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[Software EngineeringAMR+ARM+Ethernet

Description: 本文首先介绍目前几种常见的自动抄表系统,分析它们各自的特点,然后重点介绍以太网抄表系统及其控制器的设计与实现。第一章介绍国内外自动抄表技术的发展状况 第二章分析抄表系统的结构,对其上/下层通讯方式进行了详细的描述,比较了不同通讯方式的优缺点 第兰章专门就以太网为通讯方式的抄表系统进行介绍,指出它是一种很有发展前途的抄表手段 第四章和第五章详细介 绍以太网抄表系统中控制器的设计,分为硬件和软件两方面,对来用的微处理器(ARM芯片)和嵌入式操作系统(uClinux )也都有详细的介绍。最后,第六章指出本系统设计中的技术难点以及抄表技术今后的发展趋势。 -This paper introduces some common automatic meter reading system, analysis of their respective characteristics, Then highlight meter reading system and its Ethernet controller design and implementation. The first chapter is devoted to domestic and international automatic meter reading technology development in the second chapter analyzes the structure of meter reading system, its on / lower forms of communication are described in detail, Comparison of the different forms of communication-the advantages and disadvantages of the first chapter on Ethernet for communication of meter reading system will be introduced. that it is a very promising means of meter IV and V detailed Ethernet Meter System Controller design, hardware and software into two, right to the use of the microprocessor (ARM c
Platform: | Size: 3817036 | Author: 李威 | Hits:

[Driver Developcs8900.c

Description: 在Keil環境下的ethernet driver,LPC3250 ethernet driver.實用好用。
Platform: | Size: 3977 | Author: itspoki | Hits:

[Crack HackMyNetwork

Description: An ethernet bridge / VPN program for windows-An ethernet bridge/VPN program for windows
Platform: | Size: 1364992 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 网卡驱动程序详解-Elaborates on Ethernet Driver
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 李振东 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个很好的Verilog 编写的8位RISC CPU源码(可做为MCU),并且包括完整的C 语言的测试代码。-This is a very good preparation Verilog 8-bit RISC CPU source (available as MCU), and includes a complete C language test code.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 张念华 | Hits:


Description: MPC8260的Fast Ethernet的例子。配置FCC为Fast Ethernet模式,然后接MII口。用标准C语言编写。-MPC8260 Fast Ethernet example. FCC configuration for Fast Ethernet model, then the MII mouth. Using standard C language.
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: 丽丽 | Hits:


Description: 计算校验和 命令行:check_sum infile 其中check_sum是程序名,infile是数据文件名 输出:数据文件的校验和。 目的是通过数据链路层与介质访问控制层的学习,根据数据链路层的基本原理,针对普遍应用的Ethernet帧,通过构造一个具体的帧,深入理解网络协议的基本概念与网络问题处理的一般方法。-calculated checksum command line : check_sum infile which check_sum procedures, and infile data output file name : data files, the checksum. The purpose of the data link layer and the MAC layer of learning, according to the data link layer to the basic principles of universal application against the Ethernet frame, and by constructing a concrete frames, in-depth understanding of network protocols and the basic concepts of network issues to deal with the general approach.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王慧娟 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAMR+ARM+Ethernet

Description: 本文首先介绍目前几种常见的自动抄表系统,分析它们各自的特点,然后重点介绍以太网抄表系统及其控制器的设计与实现。第一章介绍国内外自动抄表技术的发展状况 第二章分析抄表系统的结构,对其上/下层通讯方式进行了详细的描述,比较了不同通讯方式的优缺点 第兰章专门就以太网为通讯方式的抄表系统进行介绍,指出它是一种很有发展前途的抄表手段 第四章和第五章详细介 绍以太网抄表系统中控制器的设计,分为硬件和软件两方面,对来用的微处理器(ARM芯片)和嵌入式操作系统(uClinux )也都有详细的介绍。最后,第六章指出本系统设计中的技术难点以及抄表技术今后的发展趋势。 -This paper introduces some common automatic meter reading system, analysis of their respective characteristics, Then highlight meter reading system and its Ethernet controller design and implementation. The first chapter is devoted to domestic and international automatic meter reading technology development in the second chapter analyzes the structure of meter reading system, its on/lower forms of communication are described in detail, Comparison of the different forms of communication-the advantages and disadvantages of the first chapter on Ethernet for communication of meter reading system will be introduced. that it is a very promising means of meter IV and V detailed Ethernet Meter System Controller design, hardware and software into two, right to the use of the microprocessor (ARM c
Platform: | Size: 3816448 | Author: 李威 | Hits:


Description: 经过修改的sendip结构,可以结合发送选择以太网的类型发送-Sendip modified structure, can be combined to send to choose the type of Ethernet Send
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 王培新 | Hits:


Description: CSMA / CD simulation code, Gigabit Ethernet previous versions used to compete for a unified approach, in order to decide on the right of media access, which relates to the backoff algorithm. OPNET environment can be achieved through the experience card.-CSMA/CD simulation code, Gigabit Ethernet previous versions used to compete for a unified approach, in order to decide on the right of media access, which relates to the backoff algorithm. OPNET environment can be achieved through the experience card.
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: angel | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureEthernet-frame-send

Description: 模拟Ethernet帧的发送过程,C++源程序编写。-Simulation of Ethernet frames sent process, C++ source code to prepare.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: name | Hits:

[Windows Developethernet

Description: 基于WIN32 API开发的以太网IEEE802.3帧的封装与打包解析软件,有友好的GUI用户界面-this application is using c language and win32 API .
Platform: | Size: 1314816 | Author: 陈伟 | Hits:


Description: 实验要求: (1)用两个线程a和b来模拟Etherneth上的两台主机。 (2)用一个双字类型变量Bus来模拟总线(将其初始化为“\O”,并且总线等于“\O”时表示总线空闲)。-Experimental requirements: (1) with two threads a and b to simulate Etherneth on the two hosts. (2) with a two-word type variable Bus to simulate the bus (can be initialized to " \ O" , and the bus is equal to " \ O" , said the bus is idle).
Platform: | Size: 2788352 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机上网原理图,PCB图,C源程序.代码自测已通过调试-Internet AVR microcontroller schematic, PCB Figure, C source code
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: junzhong | Hits:

[CSharpTcpClient C#

Description: C#与欧姆龙PLC以太网通讯,简单易懂。(C# and OMRON PLC Ethernet communications)
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 梁牵马 | Hits:


Description: fonction bas niveau Ethernet simple trame
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: titiAard | Hits:


Description: you wil find a program that asuure a ethernet communication between EFM32 board with a PC via an ethernet controller enc28j60, you can send udp packet from the board by pressing on the user buttons.
Platform: | Size: 1525760 | Author: perilman | Hits:


Description: 基于STM32的以太网IC初始化、实现简单的网络协议,可直接引用。(Ethernet IC initialization based on STM32, the realization of simple network protocol, can be directly cited.)
Platform: | Size: 320512 | Author: fanliu1980 | Hits:


Description: 例子主要包括SocketAsyncEventArgs通讯封装、服务端实现日志查看、SCOKET列表、上传、下载、远程文件流、吞吐量协议,用于测试SocketAsyncEventArgs的性能和压力,最大连接数支持65535个长连接,最高命令交互速度达到250MB/S(使用的是127.0.0.1的方式,相当于千兆网卡1Gb=125MB/S两倍的吞吐量)。服务端用C#编写,并使用log4net作为日志模块(Examples include SocketAsyncEventArgs communication encapsulation, server implementation log view, SCOKET list, upload, download, remote file flow, throughput protocol, to test the performance and pressure of SocketAsyncEventArgs, the maximum number of connections supports 65535 long connections, and the maximum life order interaction speed reaches 250MB/S (use is 1 is equivalent to two times throughput of Gigabit Ethernet card 1Gb=125MB/S. The server is written in C#, and log4net is used as the logging module.)
Platform: | Size: 3565568 | Author: 12332111ffe | Hits:

[Windows Developc#上位机程序

Description: 通过自定义的以太网协议与s7-300系列PLC通信,实现上位机的监视与控制功能(Through the custom Ethernet protocol and the S7-300 series PLC communication, the monitor and control function of the upper computer is realized)
Platform: | Size: 906240 | Author: BTWL | Hits:
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