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Description: 服务器的的板在载控制器的AHDL程序,包括原理图编译,用在EPM7128上(CPLD).-server board controller is contained in the AHDL procedures, including schematic compiler, the use EPM7128 (CPLD).
Platform: | Size: 526336 | Author: 老罗 | Hits:


Description: 用VHDL语言写的时钟程序。采用模块化编程。可在EPM7128芯片上下载。编译环境可用Maxplus或Quartus。-write VHDL clock procedures. Modular programming. The EPM7128 chips download. Build environment or Quartus Maxplus available.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 单单 | Hits:


Description: EPM7128 Minimum System
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 学习单片机、CPLD其实关键是实践,从51入门是个好选择,但不要停留在起点,学单片机方法得当是瞬间的事!但用好,就不好说了,一辈子都要努力随着产品控制技术的进步,CPLD与单片机的联系越来越密切,学会灵活应用cpld已经作为我们工程技术人 员的基本要求,抓紧时间学习吧,面对复杂的任务您就能应对自如,您的未来将更美好。 我们推荐这款实验CPLD+51MCU学习板,主要特色是集成了具有ISP功能的CPLD和Flash单片机,可以单独完成单片机和CPLD的实验,也可以通过跳线把单片机和CPLD联合起来形成一个应用系统。因此,利用本开发平台使用者既可学习单片机知识又可学习CPLD可编程逻辑方面的知识,,也可学习单片机和CPLD的联合使用,而本开发平台的价格却仅仅等同于市面上一台普通单片机开发板的价格,大大降低用户学习成本。 MCU采用AT89S52单片机同时也支持89S系列.SST系列.STC系列的单片机;CPLD采用Altera EPM7128SLC84-15,你也可以根据自己的需要采用其他的CPLD,如EPM7064 EPM7096 EPM7128E EPM7160E.下载采用ISP下载线,利用ISP下载软件,可以直接在PC上进行程序调试仿真,然后下载到板上的AT89S51以及EPM7128中. -learning microcontroller, CPLD Actually, the key is practice, from 51 portal is a good choice. But do not remain at the starting point, the school is the proper method of SCM instantaneous! But good use, not easy to say if the lifetime, we should strive to control with products and technological progress, CPLD and SCM increasingly close ties, Society has a flexible application cpld our engineering and technical personnel, the basic requirements are that the best use of time to study it. Faced with the complex task you will be able to handle easily, your future will be brighter. We recommend the type of experimental study CPLD Embedded boards, Integration is the key feature is a function of the ISP and CPLD Flash microcontroller, SCM can be alone and CPLD experiment they can also put the ju
Platform: | Size: 1024000 | Author: xcs | Hits:


Description: 用单片机AT89s52和epm7128设计的频率计-MCU AT89s52 epm7128 design and the frequency meter
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: frankcai | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopEPM7128

Description: CPLD-EPM7128SLC84最小系统及下载线,非常适合初学者入门学习。-CPLD-EPM7128SLC84 minimum system and download the line, very suitable for beginners learning portal.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 威威 | Hits:


Description: CPLD的例子程序1,EPM7128芯片,ISA总线-Examples of CPLD procedures 1, EPM7128 chip, ISA Bus
Platform: | Size: 217088 | Author: Sean Cheung | Hits:


Description: 用vhdl编写的spi接口程序,在epm7128上仿真成功。-VHDL prepared using spi interface program, in the simulation epm7128 success.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 邓立新 | Hits:


Description: ALTEA EPM7128 CPLD的用于控制三维步进电机的VHDL源代码-ALTEA EPM7128 CPLD is used to control the stepper motor of three-dimensional VHDL source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lauking | Hits:


Description: 设计并调试好一个能产生”梁祝”曲子的音乐发生器,并用EDA实验开发系统(拟采用的实验芯片的型号可选Altera的MAX7000系列的 EPM7128 CPLD ,FLEX10K系列的EPF10K10LC84-3 FPGA, ACEX1K系列的 EP1K30 FPGA,Xinlinx 的XC9500系列的XC95108 CPLD,Lattice的ispLSI1000系列的1032E CPLD)进行硬件验证。 设计思路 根据系统提供的时钟源引入一个12MHZ时钟的基准频率,对其进行各种分频系数的分频,产生符合某一音乐的频率,然后再引入4HZ的时钟为音乐的节拍控制,最后通过扬声器放出来。 -Design and debug a good one can produce The Butterfly Lovers piece of music generator, and the development of EDA experimental system (to be used in models of experimental chip with optional Altera s MAX7000 series EPM7128 CPLD, FLEX10K series EPF10K10LC84-3 FPGA, ACEX1K Series The EP1K30 FPGA, Xinlinx the XC9500 series XC95108 CPLD, Lattice s ispLSI1000 series 1032E CPLD) for hardware verification. Design according to the system clock source provided by the introduction of a benchmark 12Mhz clock frequency and its various sub-sub-band frequency coefficients, resulting in consistent with the frequency of a particular music, and then the introduction of 4Hz clock control for the music beats, and finally through Loudspeakers released.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: lijq | Hits:


Description: 设计并调试好一个VGA彩条信号发生器,并用EDA实验开发系统(拟采用的实验芯片的型号可选Altera的MAX7000系列的 EPM7128 CPLD ,FLEX10K系列的EPF10K10LC84-3 FPGA, ACEX1K系列的 EP1K30 FPGA,Xinlinx 的XC9500系列的XC95108 CPLD,Lattice的ispLSI1000系列的1032E CPLD)进行硬件验证。 设计思路 由系统提供的时钟源引入扫描信号,根据VGA彩色显示器的工作原理,设计出各种颜色编码和行场扫描信号。将并口线从计算机并口与CPLD/FPGA适配板连接好,然后将VGA接口与彩色显示器连接好,彩条信号就可以在显示器中产生,通过按键可以改变产生彩条的方式,共六种彩条信号,两种横彩条,两种竖彩条,两种棋盘格。本实验运用层次化设计出VGA彩条信号发生器,由行场信号模块模块和彩条信号发生模块构成,彩条信号发生器的顶层原理图如图10.7 所示. -err
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: lijq | Hits:


Description: altera 公司的EPM7032和EPM7128的DATASHEET-altera s EPM7032 and EPM7128 of DATASHEET
Platform: | Size: 967680 | Author: joseph | Hits:

[OS programMinimum_System_of_EPM7128

Description: EPM7128最小系统 网上载下来的 很实用的-Minimum System EPM7128
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 李晓东 | Hits:


Description: AlteraEPLD系列器件EPM7128性能特点及应用,做LED屏可以参考.-EPM7128 Series AlteraEPLD performance characteristics of devices and applications, make LED screens can refer to.
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 陈耀明 | Hits:


Description: 此软件用的是QuartusII 5.1的环境编写的CPLD内的程序,CPLD用的是EPM7128,实现的功能是对计算机的ISA总线读写操作,计算机通过ISA总线,再通过CPLD,来控制LED的亮和灭-This software is used in the preparation of QuartusII 5.1 environment within the CPLD procedures, CPLD using EPM7128, the function of the realization of the ISA bus on the computer to read and write operation, the computer through the ISA bus, and then through the CPLD, to control the LED' s Liang and poverty
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: hujianhua | Hits:


Description: 简易逻辑分析仪的vhdl程序,用于epm7128经测试可用-Simple logic analyzer vhdl procedure
Platform: | Size: 1457152 | Author: 朱亚东洋 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringepm7128

Description: cpld(epm7128)技术手册 (由于各种原因是英文版的,多包涵)-cpld (epm7128) Technical Manual (in English due to various reasons, multi-indulgence)
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: weimq | Hits:


Description: EPM7128性能的及特点,内有详细的EPM7128结构框图及详细的参数设置-EPM7128 performance and features in a detailed block diagram of the EPM7128 and detailed parameter setting
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: 文某 | Hits:


Description: EPM7128实验环境,芯片介绍及实验内容。-EPM7128 experimental environment, chip description and experimental content.
Platform: | Size: 412672 | Author: aaa | Hits:

[Software Engineering51-EPM7128

Description: 51单片机与CPLD(EPM7128)构成的系统原理图,我在网上找不到类似的资源所以跟大家分享一下,希望对大家有帮助。这里使用单片机做处理器,CPLD做数字电路延时。构成的同步触发仪。-51 and CPLD (EPM7128) form a system schematic diagram, I can not find a similar online resources to share it with you, we want to help. Single chip processor is used here to do, CPLD to do digital circuit delay.
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 黄超 | Hits:
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