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I ve got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni for writing the article. I ll just introduce here what I have added. The article mentioned above, has a class that checks if an HRESULT value is SUCCEEDED or not. If not, it throws an exception. What is added is some extra functionality, to be able to show a message box, with the line number and file name and a custom error message.-I've got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni f or writing the article. I'll just introduce here what I have added. The article mentioned above, has a class that checks if an HRESULT value is Made CEEDED or not. If not, it throws an exception. What is added is some ext ra functionality, to be able to show a message box, with the line number and file name and a custom er Ryan message.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.38kb Publisher : 田博

DL : 1
{ OCSP REQUEST*req=NULL if ((req=OCSP一 REQUEST new())一NULL) goto err if (name) /* optional*/ f if (!(req->tbsRequest->requestorName=GENERAL-NAME_ new())) goto er req->tbsRequest->requestorName->type=GEN一 DIRNAME req->tbsRequest->requestorName->d.dim=X509一 NAM几dup(name) } if(!(req->tbsRequest->requestList=sk-OCSP ONEREQ_new(N〔几L))) goto er if(extensions && (!(req->tbsRequest->requestExtensions = ext dup(extensions)))) goto er return req if (req) OCSP REQUEST free(req) return NULL ) 刀此函数用于一个新的合法的OCSP请求加入列表中
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.62kb Publisher :

梅花三弄dezend v1.1
[color=#FF0000]主要增加对用zendguard 4.01进行加密的dezend支持[/color]该类文件开头格式:
<?php @Zend;

梅花三弄dezend v1.0
6.支持dezend后自动执行一批替换,实现扩展式二次dezend,不用于dezend也是一个强大的批量替换工 具,历遍文件夹把选定的后缀文件进行替换
14. 支持双击打开上级目录、双击本窗口打开目录、支持双击调用相应程序打开文件进行编辑(与flashfxp使用方法基本相同)







/h or /? help (帮助信息)
/detail{/d} show detail(显示详细源代码和opcode信息,非常有用)
/opcode show opcode(opcode数值)
/oparray show oparray(oparray信息)
/function show all the function(所有内部函数名)
/class show all the class(所有内部类名)
/hash show all known hash table(所有认识的哈希表)
/info log general infomation(default phpinfo.log)(其他一些信息)
/raw{/r} dump raw op code(显示详细原始opcode信息,遇到exception的时候非常有用)
/execute execute the file(default NOT)(运行源文件)
/backup{/b} backup the file with extension .bak if out file exist(替换前备份)
/append{/a} appaned to previous log file(追加日志,默认是替换)
/tick{/t} show tick span(显示时间消耗)
/noexpire ignore file expire(忽略文件是否过期)
/noindent ignore indent(去掉缩进)
/compact dump with compact style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/classic dump with classic style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/bug dump bug statement(显示BUG)
/full set to full mode(暂未使用)
/force{/f} set to force mode(和/i使用时强制导入config文件)
/import{/i} import class and function name[obfuscate name] from config file(程序根据源文件混淆与否决定导入config文件)
/export{/e} export class and function name[obfuscate name] to config file(导出函数名和类名到config文件)
/obfuscate dump obfuscate name and its url encoded name(显示被混淆的名字)
/dic dump obfuscate name dictionary depend on $level(生成混淆名字典,根据level设置字符数范围)
/tab dump with tab prefix(default space)(使用tab缩进,默认使用空格缩进)
/indent:$i dump with indent $i(default 4)(缩进字符数,默认是4)
/stack:$i dump with stack size $i(default 16)(内部堆栈起始字节数,默认16)
/string:$i dump with stack string length $i(default 4096)(内部字符串堆栈字节数,默认4096,如果内存充裕,可以设大)
/level:$i,$j dump with decode level range $i-$j(default 4-1)(混淆相关的字符数范围,用来猜测名字的字符数范围)
/ext:$ext dump to file with file extension $ext(default .de.php)(输出文件扩展名,*表示使用源文件扩展名)
/root:$root dump to $path + ( $source - $root ) if specified /path:$path(截取路径根路径)
/path:$path dump to $path(输出路径)
/file:$file dump to $file(输出文件名)
/config[:$c] override config file by ?[:phpinfo.log])(config文件名,默认是config.ini)
/log[:$name] override log name by $name([: ?])(日志名)
/logtype:$t override log type by $t<file|registry|debug|messagebox>(输出日志方式,文件、注册表、debug字符串、对话框)
/ini[:$ini] override php.ini search path by $ini([:.], if not specified)(php.ini的优先搜索路径,默认是.,即当前目录)

Enviroment string PHP_DECODE_XXX override default setting, see help(命令行参数都有对应的环境变量)
Command line->Enviroment string->default setting(优先权:命令行 高于 环境变量 高于 默认设置)

if $ext set to *, then keep origin file extension
if $path = 'd:\', $root = 'e:\', then 'e:\php\xxx'=>'d:\php\xxx'


Update : 2009-02-03 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : liu3zy

I ve got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni for writing the article. I ll just introduce here what I have added. The article mentioned above, has a class that checks if an HRESULT value is SUCCEEDED or not. If not, it throws an exception. What is added is some extra functionality, to be able to show a message box, with the line number and file name and a custom error message.-I've got this idea as an expansion to HRESULT Error Check Simplifier By Wanderley Caloni, so I guess his introduction would be better than if I wrote one. Many thanks to Wanderley Caloni f or writing the article. I'll just introduce here what I have added. The article mentioned above, has a class that checks if an HRESULT value is Made CEEDED or not. If not, it throws an exception. What is added is some ext ra functionality, to be able to show a message box, with the line number and file name and a custom er Ryan message.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 田博

DL : 0
{ OCSP REQUEST*req=NULL if ((req=OCSP一 REQUEST new())一NULL) goto err if (name) /* optional*/ f if (!(req->tbsRequest->requestorName=GENERAL-NAME_ new())) goto er req->tbsRequest->requestorName->type=GEN一 DIRNAME req->tbsRequest->requestorName->d.dim=X509一 NAM几dup(name) } if(!(req->tbsRequest->requestList=sk-OCSP ONEREQ_new(N〔几L))) goto er if(extensions && (!(req->tbsRequest->requestExtensions = ext dup(extensions)))) goto er return req if (req) OCSP REQUEST free(req) return NULL ) 刀此函数用于一个新的合法的OCSP请求加入列表中-(OCSP REQUEST* req = NULL if ((req = OCSP A REQUEST new ()) a NULL) goto err if (name)/* optional*/f if (! (Req-> tbsRequest-> requestorName = GENERAL-NAME_ new ())) goto er req-> tbsRequest-> requestorName-> type = GEN a DIRNAME req-> tbsRequest-> requestorName-> d.dim = X509 a NAM several dup (name)) if (! (req-> tbsRequest-> requestList = sk-OCSP ONEREQ_new (N 〔several L))) goto er if (extensions
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher :

DL : 0
ext包+fck,直接可用。java版。-ext package+ fck, directly available. java version.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : 陈建祥

采用各向异性方法 填补一个缺损的轮廓,从而可以得到一个光滑完整的轮廓。- Completed contours correspond to ridges of an extension (ext) of the characteristic function of the uncompleted curve. Anisotropic extension is performed on the characteristic function fbound of an image set given by the binary map boundary to the whole image domain. Extension is initially driven by \xi=(EigVect{1}, EigVect{2}) (which should match with the contour tangent direction) computed as the direction of maximum coherence of the distance map to the contour to close. It is updated every N iterations with DCV over the distance map to the ridges/thinning of the evolved image. Two different stop criteria are supported: Number of Connected Components ( numcomp ). Contour Completion. Stop when the extended contour (curve of level 1) has exactly Ncomp connected components. Difference between two consecutive iterations ( tol ) Speed Stabilizes ( speed_stab ). [extended]=ContourCompletion(BoundCond,f,DCVParam,StopParam,SaveParam)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : yishui pan

火灾视觉特征的提取是视觉火灾探测中的关键问题. 我们主要研究色彩、纹理以及轮廓脉动 等特征的提取,并提出一种度量轮廓脉动信息的距离模型,该模型在规格化的傅立叶描述子空间能 够准确地度量这种时空闪烁特征. 实验结果表明,该方法具有比较好的鲁棒性,有助于提高视觉火 灾探测的准确率、降低误报漏报率.-Based on investigating color , text ure and temporal feat ures for vision based fire detection , a distance model of contour fluct uation between two successive f rames in t he normalized Fourier descriptor s domain was presented to measure t his time varying contour fluct uation feat ure of flame. The model of contour fluct uation is effective and robust for fire recognition. To f urt her reduce fal se alarms , several features ext racted according to color , text ure and the distance model were toget her regarded as a joint feature vector for artificial neural network to detect fire. Experiment s show t hat the algorithm is effective and robust , and t hat it is significant for improving accuracy and reducing fal se alarms.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 800kb Publisher : 陈卿

基于计算机图像处理技术的汽车牌照自动识别系统,要求能够将运动中汽车的牌照从复 杂背景中准确地提取并识别出来。介绍了所研制的汽车牌照自动识别系统和关键技术(图像分割 与车牌定位、图像二值化和字符提取、车牌字符识别等) 。试验结果显示,系统在Celeron Ⅱ633+ 128M 的PC 机上,对图像尺寸为768 ×574 的311 幅试验图片的识别准确率达到90 ,识别时间≤ 1. 5s。-The objective of automatic vehicle number plate recognition systems (AVNPRS) is to accurately ext ract and recognize the vehicle number plate f rom the complicated background. AVNPRS we developed can realize functions of real2time image capturing , number plate segmentation , number plate pre2processing and character recognition etc. The experiment result s show that the total recogni2 tion success rate can achieve 90 with relatively short time cost , about 1. 5 (with a total number of 311 experimental images which resolution is 768 ×574) .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 229kb Publisher : keithe

DL : 0
MIT Matlab教程:INTRODUCTION TO MATLAB — Fall 1999 Thomas F. Weiss Last modification September 9, 1999 1-MATLAB is a programming language and data visualization software package which is especially effective in signal processing and systems analysis. This document is a brief introduction to MATLAB that focuses on those features that are of particular importance in 6.003.1 It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Project Athena, has an Athena account, and has little or no experience with MATLAB. Other MATLAB help is available through Athena consulting which offers a number of more tutorial handouts and short courses (ext. 3-4435), on-line consulting (type olc at the Athena prompt), and Athena on-line help (type help at the Athena prompt). There are a number of books available that describe MATLAB. For example, Engineering Problem Solving with Matlab, by D. M. Etter, published by Prentice-Hall (1997) and Mastering MATLAB, by Hanselman and Littlefield, published by Prentice-Hall (1996). The paperback MATLAB Primer by K. Sigmon, published by CRC Press (1994) is a handy summar
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 99kb Publisher : Alex Du

为了提高纹理图象分割的边缘准确性和区域一致性以及降低分割错误率, 提出了一种基于小波变换的利 用特征加权来进行纹理分割的方法. 该方法包括特征提取、预分割和后分割 3 个阶段, 其中, 特征提取在金字塔结 构小波变换的基础上进行 预分割利用均值聚类算法来对原始图象进行初步的分割 后分割则根据预分割的结果 对特征进行加权, 然后利用最小距离分类器来实现图象的最后分割. 与传统的方法相比, 该方法在分割错误率、边 缘准确性以及区域一致性等方面均有明显的改善-To imp rove the accuracy of boundary locat ions and region homogeneity as w ell as to reduce the er ro r rate in texture image segmentat ion, a novel app roach based on w avelet2t ransfo rm and using feature w eigh t ing is p ropo sed in th is paper . Th is new technique contains th ree consecut ive stages: feature ext ract ion, p re2segmentat ion and po st2segmentat ion . In the feature ext ract ion stage, texture features are ext racted by using the pyram id2st ruc2 tured w avelet t ransfo rm. The o r iginal image is then segmented init ially using themeans cluster ing algo r ithm in the p re2segmentat ion stage . A cco rding to the p re2segmentat ion results, the ext racted features are w eigh ted and the p re2segmented image is fur ther p rocessed w ith a m inimum distance classif ier in the po st2segmentat ion stage to f i2 nally get the segmented image . A ll technical po ints are clear ly descr ibed and p resented in detail . Some segmenta2
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 151kb Publisher : jjdjjf

 Ext rapolation operator of one2way wave field has great application in seismic migration imaging. According to their implement , these operators can be classified into three kinds : Kirchhoff integral method , implicit definite difference in space domain and Fourier t ransform method. They represent different operator expression methods. Dif2 ferent precisions will be got while using the operators in these methods in different t runcate order. Represent in sym2 bol in the method of derivation and accuracy analysis. Symbol of operator is the function of operator acting on sine function. Symbol of operator is the extension of convolution operator’s Fourier t ransform. Fourier t ransform method can be directly derived f rom symbol function’s separable approximation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 503kb Publisher : txd
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