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关于DirectX中DirectDraw的运用,用MFC框架写的,特别适合熟悉VC的朋友学习DirectX编程.-DirectDraw DirectX on the use of MFC framework used to write, especially for a friend familiar with the VC learning DirectX programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 140kb Publisher : 钟志勇

这是用Visual Basic写的不使用DirectX和OpenGL实现可转动的三维框架并可以计算帧频。-This is written in Visual Basic do not use DirectX and OpenGL 3D rotation can framework and frame rate can be calculated.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : ali

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的网络游戏,可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。-This is a server/client model of online games, can connect multi-player, even the most number of players as to the configuration of the computer which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.57mb Publisher : 关俊宇

打造你自己的RPG 圣剑英雄传2制作过程深度解析.《圣剑英雄传II 双刃剑》是金点工作组刚刚推出不久的一款共享RPG。这个游戏和其他的游戏相比,有一个最为特别的地方,那就是游戏完全没有加密,开放一切资源:包括图片,音乐、音效,脚本等等等等。这就意味着,我们已经拥有了一个RPG的框架,只要加上我们自己的东西,一个属于我们自己的RPG就诞生了!金点工作组这样做是为了鼓励更多的人加入游戏制作的行列,他们也非常欢迎大家通过修改他们的《圣II》来制作自己的RPG,并希望大家将修改的成果寄给他们,好放在他们的网站上发扬光大。-create your own hero RPG-SHENG- JIAN-SU 2 analytic depth of the production process. "SHENG- JIAN-SU Heroes II double-edged sword." The point is the Working Group has just launched one of the soon-sharing RPG. The game and other games, it has one of the most special places, the game is not encrypted, open all resources : including pictures, music, sound, script, etc. This means that we have to have an RPG framework, plus our own things. a part of our birth on the RPG! The Working Group point of doing so is to encourage more people to join the ranks of the game produced, They also welcome you to revise their "Santa II" to produce their own RPG. and hope that we will amend the results sent to them, and good on their website flourish.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 802kb Publisher : Jully

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D3D学习文档 第一部分 必备的数学知识 第二部分 Direct3D基础 第二章 渲染管线 第三章 在Direct3D中绘制 第四章 色彩 第五章 灯光 第六章 纹理 第七章 混合 第八章 模版 第九章 字体 第十章 网格模型I 第十一章 网格模型II 第十二章 创建灵活的摄像机类 第十三章 地形渲染基础 第十四章 粒子系统 第十五章 选取 第十六章 高级着色器语言入门 第十七章 顶点着色器入门 第十八章 像素着色器入门 第十九章 效果架构-Display study documents the first part of the necessary mathematical knowledge of Direct3D based on the second chapter outlet with the third chapter in the pipeline Direct3D Drawing fourth chapter V color lighting texture Chapter VI Chapter VII of the 8th Mixed Chapter IX font template Chapter 10 Mesh I Chapter XI Mesh II Chapter 12 to create a flexible camera Category Chapter 13 Terrain Rendering based particle system Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 selected senior shader language portal Chapter 17 Vertex shader introductory chapter 18 pixel shader effects portal framework for chapter 19
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.09mb Publisher : zhouyinye

directx编程的基本框架,包括一系列出始化,程序的循环等。-directx programming the basic framework, including a series of before, and the circulation procedures.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 吕风

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加载一个3d模型,以及材质的载入,灯光渲染,程序框架。-Load a 3d model, as well as material loading, lighting rendering, procedural framework.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 吕风

提供两种dirctx的方法,win32构架基本完成 另一种,将directx进行类封装,很容易直接使用-Dirctx offers two methods, win32 basic framework for the completion of another will be carried out category directx package, it is easy to direct the use of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : huiwu

这是一个完全用C#写的引擎,全部是自己实现的,大约有1万行代码。目标是构造一个健壮、高效、动态的3D引擎(不仅限于游戏)。渲染框架借鉴了OGRE/Axiom,去掉了跨平台和跨图形API的能力并尽量使用DirectX自带的功能,结构得到了很大的简化。-This is an entirely C# Write the engine, the full realization of their own, about one million lines of code. Goal is to construct a robust, efficient, dynamic 3D engine (not limited to games). Rendering framework draws on OGRE/Axiom, removing the cross-platform and cross-graphics API and the ability to make full use of DirectX
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : 黄伦新

DirectX基础(初级篇) 1、什么是DirectX? 2、如何安装和使用DirectX 3、一个DirectDraw入门程序 4、DirectDraw图形编程基础知识 DirectDraw核心(高级篇) 1、DirectDraw架构 2、控制级 3、显示模式 4、DirectDraw对象 5、页面 6、调色板 7、裁减器 8、多显示器系统 9、高级DirectDraw主题 DirectDraw函数、结构参考 1、IDirectDraw2接口函数 2、IDirectDrawSurface3接口 3、IDirectDrawPalette接口 4、IDirectDrawClipper接口 5、全局函数 -DirectX basic (primary chapter) 1, What is DirectX? 2, how to install and use DirectX 3, a DirectDraw entry procedures 4, DirectDraw graphical programming core of basic knowledge of DirectDraw (Senior Part) 1, DirectDraw framework 2, control level 3, display mode 4, DirectDraw object 5, page 6, palette plate 7, the reduction of 8, 9 multi-display system, the theme of DirectDraw Advanced DirectDraw function, structure, reference 1, IDirectDraw2 interface function 2, IDirectDrawSurface3 interface 3, IDirectDrawPalette interface 4, IDirectDrawClipper interface 5, the overall function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 沈浪

用Directx9实现由高度图生成3D地形 开发环境VC6.0+directx9 2008/6/12 by huangzanzhen 操作: WASD旋转场景,箭头控制视角,M改变渲染模式,F1全屏切换,ESC退出 程序有详细注释,程序框架设计合理,方便添加后续功能,学习direct编程的朋友可以下载下来研究-With directx9 map from a high degree of development environment to generate 3D terrain VC6.0+ Directx9 2008/6/12 by huangzanzhen operation: WASD rotating scenes, the arrow control perspective, M to change the rendering mode, F1 to switch full screen, ESC to withdraw from the process detailed notes, procedural framework designed to facilitate follow-up feature to add, learning programming direct friends can download study
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 696kb Publisher : hzz

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Directx框架代码,渲染了一个简单的多边形,但是这个就足够了,因为任何复杂的图形都可以用多边形来构造。-DirectX framework code, rendering a simple polygon, but this would be sufficient, because any complex graphics can be used to construct the polygon.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 白改朝

一个极为少见的用MFC框架+DIRECTX做的3d程序。-An extremely rare with MFC framework+ DIRECTX make the 3d program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 赵群

 Visual C#使用Direct X的实现视频播放有以下几点:   1. 掌握在Visual C#引入Dirext X函数库的方法。   2. 设置Direct X视频播放的宿主组件。   3. 基本的播放命令的设置:播放、停止、暂停等。 4.全屏、退出的用法。 .net Framework SDK中并没有包含Direct X SDK,所以必须先下载、安装Direct X SDK。具体的下载地址为:。此版本是2005四月份推出的英文版。这并不妨碍下面的程序实现。安装完Direct X后,就会在存在"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX"这样一个目录,此目录中目录中应该有九个DLL文件和九个XML文件。九个DLL文件大致对应于DirectX中的十个命名空间。编程中就是使用其中的命名空间来提供对输入设备、声音、网络播放、图形等的支持。-err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : guoliang

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精通DirectX 3D图形与动画程序设计 第11章 应用程序框架 245 11.1 生成一个Direct3D程序框架 245 11.2 使用Direct3D程序框架 247 11.3 Direct3D程序框架剖析 251 11.3.1 DXUT简介 251 11.3.2 初始化DXUT 253 11.3.3 DXUT框架与应用程序窗口 254 11.3.4 DXUT框架与Direct3D设备 256-Proficient in DirectX 3D graphics and animation programming Chapter 11 Application Framework 245 11.1 generate a Direct3D Framework 245 11.2 use Direct3D Framework 247 11.3 Direct3D Framework Analysis 251 11.3.1 DXUT Introduction 251 11.3.2 Initialization DXUT 253 11.3. 3 DXUT framework and application window 254 11.3.4 DXUT framework and Direct3D device 256
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.9mb Publisher : Diego Guo

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基于DX9的基本3D引擎,有良好的引擎框架,有兴趣的可以继续完善-A 3D engine based on directx 9.0c, and it has well engine s framework, the man should advanced it by your own code into it
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.13mb Publisher : wuwenxi

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Engine Introduction Many people have asked me for the DirectX demo C++ source code, so here it is. The Demo framework I ve build for creating the demos consist of the following components: * Kernel system, with scene manager, camera and simple culling. * Model loading (.x files) and collision detection. I ve made my models with Delgine and exported to .x file. * The usual frustum, resource, log classes etc. * Rendering with HLSL shader (no fixed function pipeline drawing). * Cube and stencil shadows. Environment mapping onto object. * Settings manager for parsing simple setup data from text file. * HUD elements and UI buttons. * Simple emitter system for smoke and fire effects. * Screen distort effects (haze effects etc). * Skybox and clouds, just to avoid a blue/black background. * ODE physic integration so we can throw around with simple objects. * TODO: Skinning animations, add level editor, and a lot more ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.73mb Publisher : bokyaw

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用Directx编写的基本程序框架,便于进一步的开发-Prepared with the basic procedures Directx framework to facilitate further development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.46mb Publisher : 李治权

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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 663kb Publisher : hierro

ChiliTomatoNoodle Directx Framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : Ahmed98gmail
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