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本程序是用VHDL语言实现电子密码锁功能,整个系统分为三大模块,一为控制模块,二为键盘显示模块,三为处理模块-This procedure is a VHDL language electronic code lock function, the entire system is divided into three modules, one for the control module, two for the keyboard display module, three modules for the treatment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 263kb Publisher : 敬礼

使用的微处理器AT89C51作为控制元件设计了一种电子密码锁。其具有可设置多组 密码、多次改写和保存密码的优点,克服了普通锁需要随身携带钥匙且易丢失、保密性差的缺点,在宾 馆、办公大楼、仓库、保险柜和家庭普遍适用。 -AT89C51 microprocessor used as a control components designed an electronic code lock. It has to set multiple passwords, password repeatedly rewritten and preserve the advantages of the need to overcome the general lock-key and easy to carry the loss, the confidentiality of the shortcomings of the poor, in hotels, office buildings, warehouses, safe and family universally applicable.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : 罗志坚

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基于51的电子密码锁,有多种功能.可设置密码,可加密.用PROTUS仿真.在周立功实验箱上通过测试-51 Based on the electronic code lock, has multiple functions. Can set a password can be encrypted. PROTUS simulation used. Ligong week experiment in the box to pass the test
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.44mb Publisher : 敬礼

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用89s51单片机制作的电子密码锁,很实用又易学-89s51 produced using single-chip electronic code lock, it is practical and easy to learn
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 郭小华

单片机实现4×4键盘及8位数码管显示构成的电子密码锁,带有keil程序以及protuos的模拟电路。-SCM 4 × 4 keyboard and 8-bit digital tube display constitutes an electronic code lock with keil procedures and protuos of analog circuits.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 85kb Publisher : 李子超

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实现电子密码锁的各项功能,经过编译和仿真-Electronic code lock of the function, the compiler and simulation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 426kb Publisher : 何情

8位的电子密码锁程序和仿真电路,LCD显示,4x4键盘-8 electronic code lock procedure and simulation circuit, LCD display, 4x4 keyboard
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 85kb Publisher : wangtian

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单片机开发的电子密码锁,可以设置2个密码。-Developed single-chip electronic code lock, you can set two passwords.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24kb Publisher : JOHN

单片机论文-基于单片机的电子密码锁,论文描述清晰,实现简单。-Single-chip thesis- based on single-chip electronic code lock, thesis describes the clear, easy implementation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : wangbo

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ATmega128单片机C语言实现六位数的电子密码锁-ATmega128 single-chip C language realization of six-digit electronic code lock
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 徐姗姗

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4×4键盘及8位数码管显示构成的电子密码锁 用8位数码管组成显示电路提示信息,当输入密码时,只显示“8.”,当密码位数输入完毕按下确认键时,对输入的密码与设定的密码进行比较,若密码正确,则门开,此处用LED发光二极管亮一秒钟做为提示,同时发出“叮咚”声;若密码不正确,禁止按键输入3秒,同时发出“嘀、嘀”报警声;若在3秒之内仍有按键按下,则禁止按键输入3秒被重新禁止-4 × 4 keypad and 8-bit digital tube display constitutes an electronic code lock with an 8-bit digital tube display circuit message, when the input password, only shows " 8." , When the median enter password press the confirm button when finished to enter the password with the password set for comparison, if the password is correct, then the door opened here with a bright LED light-emitting diodes as a matter of seconds suggests that at the same time issued a " ding dong" sound if the password is not correct, the prohibition of keystrokes 3 seconds, at the same time issued a " 嘀,嘀" alarm sound if there are still three seconds of pressing the button, the button to prohibit re-importation ban on 3 seconds
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : yang

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电子密码锁 单片机8051实现 lcd1602显示 程序分块打包 方便应用-Electronic Code Lock MCU 8051 to achieve lcd1602 display program block packaged to facilitate their application
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 266kb Publisher : tianxue

数字密码锁的设计与实现 一.实验目的 1. 学习VHDL的综合设计应用 2. 学习数字密码锁的设计 二.实验内容 设计一个数字密码锁,对其编译,仿真,下载。 数字密码锁具体要求如下: 1.系统具有预置的初始密码“00000001”。 2.输入密码与预存密码相同时,开锁成功,显示绿灯,否则开锁失败,显示红灯。 3.具有修改密码功能。修改密码时,先开锁,开锁成功才可以修改。 4.系统同时具有关锁功能。关锁后,显示红灯。 5.密码由拔码开关表示,开锁由按键表示。 6具有一个复位按键。按键后,回到初始状态。 -VHDL Digital Design and Implementation of lock 1. Purpose of the experiment 1. VHDL Integrated Design and Application of Learning 2. Learning digital code lock design 2. Experimental content Design a digital lock on their compilation, simulation, download. Digital code lock specific requirements are as follows: 1. System has preset the initial password "00000001." 2. Enter the same password with the stored password, unlock successful, a green light, or unlock failed to show a red light. 3. With the change password function. Modify password, the first lock, unlock success can modify. 4. The system also has off lock. Shut up after the red light. 5. The password code from the pull switch that unlock the keys, said. 6 has a reset button. Button, the return to initial state.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : 爱好

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基于c51的8位电子密码锁,可修改密码,lcd显示,有完整的程序和仿真电路图-C51-based 8-bit electronic code lock, can modify the code, lcd display, a complete circuit simulation program and
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 93kb Publisher :

密码锁 本次课程设计的题目是:《基于单片机和串行EEPROM组建的电子密码锁》。设计该电子密码锁是利用我们的51学习板、LCD液晶显示器模块、以及AT24C02的EEPROM来完成的,具有LCD的显示和修改密码的功能,密码能实时保存在EEPROM中。-The curriculum design is entitled: " Based on MCU and serial EEPROM organized electronic code lock." The design of the electronic code lock is to use our 51 study panels, LCD liquid crystal display module, and the EEPROM AT24C02 accomplished with LCD display and modify the functions of the password, the password stored in the EEPROM in real time.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.71mb Publisher :

根据设定好的密码,采用二个按键实现密码的输入功能,当密码输入正确之后,锁就打开,如果输入的三次的密码不正确,就锁定按键3秒钟,同时发现报警声,直到没有按键按下3种后,才打开按键锁定功能;否则在3秒钟内仍有按键按下,就重新锁定按键3秒时间并报警。-Electronic code lock, LCD display with
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : 朱国岳

DL : 0
电子密码锁: 可设定从1位到8位的密码,从键盘键入正确密码才可更改密码或开锁。输入三次错误密码电路就不断报警。开锁信号输出口用发光二极管表示。 1.可设置密码,掉电密码能保存; 2.按键确实被按下时发出一下提示音; 3.设置新密码前需校验旧密码; -Electronic code lock: can be set from 1-8 in the password from the keyboard to type the correct password to change your password or unlock. Enter the wrong password three times to keep the alarm circuit. Lock signal output by said light-emitting diodes. 1. Can set a password, power-down the password can be saved 2. Button is pressed to issue what really tone 3. Need to check before setting a new password the old password
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher : jy

基于单片机的电子密码锁程序,用Keil软件C语言编写,有断电保护功能-Based on single-chip electronic code lock procedure, with Keil software written in C, there is power protection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : kathleen

电子密码锁: 系统能完成:开锁、超时报警、超次锁定、管理员退出、修改用户密码基本的密码锁的功能。-Electronic Code Lock Procedure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 204kb Publisher : 聂咸丰

用于各种需要用到电子密码器的实用应用程序-Electronic Code Lock Procedure For a variety of practical applications
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : l
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