can zoom in and out.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 刘佩佩 | Hits:

[OpenGL program3d-simple-design

Description: 一个简单的3D卡通形象设计,适合初学者学习参考-A simple 3D cartoon image design, suitable for beginners to learn
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Rany | Hits:

[OpenGL program3d-simple-design

Description: 一个简单的3D卡通形象设计,适合初学者学习参考-A simple 3D cartoon image design, suitable for beginners to learn
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: ichsur | Hits:

[Web Servercatt

Description: 白领小说网小偷程序v2.0,第一时间更新腾讯书库白领小说网小说,重新美化设计页面,较前一版本增加很多实用功能,包括优化了关键词等等,非常利于搜索引擎的收录,加上你自己的广告,每月可以有一比不小的收入了!欢迎大家去演示地址先去看看,适合您再下载,谢谢!-White-collar thieves novel network program v2.0, update the first time Tencent Cartoon collar fiction novel network, re-landscaping design pages, compared with the previous version adds many useful features, including optimized keywords, etc., it is very conducive to search engine included, plus on your own ads, you can have a monthly income of not less than that! Welcome everyone to go to see the demo address for you to download again, thank you!
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 周晓梅 | Hits:


Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。-Design a cartoon map, the program can complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) using a different mapping mode to display the graphic design (3) in MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC two mapping mode, conversion factor regulating the patterning can zoom in and out.
Platform: | Size: 11993088 | Author: 郝聪明 | Hits:


Description: 设计一个卡通图,程序能够完成如下功能: (1)能够体现画笔和画刷的使用 (2)使用不同的映射模式来显示所设计的图形 (3)在MM_ISOTROPIC和MM_ANISOTROPIC两种映射模式下,通过调节换算因子使图形能够放大和缩小。(Design a cartoon diagram, the program can complete the following functions: (1) to reflect the use of pen and brush (2) use different mapping patterns to display the designed graphics (3) in the two mapping modes of MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, the graphics can be enlarged and reduced by adjusting the conversion factor.)
Platform: | Size: 3582976 | Author: 火幻 | Hits:
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