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J T AG 接口插座与DSP芯片的距离:为了保证JTAG信号不受干扰,需 要注意两者之间的距离不超过六英寸(15甲24厘米),超过这个距离,就需要在中 间加缓冲芯片。本设计中使用了244作为缓冲芯片,但其原因不是由于器件之间 距离过长,而是考虑到仿真器工作在5V电压,DSP引脚为3.3V,为了电平兼容 性而进行的电压转换功能。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 291.25kb Publisher : feng

TI TMS320LF2407 源码-There are some source programs of TMS320LF2407
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 224kb Publisher : 高斌

24小时学通TCP/IP协议第三版(Sams Teach Yourself TCP IP in 24 Hours, Third Edition)-24-hour study TCP/IP protocol version 3 (Sams Teach Yourself TCP IP in 24 Hours, Third Edition)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.61mb Publisher : 李博

程序是我用DSP2812开发的无刷直流电机控制程序,程序是在TI公司的BLDC3_1软件的基础上构造的,实现了无刷直流电机的速度环PID控制,并且可以进行无刷直流电机的高级控制算法研究,扩展及其方便。 其中,无刷直流电机控制系统是有HALL传感器的系统,电机是24V3000rpm驱动板是类似TI公司的DMC1500板卡。欢迎交流-procedure I used DSP2812 development of the brushless DC motor control procedures, TI is in the process of BLDC3_1 software companies on the basis of the structure, Implementation of the brushless DC motor velocity loop PID control, and can brushless DC motor control algorithm senior research, extension and its convenience. Among them, brushless DC motor control system is a sensor system HALL, 24 V3000rpm motor-driven plate is similar to TI's DMC1500 Card. Welcome exchange
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 297kb Publisher : 网络游者

24位彩色,彩色图像基本处理,彩色图像的平滑处理,彩色图像的锐化处理-24 color, basic color image processing, color image smoothing, color image sharpening
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 411kb Publisher : keyan

TI的DSP,TMS32F2407的串口驱动程序,带运行环境,直接下载直接运行就可以。-TI s DSP, TMS32F2407 serial driver, runtime environment with a direct download can be run directly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 张辉

J T AG 接口插座与DSP芯片的距离:为了保证JTAG信号不受干扰,需 要注意两者之间的距离不超过六英寸(15甲24厘米),超过这个距离,就需要在中 间加缓冲芯片。本设计中使用了244作为缓冲芯片,但其原因不是由于器件之间 距离过长,而是考虑到仿真器工作在5V电压,DSP引脚为3.3V,为了电平兼容 性而进行的电压转换功能。-JT AG socket interface with DSP chips Distance: JTAG signals in order to guarantee uninterrupted, need to pay attention to the distance between the two is not more than 6 inches (15 A 24 centimeters), more than this distance, we need to increase the buffer between chips. This design was used as a buffer chip 244, but its not because the distance between devices is too long, but taking into account the work in the simulator 5V Voltage, DSP-pin to 3.3V, in order to conduct the compatibility level of the voltage conversion function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 291kb Publisher : feng

DL : 0
dsp2407关于pwm生成的汇编源程序,直接打开工程文件即可。-pwm generation dsp2407 on the compilation of source code, you can directly open the project file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : renhongxia

DL : 0
本程序是DSP2407的1602液晶显示程序,经本人调通过,功能还是比较简单的,仅作参考-This procedure is DSP2407 liquid crystal display of the 1602 procedure, as I tune through, function is still relatively simple, only for reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : 风云

一些基于TMS320 LF2407 DSP的实验程序,适合初学者学习2000系列DSP,上传的代码都已经通过调试-TMS320 LF2407 DSP-based experimental procedure, suitable for beginners to learn the 2000 series DSP, From the code have been through the debugging
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 816kb Publisher : 熊星

Control the 24 pulse inverter module dsp based
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 102kb Publisher : Mahmoud

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5800C Fm芯片资料和驱动代码 技术特点: *国内首颗采用CMOS工艺的调频收音机芯片; *驱动能力强,可直接驱动耳机及放大器; *功耗低,比国外先进方案还低1mA; *频率覆盖从76M-108M的各国调频波段; *高度集成度,所需外围器件数为零; *强大的LOW-IF数字音频结构; *强大的数字信号处理技术(DSP),实现自动频率控制和自动增益控制; *数字自适应噪声抑制 接受灵敏度高、音质出色、立体声效果优异; *支持重低音,可调式电台搜寻、柔软静音和混音等功能; *只需一个32.768K晶振作为参考时钟; *支持I2C和SPI数字接口,支持I2S音频接口,可以配合所有多媒体处理芯片; *可调去加重(50/75 us) ; *模拟和数字音量控制; *线性模拟输出电压; *两线和三线控制接口模式; *封装面积: 4×4mm,24-pin QFN-5800C Fm chip code data and drive Technical characteristics: * Domestic first CMOS process using the FM radio chip * Drive ability, and can directly drive headphones and amplifier * Low power consumption, advanced program than lower 1mA * Frequency coverage from 76M-108M FM band of countries * A high degree of integration, necessary to zero the number of peripheral devices * LOW-IF powerful digital audio structure * A powerful digital signal processing technology (DSP), automatic frequency control and AGC * Digital Adaptive Noise Reduction Acceptance of high sensitivity, excellent sound quality, excellent stereo sound effects * To support the heavy bass, adjustable radio search, soft mute and blend functions * Only one 32.768K crystal as a reference clock * Support for I2C and SPI digital interface to support I2S audio interface will be in line with all the multimedia processing chip * Adjustable de-emphasis (50/75 us) * Analog and digital volu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 文社

simulink matlab dsp tms320lf2407 永磁无刷直流电机-simulink matlab dsp tms320lf2407 BLDCM
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 159kb Publisher : 王孙俊

TI公司的TMS320LF2407 DSP的资料。是一个很好的介绍、指导性文件。-TI company s TMS320LF2407 DSP guiding document.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 759kb Publisher : 余虎

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第1课 Windows程序运行原理及程序编写流程 3 第2课 类的编写与应用 5 第3课 讲述MFC AppWizard的原理与MFC程序框架的剖析 6 第4课 第4课 MFC消息映射机制的剖析 讲述如何运用ClassWizard 8 第5课 文本编程 11 第6课 菜单编程 15 第7课 对话框用户界面程序的编写 21 第8课 逃跑按钮的巧妙实现 23 第9课 如何修改MFC AppWizard向导生成的框架程序的外观和大小 24 第10课 图形的绘制,如何使用自定义画笔 27 第11课 如何让CDC上输出的文字、图形具有保持功能 29 第12课 文件操作 31 第13课 使用CArchive类对文件进行操作 33 第14课 网络编程 35 第15课 多线程与网络编程 40 第16课 事件内核对象、关键代码段(临界区)的讲解 44 第17课 进程间通信 47 第18课 ActiveX编程 56 第19课 DLL编程 58 第20课 钩子与数据库编程-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : ShowAllProcess ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this ShowAllProcess application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your ShowAllProcess application. ShowAllProcess.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. ShowAllProcess.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CShowAllProcessApp applica
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 303kb Publisher : 陈冉

里面含有24系列DSP的相关资料文档,欢迎下载学习-It contains 24 series of DSP related information documents, please download the learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.28mb Publisher : 谢小玉

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24bit,SPI接口ADC,单电源供电3V或者5V,可编程输入范围(+ -2.56 V or + -160 mV)-FEATURES 2-Channel, 24-Bit - ADC Pin Configurable (No Programmable Registers) Pin Selectable Input Channels Pin Programmable Input Ranges (2.56 V or 160 mV) Fixed 19.79 Hz Update Rate Simultaneous 50 Hz and 60 Hz Rejection 24-Bit No Missing Codes 18.5-Bit p-p Resolution (2.56 V Range) 16.5-Bit p-p Resolution (160 mV Range) INTERFACE Master or Slave Mode of Operation Slave Mode 3-Wire Serial SPI™ , QSPI™ , MICROWIRE™ , and DSP-Compatible Schmitt Trigger on SCLK POWER Specified for Single 3 V and 5 V Operation Normal: 1.3 mA @ 3 V Power-Down: 9 A ON-CHIP FUNCTIONS Rail-Rail Input Buffer and PGA APPLICATIONS Sensor Measurement Industrial Process Control Temperature Measurement Pressure Measurements Weigh Scales Portable Instrumentation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher : 张永辉

:介绍了采用 T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 A芯片实现对永磁 同步 电机 ( P MS M)的设 计与控制 ,讨论 了空间矢量脉宽调制 ( S V P WM)控制方法 ,并给出了控制系统的硬件设计和 软件实现。试验结果表 明该系统具有较好的跟踪性能 ,稳态精 度较高 ;T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 A作为 D S P控制器 2 4 x系列 的新成员 ,是电机数字化控制的升级产品。-The d e s i g n a n d c on t r o l o f PMS M a t e r e a l i z e d u t i l i z i ng TMS 3 2 02 4 07A,a n d s pa c e v e c t o r p ul s e w d t h mo d u l a t on s d】 c u s s e d.Th e e x De r i me n t r e s uI t i n di c a t es t h a t t h e s y s t e m h a s be t t e r f ol l o wi n g p e r f o r ma n c e a n d h i g h e r s t e a d y p r e c i s o n, a s a n e wme Ⅱ l be o t t h e 24 x s e r i e s o f DSP c o n t r o l l e r s,TMS 3 2 02 4 07A i s a up g r a d e pr o d u c t i o n f o r mo t o r d i g i t a l c o nt r o l ·
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : 张国辉

msp430 实验代码 1,MSP430开发基础 2,键盘设计 3,数码管显示电路设计 4,液晶模块接口 5,MSP430 CRC 6,中文输入法 7,数据压缩算法 8,FIR滤波 9,FFT算法 10,波特率自动识别 11,串行存储 12;NAND flash 接口 13;A/ D,TLV2541 14;DA DAC8830 15;ADS1241 16;温度 TMP100 17;定时器 DAC 18;数据采集 19;交流电压测量 20;车速测量 21;DS1820 22;DS1302 23;基于BQ26500温度检测系统 24;红外传输系统 25;pc通信 26;无线MODEM 27;楼宇对讲系统 28;DSP HPI接口 29;无线传输模块 30;步进电机控制 31;can通信系统-msp430 test code 1, MSP430 Development Foundation 2, keyboard 3, the digital display circuit 4, the LCD module interface 5, MSP430 CRC 6, 7, Chinese input methods, data compression algorithm 8, FIR filter 9, FFT algorithm for 10, Porter automatic identification rate of 11, serial memory 12 NAND flash interface, 13 A/D, TLV2541 14 DA DAC8830 15 ADS1241 16 temperature TMP100 17 timer DAC 18 data collection 19 AC voltage measurement 20 speed measurement 21 DS1820 22 DS1302 23 temperature detection system based on BQ26500 24 infrared transmission system 25 pc communication 26 wireless MODEM 27 building intercom system 28 DSP HPI interface, 29 wireless transmission module 30 stepper motor control 31 can Communication Systems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 242kb Publisher : teamo38

本教程使用的DSP库来自ARM官方,此库支持以CM0,CM3,CM4以及CM7为内核的所有MCU。在数字信号处理中常常需要用到离散傅立叶变换(DFT),以获取信号的频域特征。尽管传统的DFT算法能够获取信号频域特征,但是算法计算量大,耗时长,不利于计算机实时对信号进行处理。因此至DFT被发现以来,在很长的一段时间内都不能被应用到实际的工程项目中,直到一种快速的离散傅立叶计算方法——FFT,被发现,离散是傅立叶变换才在实际的工程中得到广泛应用。需要强调的是,FFT并不是一种新的频域特征获取方式,而是DFT的一种快速实现算法。-This tutorial uses a DSP library the ARM official, this library supports CM0, CM3, CM4 and CM7 for the kernel of all MCU.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 671kb Publisher : 安富莱电子
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