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Channel estimation in using BEM model-especially in the doubly selective channel estimation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : Denver

无线通信信道建模,利用MATLAB工具进行的建模-Wireless communication channel modeling
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 466kb Publisher : 季纬

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同时具有时间选择性和频率选择性衰落的无线通信信道,我们称之为双选择性衰落信道[1-4]。研究在双选择性衰落信道下,实现最优的收发机设计,使其尽可能减小时频双选衰落,尤其是时间选择性衰落对系统性能的影响,提高系统对多普勒扩展和时延扩展的鲁棒性,对实现高速移动下的高速率、高质量的宽带传输具有十分重要的意义。-We consider the estimation of doubly selective wireless channels within pulseshaping multicarrier systems (which include OFDM systems as a special case). A pilotassisted channel estimation technique using the methodology of compressed sensing (CS) is proposed.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : 徐微

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近十几年来,发展了一些相关的通信技术以最大的利用双选择性衰落信道的时间选择性和频率选择性.本文提出了一种新的基于训练序列的信道估计方法。-Coherent data communication over doubly-selective channels requires that the channel response be known at the receiver. Training-based schemes, which involve probing of the channel with known signaling waveforms and processing of the corresponding channel output to estimate the channel parameters, are commonly employed to learn the channel response in practice.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 155kb Publisher : 徐微

Ergodic Capacity of Doubly Selective Rayleigh Fading MIMO Channels
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 186kb Publisher : sun2012flower

SCARA(Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 265kb Publisher : 张东

Vehicular channel is characterized by non- stationarity and doubly selective nature. The term doubly selective implies that they have both time varying and frequency selective behaviour. The material attached here address this features.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5.24mb Publisher : John

pilot design over doubly selective channels,channel estimation report
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : balaram

the Compressed Sensing (CS) methods in general and analyze the performance of Compressive Channel Estimation (CCE). CCE is an application of the theory and methodology of CS to the problem of estimating doubly selective channels in multicarrier systems. Based on the basic theories, a simulation tool will be built by using the MATLAB software package
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 213kb Publisher : chuxuanbach

we present a new space–time block code for timeand frequency-selective (doubly-selective) channels. It can be interpreted as the extension of the Alamouti code to doubly-selective channels, and relies on a joint time–frequency reversal of the transmitted sequences. Under certain channel conditions, the proposed space–time block code belongs to the class that achieves full spatial, delay, and Doppler diversity using a maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver, as well as a linear zero-forcing (LZF) or linear minimum mean-squared error (LMMSE) receiver. For realistic doubly-selective channels, a real-valued linear data model is presented, for which different receiver structures can be developed.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : phuong

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ns STBC for purely time-selective channels by transforming the time-selective channels into frequency-selective channels, and by adjusting existing space–time code designs over frequency-selective MIMO channels to collect joint space–Doppler gains over purely time-selective MIMO channels. Further, [14] uses the ideas of [12] to develop a space–time code that can achieve full space-delay-Doppler diversity for any number of transmit–receive antennas. However, to quantify the maximum Doppler diversity order [2], the above papers rely on a parsimonious critically sampled complex-exponential basis expansion model (CCE-BEM) for the underlying purely time-selective or doubly-selective channels [16]. However, the CCE-BEM may have a large modeling error under certain channel conditions
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : phuong

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In this paper, we develop a novel STBC for multi-antenna transmissions over doubly-selective channels. The proposed STBC is designed for a multiple-input single-output (MISO) system with two transmit antennas and one receive antenna, i.e., a 2 1 system, but the ideas can be extended to a general multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. The proposed technique can be interpreted as the extension of the Alamouti code to doubly-selective channels, and relies on a joint time–frequency reversal of the transmitted sequences.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : phuong

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Orthogonal STBC [4], [5] has been designed to achieve the spatial diversity offered by multiple transmit and/or receive antennas. The STBC schemes proposed in [4] and [5] are designed for flat-fading channels, which lead to a performance degradation in time- and frequency-selective channels. Our goal is to design efficient STBC schemes to counteract the effects of doubly-selective channels. The basic idea of the proposed STBC for a 21 system is to multiplex the data sequence in two data subsequences and to generate two orthogonal full-diversity subchannels over doubly-selective channels. Then, we apply a scheme that is similar to the Alamouti code.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : phuong

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Both these questions can be answered by assuming a restrictive yet simple doubly-selective channel model. More specifically, we assume ablock fading CCE-BEMchannel, which is defined as a block fading channel where the time-variation subblock to subblock is modeled by a CCE-BEM. Hence, we first develop and analyze the STBC under this block fading CCE-BEM channel model, and then, we show how to decode the STBC for real-life channels, which do not exactly fit this block fading CCE-BEM channel model-Both these questions can be answered by assuming a restrictive yet simple doubly-selective channel model. More specifically, we assume ablock fading CCE-BEMchannel, which is defined as a block fading channel where the time-variation subblock to subblock is modeled by a CCE-BEM. Hence, we first develop and analyze the STBC under this block fading CCE-BEM channel model, and then, we show how to decode the STBC for real-life channels, which do not exactly fit this block fading CCE-BEM channel model
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : phuong

a compressive estimator of doubly selective channels within pulse-shaping multicarrier MIMO systems (including MIMOOFDM as a special case).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 585kb Publisher : liying

We propose a compressive method for tracking doubly selective channels within multicarrier systems, including OFDMsystems. Using the recently introduced concept of modified compressed sensing (MOD-CS), the sequential delay-Doppler sparsity of the channel is exploited to improve estimation performance through a recursive estimation mode. The proposed compressive channel tracking algorithm uses a MOD-CS version of OMP with reduced complexity. Simulation results demonstrate substantial performance gains over conventional compressive channel estimation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 302kb Publisher : liying

高移动性的宽带无线通信会受到时频双选择性衰落的严重影响。信道估计的质量对于整个系统的性能具有重要的影响,尤其是当信道经历快速的衰落时。因此,高质量的双选信道估计是高速无线通信的必然要求。 -Broadband wireless communication will be affected by the high mobility of time-frequency doubly selective fading. The quality of channel estimation has an important influence on the performance of the whole system, especially when the channel is experiencing fast fading. Therefore, the high quality of the doubly selective channel estimation is a necessary requirement for high speed wireless communication.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 10kb Publisher : yuanshijie

Performance of a Linear-Detector Joint Radar-Communication System in Doubly-Selective Channels
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3mb Publisher : besho

个人收集的一些有关双选信道信道估计的文章,对做双选信道的来说很有用处(Some of the doubly selective channel channel estimation in the personal collection, very useful for the doubly selective channel)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4.86mb Publisher : 冯兴乐

BEP Doubly Selective Velocity................
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : Abhi00001
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