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Description: 基于VHDL语言的实用电梯控制器的设计 源程序经Xilinx公司的Foundation软件仿真 -based on VHDL practical elevator controller design source by Xilinx's Foun dation Simulation Software
Platform: | Size: 2119 | Author: 杨洋 | Hits:

[File Operatete3560

Description: 基于VHDL语言的实用电梯控制器的设计 -based on VHDL practical elevator controller design based on VHDL practical Elevator Controller VHDL design based on the practical design of the elevator controller based on VHDL practical elevator controller design
Platform: | Size: 94113 | Author: your name | Hits:


Description: 三层电梯控制器VHDL源程序,是本人的毕业设计-three VHDL source elevator controller, I was the graduate design!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘凯 | Hits:


Description: 用单片机实现电梯控制系统 电梯控制系统的工作原理是:当某 层有要梯信号输入时,呼梯信号锁存系 统将要梯信号锁存,待单片机查询到要 梯信号后,根据要梯信号的位置(即楼 层数)和电梯所处的位置,决定电梯运 行方向,并启动电梯到要梯层停梯、开 门,待乘客进入电梯关门后,再根据乘 客要求把乘客送到目的层。-with MCU elevator control system of the elevator control system working principle is : When a staircase layer to the input signal, calling signal latch system will be staircase signal latches, SCM pending inquiries to the staircase to signal, according to the location staircase signal (that is, number of floors) and the locations of elevators, decide the direction of the lift operation, and start to the elevator to stop staircase layer Ossetia, opened the door, the passengers entered the elevator closed, According passengers require passengers to the target zone.
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: 方凯旋 | Hits:


Description: 基于VHDL语言的实用电梯控制器的设计 源程序经Xilinx公司的Foundation软件仿真 -based on VHDL practical elevator controller design source by Xilinx's Foun dation Simulation Software
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 杨洋 | Hits:


Description: 设计一个6层电梯控制器。电梯控制器是按照乘客的要求自动上、下的装置。 1、每层电梯入口处设置上下请求开关,电梯内设有顾客到达层次的停站请求开关。 2、设有电梯所处位置指示装置以及电梯运行模式(上升或者下降)指示装置。 3、电梯每秒升降一层楼。 4、电梯到达有停站请求的楼层,经过1秒电梯门打开,开门4秒后,电梯门关闭(开门指示灯灭),电梯继续运行,直至执行完最后一个请求信号后停留在当前层。 5、电梯能记忆电梯内外所有请求信号,并按照电梯运行规则按顺序响应,每个请求信号保留至有电梯响应后消除。 6、初始状态为一层开门,第一层不用向下开关,最高层不用向上开关。 7、电梯运行规则:当电梯上升时,只响应比电梯所在位置高的上楼请求信号,由下而上逐个执行,直到最后一个上楼请求执行完毕;如果高层有下楼请求,则直接升到下楼请求的最高楼层,然后进入下降模式。当电梯处于下降模式时与上升正好相反。 -design of a six-story elevator controller. Elevator Controller in accordance with the requirements of passengers automatically, the device. 1, installed on each floor elevator entrance next request switches, elevator begins to reach the level of customer stops request switch. 2, the location of elevator and escalator installations instructions operation mode (up or down) device instructions. 3, Elevator per second floor landing. 4, the lift reached a request stops floors seconds after an elevator doors open door four seconds later, elevator doors closed (to open the door to eliminate light), the continued operation of the lift, End until the implementation of the final request for a signal to stay in the current layer. 5, the lift will lift internal and external memory signal to all reques
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zheng | Hits:

[File Formatte3560

Description: 基于VHDL语言的实用电梯控制器的设计 -based on VHDL practical elevator controller design based on VHDL practical Elevator Controller VHDL design based on the practical design of the elevator controller based on VHDL practical elevator controller design
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 电梯控制器,其中包含如何设计硬件电路以及如何设计软件电路-Elevator controller, which includes how to design hardware circuits and how to design software, circuit
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 该文件中是关于一些VHDL许多编程实例以及源码分析,希望对VHDL爱好者有用。卷2实例包括:多路彩灯控制器的设计与分析、智力抢器的设计与分析、微波炉控制器、数据采集控制系统、电梯控制器的设计与分析-The document is on a number of VHDL source code in many programming examples and analysis, in the hope that useful VHDL enthusiasts. Volume 2 Examples include: multi-way lantern controller design and analysis, intelligence steal the design and analysis, microwave oven controller, data acquisition and control systems, elevator controller design and analysis
Platform: | Size: 4952064 | Author: shengm1 | Hits:


Description: 本设计是本人的课程设计,基于VHDL的电梯控制器的设计,能够实现12层电梯控制,上下开关,关门延时,提前关门,状态显示,通过波形仿真进行观看结果-The design is my curriculum design, VHDL-based elevator controller design, can achieve 12-storey elevator control, up and down switch, closing delay, early closing, the status display, through to watch the results of waveform simulation
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: polly | Hits:


Description: practical_lift_controller 实用电梯控制器 实用电梯控制系统block symbol file 实用电梯控制器的Verilog HDL程设计-practical utility practical_lift_controller elevator controller elevator control system block symbol file utility elevator controller Verilog HDL-way design
Platform: | Size: 1233920 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 三层电梯控制器源码及报告和仿真时序图 可以作为课程设计或者毕业设计的参考 绝对管用-Three elevator controller source and reporting and simulation timing diagram can be used as curriculum design or graduate design reference absolute effective
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: shuinong | Hits:


Description: 我们的课程设计,三层电梯控制器模拟程序.用verilog HDL语言编写-Our curriculum design, three-elevator controller simulation program. Verilog HDL language used
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 江欣达 | Hits:


Description: 电梯控制器程序设计 六层楼 含有详细解释以及波形-Elevator controller program design containing six-storey buildings, as well as a detailed explanation waveform
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 龙丽丽 | Hits:


Description: vhdl代码: 电梯控制器程序设计与仿真!初学fpga者可以参考参考!!比较简单-VHDL code: Elevator controller design and simulation program! FPGA beginner who can refer to reference! ! Relatively simple
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: daxiadian2 | Hits:


Description: 电梯控制器程序设计与仿真的vhdl源代码-Elevator controller design and simulation of vhdl source code
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: 胡爱军 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developelevator.v

Description: Consider the design of an elevator controller. The building has three floors, an up button the first floor, up and down buttons on the second floor, a down button on the third floor, and three buttons inside the elevator indicating the floor to go to. Note that more than one button inside the elevator may have been pressed and active at the same time. While you can make assumptions, the behavior of the system must be reasonable. For example, pressing the “Floor 2” button with the elevator on the second floor causes the elevator to remain there with its door open. Also if the elevator is moving from the second to the third floor, pressing the first floor button inside the elevator should have no effect. -Consider the design of an elevator controller. The building has three floors, an up button on the first floor, up and down buttons on the second floor, a down button on the third floor, and three buttons inside the elevator indicating the floor to go to. Note that more than one button inside the elevator may have been pressed and active at the same time. While you can make assumptions, the behavior of the system must be reasonable. For example, pressing the “Floor 2” button with the elevator on the second floor causes the elevator to remain there with its door open. Also if the elevator is moving from the second to the third floor, pressing the first floor button inside the elevator should have no effect.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: deepa | Hits:

[Other Embeded programzdsjdt

Description: 自动升降电梯控制器设计 要求: 设计一个6层楼的电梯控制器。 该控制器可控制电梯完成6层楼的载客服而且遵循方向优先原则,并能响应提前关门延时关门,并具有超载报警和故障报警; 同时指示电梯运行情况和电梯内外请求信息。-Auto-Lift elevator controller design requirements: design of a six-story elevator controller. The controller can control the completion of six-story elevator containing the principle of giving priority customer service, and follow the directions, and can respond to close ahead of schedule delay closing, and has overload alarm and fault alarm also instructed the elevator and elevator operation request information both inside and outside.
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: dws | Hits:


Description: 利用Verilog设计的电梯控制器代码,通过QUARTUS进行仿真-Elevator controller design using Verilog, simulation by QUARTUS
Platform: | Size: 488448 | Author: 王阳 | Hits:


Description: EDA技术综合应用实例与分析的课堂讲义,ppt格式的,里面有很多例程,例如第14章 出租车计费系统,第9章 电梯控制器的设计与分析,第12章 图像边缘检测器的设计-EDA and Technology Application and analysis of the lecture notes, ppt format, there are many routines, such as Chapter 14, a taxi billing system, Chapter 9, the elevator controller design and analysis, Chapter 12, the image edge detector design, etc.
Platform: | Size: 24608768 | Author: 侯娟 | Hits:
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