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人力资源管理系统,主要用于企业的人事信息管理,考勤管理,招聘管理,培训管理,薪酬管理,绩效管理。涉及到的业务主要有人事档案信息的添加删除和查看,人员调动管理,员工的考勤管理,员工的招聘,员工的绩效评估,薪酬计算和培训跟踪。采用Java平台,并且采用B/S模式应用, 框架与技术的选择:Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax。-Human resources management system, mainly for the personnel information management, attendance management, recruitment management, training management, remuneration management, performance management. Involved in the business are mainly personnel file information to add delete and view, mobility management, employee attendance management, staff recruitment, staff performance evaluation, salary and training track. The use of Java platform, and the use of B/S mode applications, frameworks and technology choice: Struts+ Hibernate+ Spring+ Ajax.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37.71mb Publisher : chenwanzhi

信息技术为企业的发展提供了机遇,也带来了挑战。如何改良企业内部经营机制,公正、客观、全面、快捷地评估员工的业绩,实现以人为本的经营战略,提高人事管理工作的效率,使人事管理员有更多的精力去做人力资源分析、研究和开发工作,是企业立足发展,开拓未来,领先同行业的关键。本文叙述了一个人事管理系统形成的全过程,包括部分演示。-Information technology for enterprise development has provided opportunities and challenges. How to improve the internal management mechanism, fair, objective, comprehensive, and quick assessment of employee performance, the realization of people-oriented business strategy to improve the efficiency of personnel management, so that personnel administrators to have more energy to do human resources analysis, research and development work, is the enterprise based on development, ushering in the future, leading the industry key. This paper describes the formation of a personnel management system, the entire process, including the part of the presentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 182kb Publisher : 杨文

一个C#版的人事工资管理系统,采用MSSQL数据库。主要有员工基本档案,员工家庭成员、工作简历,奖惩记录、培训记录、工作业绩、离职管理、部门考勤、个人考勤、工资发放、考勤记录等模块。-A C# version of the human resources management system that uses MSSQL databases. There are basic file employees, employee family members, work resume, reward and punishment records, training records, work performance, leave management, department attendance, personal attendance, payroll, attendance records, etc. modules.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.55mb Publisher : 263

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HR-Human Resource人力资源,目标是让企业HR更好地进行人力资源的发展和规划。系统重点是实现人力资源部门在员工素质管理、薪资管理、绩效考核等方面的需求.-HR-Human Resource Human Resources, HR objective is to allow enterprises to better human resource development and planning. System focused on achieving the quality of HR in employee management, payroll management, performance appraisal and other needs.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29.49mb Publisher : 默默

人力资源管理系统,企业的一系列人力资源政策以及相应的管理活动。这些活动主要包括企业人力资源战略的制定,员工的招募与选拔,培训与开发,绩效管理,薪酬管理,员工流动管理,员工关系管理,员工安全与健康管理等-Human resource management systems, enterprise a range of human resource policies and the corresponding management activities. These activities include the development of corporate human resources strategy, staff recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation management, employee mobility management, employee relationship management, employee safety and health management, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : yong

本程序是一款管理美容美发店的员工,发型设计师及每天的营业额及常用的物品管理,对于员工的绩效考核做得比较不错,能直接对每个员工进行业绩考核,是美容美发店负责人的一款便利的管理工具 -This program is a management staff of beauty salon, hair designers and the daily turnover and management of common goods, the employee performance appraisal done in a good, direct performance assessment of each staff is a beauty salon person in charge of a convenience store management tools
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : nioka

房地产信息管理系统的设计与开发,通过模块化设计,能够对楼盘、楼房、房屋、客户信息,房屋销售情况及员工业绩等多种信息进行全方位管理。-Real Estate Information Management System for the design and development, through modular design, can real estate, building, housing, customer information, housing sales and employee performance management and other comprehensive information.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.66mb Publisher :

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主要用于企业的人事信息管理,考勤管理,招聘管理,培训管理,薪酬管理,绩效管理。涉及到的业务主要有人事档案信息的添加删除和查看,人员调动管理,员工的考勤管理,员工的招聘,员工的绩效评估,薪酬计算和培训跟踪。采用Java平台,并且采用B/S模式应用.-Mainly used for business personnel information management, attendance management, recruitment management, training management, compensation management, performance management. Mainly related to personnel records of business information to add delete and view, mobility management, employee attendance management, staff recruitment, staff performance evaluation, salary calculation and training track. Using Java platform and using B/S mode applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.71mb Publisher : 素装

管理员:可以自行添加、修改和删除部门,部门经理,员工等信息。 对公司员工所跟进的客户进行最高权限的管理。如对员工客户锁定,放权等。 部门主管:对该部门下员工进行网上管理,可查看员工的工作日志情况,留言,评语等。 员工的日志可做为月绩考核做参考。 系统员工:可对自己的客户进行管理,如搜索,添加,删除等操作。 对自己客户的跟进做记录,整理,分类, 可对客户按公司名称查找,公司联系人查询,甚至是公司地址的模糊查询 这比起老板让我们手抄的好。 员工在系统里面,可以在经验交流区发表自己的想法,经验。 网址链接:该功能主要是为员工提供常用到的网址-Administrator: can add, modify and delete departments, department managers, employees and other information. Employees follow the company s top clients in the management of permissions. If employee customer lock, decentralization and so on. Department heads: the department staff under the line management of staff can view the log case, comments, reviews and so on. Employee performance appraisal on the log can be used as a reference. System Staff: Customers can manage their own, such as search, add, delete and other operations. Customers to do their own follow-up record, collate, classify, Customers can search by company name, company contact information, business address and even fuzzy query Let us hand-written than the owner of this good. Staff in the system which, in the area to express their experience exchange ideas, experiences. Website Links: This feature is mainly used to provide staff to the site
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 596kb Publisher : david

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员工绩效管理系统实现了基本的绩效考核功能:员工基本信息修改,工作日志的添加与修改,项目信息的添加与修改等。可以作为绩效考核系统的设计模板。-Employee performance management system to achieve the basic performance evaluation functions: basic information staff to modify, add and modify the work log, add and modify project information and so on. Performance appraisal system can be used as design templates.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.81mb Publisher : 李佳

这是一份有关公司绩效管理和员工个人信息管理的中小型系统,已经经过测试,可以放心使用。-This is a small and medium-sized corporate performance management and employee personal information management system, has been tested and is safe to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 292kb Publisher : pudnspecial

员工绩效考核管理办法,详细的积分设置规则,非常实用-Employee performance appraisal management practices, detailed integration set rules, very practical
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 张帅

电子投票平台、家庭理财、小型商品系统 学生成绩管理、员工工资管理、猜数字 小型试验平台等小程序,可用于课程设计,编译平台vc6.0-Electronic voting platform, family financial management, small commodities student performance management system, employee payroll management, viewing platforms and other small-scale test applet can be used for curriculum design, build platform vc6.0
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 322kb Publisher : jetlu

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人力资源管理系统功能模块:1 部门管理,管理公司的组织结构,2 雇员管理,管理公司的雇员资料,3 工作日志和小结管理公司的雇员工作日志。4 工作任务,上级经理对员工分配任务,5 员工管理,6 合同管理,管理储存人事合同管理,管理储存公司与员工的合同文档,7 招聘管理8 考勤管理9 实现绩效管理 10 实现福利管理 12 工资管理。 -HRMS functional modules: a sector management, the management company' s organizational structure, two employee management, employee information management company, three work log and summary of the management company' s employees work logs. Four tasks, the higher managers assign tasks to employees, five staff management, six contract management, contract management, personnel management store, manage storage company and the employees of the contract documents, seven attendance management recruitment management 8 9 10 implement performance management to achieve wage benefits administration 12 management.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.27mb Publisher : 李毓霖

本系统用于实现员工管理,员工再注册后可登录系统查看业绩及当月销售的前三名;管理员登录该系统后可查询、增加、删除、修改员工信息,并查看业绩。文件存在C盘vc课设数据中。-The system used to implement employee performance management, the employees can log in to see the re-registration of the month sales results and the top three the administrator can log on to the system query, add, delete, modify employee information, and view the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.38mb Publisher : 陈颖萍

功能介绍: 系统包括人事部、财务部、研发部、销售部等。公司的人员类型有以下几种:普通员工、部门经理、人事部成员和总经理。该管理系统的主要功能是管理员工资料、员工培训、员工奖罚、员工职称、人员调度、人员考评、员工信息统计、劳保福利发放和业绩评定等。 员工档案管理 添加/修改/删除员工 添加/修改员工信息 按条件搜索员工(支持模糊查询(奖罚等)) 上传/修改员工的照片。 员工培训管理 添加/修改/删除培训信息 根据时间查询培训的基本信息。 打包大量皮肤素材-Features: The system includes the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Finance, R & D, sales and so on. The company' s personnel types are the following: general staff, department managers, members of the Department of Personnel and General Manager. The main function of the management system is to manage employee data, employee training, employee reward and punishment, employee titles, staff scheduling, staff appraisal, employee information statistics, labor insurance and other welfare payment and performance assessment. Employee File Management add/modify/delete employees add/modify employee information by searching the conditions of employees (support fuzzy queries (reward and punishment, etc.)) to upload/modify photo of the employee. Employee training management Add/modify/delete query time training training information based on basic information. Pack a lot of skin material
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.74mb Publisher : 李兴龙

解释了人力资源管理六个模块,包括规划、招聘与配置、培训与开发、薪酬与福利、绩效管理、员工关系-Explains the six modules of human resources management, including planning, recruitment and configuration, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, employee relations
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : 江雨

功能介绍: 系统包括人事部、财务部、研发部、销售部等。公司的人员类型有以下几种:普通员工、部门经理、人事部成员和总经理。该管理系统的主要功能是管理员工资料、员工培训、员工奖罚、员工职称、人员调度、人员考评、员工信息统计、劳保福利发放和业绩评定等。 员工档案管理 添加/修改/删除员工 添加/修改员工信息 按条件搜索员工(支持模糊查询(奖罚等)) 上传/修改员工的照片。 员工培训管理 添加/修改/删除培训信息 根据时间查询培训的基本信息。 注意: 开发环境为Visual Studio 2008,数据库为SQL Server 2005,数据库文件在DB_51aspx文件夹中附加就行 管理员用户名密码均是:51aspx-Function introduction: System including personnel, finance, R & D, sales, etc.. The company s personnel types are the following: general staff, department managers, personnel and general manager. The main function of the management system is the management of employee information, employee training, employee reward, job title, staff scheduling, staff assessment, employee information statistics, labor insurance welfare and performance uation. Employee file management Add/modify/delete employees Add/modify employee information Search staff according to the conditions (fuzzy query support (or other)) Upload/modify photos of employees. Employee training management Add/modify/delete training information Basic information on the training of time. Be careful Development environment for Studio Visual 2008, the is Server SQL 2005, the file in the DB_51aspx folder on the line Administrator user name password is: 51aspx
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.26mb Publisher : cmpudn17

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前台部分设置系统属性查询、我的薪酬查询、我的月度考核、参与公司调查功能;后台部分设置系统属性查询、修改密码、系统管理员管理、员工信息管理、员工月度考核、绩效考核管理、薪酬福利管理、管理调查项目功能,并详细阐述各自的功能。-The foreground part set up the system attribute query, I pay check, I review monthly, participate in the company investigation function Background part sets the system property query, modify the password, the system administrator management, employee information management, staff monthly assessment, performance appraisal, salary welfare management, project management function, and expounds in detail their respective functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 635kb Publisher : 刘震

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效能管理系统提供了工作任务“安排-接收-办理(转办)-打分”流程管理、跨部门工作协作“发起-接收-办理(转办)-确认-打分”流程管理、员工违规与嘉奖行为记录打分管理、灵活多样的部门或员工效能图表分析等功能,并通过短信、邮件方式实时、自动为员工发送相关事项通知和提醒。对在工作流转和办理过程中产生的资料文件和相关批示备注进行永久性留存,方便日后查询和追责。自动统计部门或员工的开展工作和日常行为记录得分情况,服务单位绩效考核。(Performance management system provides the task schedule for receiving - (to do) - scoring process management, cross sectoral collaboration "launched - - (to do) for receiving the confirmation scoring process management, staff violations and reward behavior record management, scoring department or employee performance chart analysis of flexible function diversity, and through SMS, e-mail, real-time automatic sending staff related matters notification and reminder. To make permanent documents retained in the work flow and produce process and related instructions note, convenient after query and accountable. Automatic statistics department or staff to carry out the work and daily behavior record score, service unit performance assessment.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20.52mb Publisher : 46uj4uh4
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