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[Graph RecognizeDigit_Recomodule

Description: This an digit recognition application. (OCR or ICR application). First you draw a digit in the picturebox. Then the image processing begins and recognize the digit and returns you the result. I used correlation matching algorithm for character recognition and k-neighbor classifying algorithm to select the true digit. Database includes handwritten digit examples which are collected from a hundred persons. These digit images converted to binary type before added to the database.-This an digit recognition application. (OCR or ICR application). First you draw a digit in the picturebox. Then the image processing be Huggins and recognize the digit and returns you the result. I used correlation matching algorithm for character recognition and k-neighbor clas sifying algorithm to select the true digit. Dat abase includes handwritten digit examples whi ch are collected from a hundred persons. These d igit images converted to binary type before add ed to the database.
Platform: | Size: 42182 | Author: Toby | Hits:

[Other resourcecairo-1.2.0.tar

Description: 按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来,就是cairo是一个支持多种输出的向量图形库。 具体解释一下,也就是说,cairo是种画图的工具库,他可以向多种设备上画图,比如: cairo可以输出到png,可以输出到pdf,可以输出到ps,可以输出到xlib,可以输出到XCB,可以输出到win32,以后还要输出到svg 我们可以展望一下,如果cairo能够统一linux下所有的画图接口,那么,所见所得可能就会成为显示。-according to the official statement : Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-d evice output support. translated, cairo is the support of a variety of output vector graphics library. Explain, in other words, cairo drawing is a kind of tool library, he can draw on a variety of equipment, such as : cairo can export to png, pdf can output to be exported to ps, xlib can output to be exported to XCB, can output to win32. we still svg output to look ahead to what we can, cairo reunification can be achieved if all the linux interface drawing, then they may see will be shown.
Platform: | Size: 2659930 | Author: 周文 | Hits:


Description: 数字信号处理的应用之一是从含有加性噪声的信号中去除噪声。现有被噪声污染的信号x[k]=s[k]+d[k],式中: 为原始信号d[k]为均匀分布的白噪声。 (1)分别产生50点的序列s[k]和白噪声序列d[k],将二者叠加生成x[k],并在同一张图上绘出x0[k],d[k]和x[k]的序列波形。 (2)均值滤波可以有效去除叠加在低频信号上的噪声。已知3点滑动平均数字滤波器的单位脉冲响应为h[k]=[1,1,1 k=0,1,2],计算y[k]=x[k]*h[k],在同一张图上绘出前50点y[k],s[k]和x[k]的波形,比较序列y[k]和s[k]。 -digital signal processing applications from one containing additive noise signal denoising. Existing noise pollution was a signal x [k] = s [k] d [k], where : of the original signal d [k] uniform distribution of white noise. (1) have 50 points each sequence s [k] and white noise sequence d [k] superposition of the two generation x [k] and the same is likely to draw a map x0 [k] d [k] and x [k] waveform sequence. (2) mean filter can effectively remove superimposed on the low-frequency noise on the signal. 3:00 known moving average digital filter unit for pulse response h [k] = [k = 0,1,2 1,1,1] Calculation y [k] = x [k] * h [k], the same is likely to draw a map before 50 y [k] s [k] and x [k] waveform sequence comparison y [k] s and [k].
Platform: | Size: 29280 | Author: 魏臻 | Hits:

[Other resourcecs_2e_src2005(1)

Description: 中文名:Windows Forms 程序设计 英文名:Windows Forms Programming in c# 作者: Chris Sells 翻译: 荣耀 蒋贤哲 出版社:人民邮电出版社 代码内容: The Table of Contents * Foreword * Preface * Chapter 1 Hello, Windows Forms * Chapter 2 Forms * Chapter 3 Dialogs * Chapter 4 Layout * Chapter 5 Drawing Basics * Chapter 6 Drawing Text * Chapter 7 Advanced Drawing * Chapter 8 Printing * Chapter 9 Components * Chapter 10 Controls * Chapter 11 Design-Time Integration: The Properties Window * Chapter 12 Design-Time Integration: Designers and Smart Tags * Chapter 13 Resources * Chapter 14 Applications * Chapter 15 Settings * Chapter 16 Data Binding Basics * Chapter 17 Applied Data Binding * Chapter 18 Multithreaded User Interfaces * Chapter 19 ClickOnce Deployment * Appendix A Whats New in Windows Forms 2.0 * Appendix C Delegates and Events * Appendix D Component and Control Survey * Appendix E Drag and Drop * Appendix F Document Management * Bibliography * Index -Chinese name : Windows Forms Programming English : Windows Forms Programming in c # Author : Chris Sells Translation : JIANG Xian glory philosophy Press : People's Posts & Telecommunications Publishing House code : The Table of Contents Preface * * * Foreword Chapdelaine ter a Hello, Windows Forms * Forms * Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Dialo gs * Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Layout * * Drawing Basics Chapter 6 Drawing Text * Chapter 7 Advanced Draw ing * Printing * Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Components * Chapter 10 Chapter 11 * Controls Design-In Time tegration : The Properties Window * Chapter 12 Design-Time Integration : Designers and Smart Tags * Chapter 13 Resources * Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 Applications Settings * Chapter 16 * Data Binding Basics Chapter 17 App lied Data Binding * Chapter 18 Multithre
Platform: | Size: 4813834 | Author: 杨帅 | Hits:

[OpenGL programDibcub3d_src

Description: Draw a 3-D cube withoput OpenGL and DirectX,show some base ideas about 3-D Graphics
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 邵长青 | Hits:


Description: 一个开放的risc,已应用到实际中,可以借鉴的不少,大家-an open RISC, has been applied to practice, we can draw a lot, we look at
Platform: | Size: 2586624 | Author: 12 | Hits:


Description: fortran调用matlab的ppt简介,具体自己看,一个简单的例子-fortran calling matlab About the ppt, the specific own view, a simple example
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: Ize7gn | Hits:

[Program docp

Description: 云台解码器派尔高P协议,为原版协议,开发人员请注意其最后位校验,为异或校验,不是求和校验,这里很容易发生错误,我们在开发产品的时候搞错,头很大-PTZ decoder Pelco P protocol for the original agreement, the developer to draw your attention to the last bit checksum for the XOR checksum, not sum check, here are prone to error, we made a mistake when developing products , the first great
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: cf88 | Hits:


Description: 3维图象渲染编程例子, 值得参考,运行通过,做了一些优化.-3-D image rendering programming examples, it is also useful, run through, to do some optimization.
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: dwang | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL-3

Description: 在OpenGL视图中绘制三维物体!几个简单的绘制3维物体的例子!大家参考-OpenGL rendering in view of three-dimensional objects! Draw a few simple examples of 3-D objects! Reference
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: yuweihe | Hits:

[Special EffectsDrawdll

Description: 该程序在内存中画图提供很多画图接口可在各种平台下调用-The program in memory to provide a lot of drawing in a variety of drawing interface platform called
Platform: | Size: 3080192 | Author: 吴俊锋 | Hits:


Description: directX-draw,d irectX-draw,directX-draw,初步了解1-directX-draw,directX-draw,directX-draw,directX-draw,step1
Platform: | Size: 3373056 | Author: 朱翔明 | Hits:

[OpenGL program3d

Description: 一个使用QT编写的三维函数图形程序,输入z=f(x,y)的表达式即可画出函数图像,使用openGL编程-The preparation of a three-dimensional function using the QT graphics program, type z = f (x, y) function, the expression can draw images, use the openGL programming
Platform: | Size: 784384 | Author: chenweitao | Hits:


Description: 这个程序可用来画R(D)函数,学习信息论的一般要做这个。-This procedure can be used to draw R (D) function, learning the general information theory to do this.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: dunluo | Hits:


Description: Matlab绘制3-D图形的几个例子,很详细,也很全面的介绍了绘制3-D图形的函数,其中最后一个是画直方图的,横向和纵向都有例子。-Matlab 3-D graphics to draw a few examples of very detailed and very comprehensive introduction to drawing 3-D graphics functions, the last one is the histogram drawing, horizontal and vertical are examples.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 贾晓媛 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programAT89C52

Description: protues绘制89c52单片机开发板,对与单片机学习非常有用。可与keil配合,进行仿真。-protues 89c52 microcontroller development board to draw on and MCU learning is very useful. With keil with, for simulation.
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: vv | Hits:

[OpenGL programTranslationController_Demo-ve-khong-gian-3D

Description: Draw a space with rotate by mouse
Platform: | Size: 828416 | Author: dis me trung quoc | Hits:

[OpenGL programDRAW

Description: 根据project要求,我将设计一款用来画折线的程序。 我将赋予我的程序以下功能: 1. 通过添加节点的方式绘制折线。 2. 移动已有折线节点。 3. 删除已有折现节点。 4. 清空屏幕。 5. 在折线的一段中插入一个新的节点(加分)。 这些功能被分配在3种状态中: 1. 待选择(初始状态) a) 选择节点 b) 插入节点 c) 清空屏幕 d) 进入绘制模式 2. 已选择节点 a) (待选择状态所以功能) b) 移动选中节点 c) 删除选中节点 d) 取消选择节点 3. 绘制状态 a) 结束绘制模式 b) 添加节点 c) 插入节点 d) 绘制新折线 e) 清空屏幕 -For painting, you can paint their own
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: hesijie | Hits:


Description: a)GDI基本绘图:矩形,线段,椭圆,圆角矩形,铅笔画,多线(不闭合),多边形(闭合),半月铉等等。 b)边框和颜色设置。 c)每种图层支持绘画过程。 d)每种图层都支持拖动过程。 e)在OnDraw函数中,使用双缓冲技术防止闪烁 -a) GDI Basic Drawing: rectangle, line, ellipse, rounded rectangle, pencil drawing, multi-line (not closed), polygons (closed), a half-hyun. b) borders and color settings. c) for each layer to support the process of painting. d) Each layer supports drag process. e) in the OnDraw function, use double buffering technology to prevent flicker
Platform: | Size: 5460992 | Author: | Hits:


Description: a. 操作方式:双人对弈方式,采用触摸屏方式投放棋子,对弈双方的棋子为不同颜色的圆,分为红方和绿方; b.评分机制:当某一方的5个棋子连成一线时得一分,然后该5子消除,继续进行; c.. 结束判断 分为四种情况,任一种情况均可判断: A.有一方的分数率先达到5分,则获胜; B.总的步数达到最大步数(比如100),根据双方的得分,分数高则获胜。若双方分数相同,则为平局。 C.当前棋局已不能再走棋,根据双方的得分,分数高则获胜。若双方分数相同,则为平局。 D. 当某一方在40之内为走棋时,认为该方输。 d.新棋局: 当一局结束时,开始新棋局。 -A. operating mode: double game way, using the touch screen on the pawn, game pieces on both sides of the different colors of circle, divided into red and green party B. scoring mechanism: when one party of five pieces together as a one line, and then the five son, continue C..The end of the judgment Is divided into four kinds of circumstances, any kinds of circumstances are: A. has the side of the score of 5 points, win B. step total maximum number (100), according to the score, high score wins.If both sides equal points, for a draw. C. chess current no longer moves, according to the score, high score wins.If both sides equal points, for a draw. D. when one party within 40 for playing chess, thinks that the party lose. D. new position: When at the end of the game, to start a new position.
Platform: | Size: 414720 | Author: 偶尔 | Hits:
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