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Programming Role-Playing Games(RPG游戏) With Directx-Programming Role-Playing Games (RPG) With DirectX
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 40.95mb Publisher : none

 提到 RPG (角色扮演游戏,Role Play Game),在座各位恐怕没有不熟悉的。从古老经典的 DOS 版《仙剑奇侠传》到新潮花哨的《轩辕剑》系列,无不以曲折优美的故事情节,美丽可人的主角,悦耳动情的背景音乐,震撼了每一个玩家的心灵。而说到 RPG,就不能不提 DirectX,因为 PC 上大部分的 RPG 都是用这个冬冬开发的。早在《轩辕剑叁外传——天之痕》推出的时候,我就曾想过用 DirectX 写一个自己的 RPG,自己来安排故事情节的发展,却总是因为这样或那样的事情,一直没有能够实现这个心愿。在耗费了宝贵的几年青春,搞定了诸如考试、恋爱、出国等琐碎杂事之后,我终于可以在这个 SARS 肆虐的时代,坐在陪伴了我整个大学生涯的电脑前,听着颓废而又声嘶力竭的不知名歌曲,写一些一直想写却没有写的东西。-mentioned RPG (role-playing game, Role Play Game) No, I am afraid you are not familiar with. From the old classic DOS version of "goods" to the garish hip "X-Men" series, all twists and turns to a beautiful story, beautiful girl, the protagonist, the emotionally pleasant background music, each one shook the player's minds. Talking about the RPG, one has to mention DirectX. because most of the PC RPG has been used in the development of the boys. Back in the "X-Men San rumor -- Tianzhigen" launched, I once thought of using DirectX write their own RPG, to arrange their own story of development, because it is a way or another things have not been able to achieve this aspiration. Wasting precious years of their youth, to get as examinations, love and leave the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.25mb Publisher : 李金鹏

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的网络游戏,可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。-This is a server / client model of online games, can connect multi-player, even the most number of players as to the configuration of the computer which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.57mb Publisher : 关俊宇

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。比上次上存的版本有所完善。-This is a server / client model of a small network games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up even as the number of players you computer configuration which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works. On deposit from the last version is perfect.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 关俊宇

用VB来写的DirectX RPG游戏!用VB来写的DirectX RPG游戏!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 40.96kb Publisher : zhouhui

本人初学C和directx时编的RPG游戏源码,XP和98下VC6.0编译通过。-beginner C and I am part of DirectX RPG source, XP and 98 VC6.0 compile.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : 晓斌

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.33mb Publisher : 肖伟

本人初学C和directx时编的RPG游戏源码,XP和98下VC6.0编译通过。-beginner C and I am part of DirectX RPG source, XP and 98 VC6.0 compile.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : 晓斌

用VC++7.0+DirectX7.0做的一个简单的RPG的游戏的小程序-a simple game for RPG game, which is based on VC++ 7.0 plus Direct C7.0 languages
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 65kb Publisher : 飞影

Programming Role-Playing Games(RPG游戏) With Directx-Programming Role-Playing Games (RPG) With DirectX
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40.95mb Publisher : 站长

 提到 RPG (角色扮演游戏,Role Play Game),在座各位恐怕没有不熟悉的。从古老经典的 DOS 版《仙剑奇侠传》到新潮花哨的《轩辕剑》系列,无不以曲折优美的故事情节,美丽可人的主角,悦耳动情的背景音乐,震撼了每一个玩家的心灵。而说到 RPG,就不能不提 DirectX,因为 PC 上大部分的 RPG 都是用这个冬冬开发的。早在《轩辕剑叁外传——天之痕》推出的时候,我就曾想过用 DirectX 写一个自己的 RPG,自己来安排故事情节的发展,却总是因为这样或那样的事情,一直没有能够实现这个心愿。在耗费了宝贵的几年青春,搞定了诸如考试、恋爱、出国等琐碎杂事之后,我终于可以在这个 SARS 肆虐的时代,坐在陪伴了我整个大学生涯的电脑前,听着颓废而又声嘶力竭的不知名歌曲,写一些一直想写却没有写的东西。-mentioned RPG (role-playing game, Role Play Game) No, I am afraid you are not familiar with. From the old classic DOS version of "goods" to the garish hip "X-Men" series, all twists and turns to a beautiful story, beautiful girl, the protagonist, the emotionally pleasant background music, each one shook the player's minds. Talking about the RPG, one has to mention DirectX. because most of the PC RPG has been used in the development of the boys. Back in the "X-Men San rumor-- Tianzhigen" launched, I once thought of using DirectX write their own RPG, to arrange their own story of development, because it is a way or another things have not been able to achieve this aspiration. Wasting precious years of their youth, to get as examinations, love and leave the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.25mb Publisher : 李金鹏

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的网络游戏,可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。-This is a server/client model of online games, can connect multi-player, even the most number of players as to the configuration of the computer which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.57mb Publisher : 关俊宇

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。比上次上存的版本有所完善。-This is a server/client model of a small network games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up even as the number of players you computer configuration which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works. On deposit from the last version is perfect.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 关俊宇

Programming Role-playing Games With DirectX 一书附送的源代码,可以很容易的开发自己的3DRPG~-Programming Role-playing Games With Dire ctX a book attached to the source code could easily develop its own 3DRPG ~
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.75mb Publisher : PanYupin

用VB来写的DirectX RPG游戏!用VB来写的DirectX RPG游戏!-Using VB to write DirectX RPG game! Using VB to write DirectX RPG game!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : zhouhui

DL : 0
DirectX角色扮演游戏编程第二版的最后一章的源代码,作者整合了之前的游戏引擎和其他组件开发了一个小RPG游戏。-DirectX role-playing game programming second edition of the final chapter of the source code, the author integrates the pre-game engine and other components to develop a small RPG game.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.59mb Publisher : FAF

DL : 0
一个RPG小游戏,初学Directx的人可以研究研究-A RPG game, DirectX beginner can look
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.33mb Publisher : 肖伟

DirectX学习范例: 2D RPG类游戏编程学习-DirectX learning example: 2D RPG game programming learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 700kb Publisher : 好好学习

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。公开出来供大家参考。-This is a server/client model of small-scale online games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up to the number of players even as you set the computer' s configuration Hello. Andre LaMothe Masters Games in accordance with the DirectX RPG Game Programming book into. Open up for your reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.39mb Publisher : simple1day

[游戏开发参考书-用DirectX编写RPG游戏]这是一个系列的丛书如果你都看并且懂的话你就可以你工作啦!-[Game development reference books- prepared with DirectX games RPG] This is a series of books and see if you have to understand if you can you work it!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33.1mb Publisher : 李磊
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