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人脸的检测与定位(在预处理部分,采用了特别的增强人脸特征与脸部皮肤之间对比度的方法及局域取阈值二值化方法,改进了预处理的效果。在图像分割部分,实现了经典的分合算法,并且使用成组算法改进了分合的效果。在人脸匹配部分,实现了基于眼睛和嘴的几何模型匹配,并对评价函数的构造进行了研究。)-Face Detection and Location (pretreatment, using a special facial features enhanced facial skin and the contrast between local and from the threshold value of two methods to improve the effectiveness of the pretreatment. Image segmentation, to achieve the classic division algorithm, and the use of group Algorithm the division results. in the face matching, based on the realization of the eyes and mouth of the geometric model matching, as well as evaluation of the structure function were studied.)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.47mb Publisher : wfw

进行人脸检测的代码,主要可以实现人脸特征及肤色检测-for face detection code can be achieved major facial features and skin detection
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 935.85kb Publisher : 萧枫

人脸的检测与定位(在预处理部分,采用了特别的增强人脸特征与脸部皮肤之间对比度的方法及局域取阈值二值化方法,改进了预处理的效果。在图像分割部分,实现了经典的分合算法,并且使用成组算法改进了分合的效果。在人脸匹配部分,实现了基于眼睛和嘴的几何模型匹配,并对评价函数的构造进行了研究。)-Face Detection and Location (pretreatment, using a special facial features enhanced facial skin and the contrast between local and from the threshold value of two methods to improve the effectiveness of the pretreatment. Image segmentation, to achieve the classic division algorithm, and the use of group Algorithm the division results. in the face matching, based on the realization of the eyes and mouth of the geometric model matching, as well as evaluation of the structure function were studied.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.47mb Publisher : wfw

进行人脸检测的代码,主要可以实现人脸特征及肤色检测-for face detection code can be achieved major facial features and skin detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : 萧枫

針對單一人臉做出五官的檢測定位,並在人臉上畫出五官的方框作為表示.-For a single human face detection features make positioning, and his face painted in the box as an express facial features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李毅駿

人脸检测和人的五官定位,好几种实现方法。-Face detection and facial features of the positioning of several methods.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.49mb Publisher : 胡恩良

人脸检测和人的五官定位!很不错的网站!好好好好好!-Face detection and location of facial features! Very good site! Good good good!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 238kb Publisher : 李丽

简单的人物脸部特征检测,采用OPENCV库-Simple characters facial features detection, the use of OPENCV library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : pa

Automatic Face and Facial Features Detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 544kb Publisher : Inchara

两篇人脸检测的英文论文,是花钱买的哦,英文描述中是一篇文章的英文摘要!-Face and facial feature detection plays an important role in various applications such as human computer interaction, video surveillance, face tracking, and face recognition. Efficient face and facial feature detection algorithms are required for applying to those tasks. This paper presents the algorithms for all types of face images in the presence of several image conditions. There are two main stages. In the first stage, the faces are detected from an original image by using Canny edge detection and our proposed average face templates. Second, a proposed neural visual model (NVM) is used to recognize all possibilities of facial feature positions. Input parameters are obtained from the positions of facial features and the face characteristics that are low sensitive to intensity change. Finally, to improve the results, image dilation is applied for removing some irrelevant regions. Additionally, the algorithms can be extended to rotational invariance problem by using Radon tran
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.6mb Publisher : 刘宋

图象处理,边缘检测提取,定位特征区域对人面部进行识别-Image processing, edge detection extraction, Positioning human facial features of the region to identify
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 239kb Publisher : qu

结合人脸肤色和发色进行的人脸检测,可以忽略人脸的姿态表情,不用进行人脸特征的定位-Combination of face color and hair color for face detection, facial gesture can ignore the expression, do not carry out the positioning of facial features
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gu

针对人脸检测问题中快速性与准确性难以同时满足的情况,提出了一种将肤色和脸部特征相结 合的方法来检测人脸。由于通过基于肤色的算法能快速定位出人脸大致位置,因而检测速度能达 到实时的要求;同时利用脸部特征进一步细检,可保证检测的精确性。-Abstract:This paper proposes a human face detection algorithm based on skin color and facial features to meet the demand for fast and accurate detection.Skin color jS used for coarse location and facial features are used for fine face detection.Th e algorithm gains certain detection rate and can be used in real time applications in further work
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 231kb Publisher : 费富里

论文提出一种全自动识别人脸七种基本表情(愤怒、厌恶、恐惧、高兴、无表情、悲伤和惊奇)的方法。该方法首先 采用几何模型匹配法自动定位出人眼,在此基础上进行人脸大小归一化,然后利用局域二值模式(Local Binary Pattern. LBP)技术提取面部特征,最后采用由粗到细的方案进行表情分类。采用日本的JAFFE公用表情数据库来检测算法的性 能,实验结果验证了方法的有效性。-Paper proposes a fully automatic identification of seven basic facial expressions (anger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sadness, and surprise) method. In this method, the geometric model matching method with automatic positioning to human eyes, in this based on the human face of Size Normalization and then use local binary pattern (Local Binary Pattern. LBP) Jishu extract facial features, and finally using coarse-to- fine program expression classification. Public expression of Japan' s JAFFE database performance detection algorithm, experimental results verify the validity of the method.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 167kb Publisher : MJ

DL : 0
一种基于肤色分割、区域分析和模板分布的彩色图像人脸检测算法.首先对输入的彩色图像利用混合高斯模型和亮度模型进行分割,然后根据人脸五官的结构特征对得到的区域进一步分析处理,获得所有可能的候选人脸.接着构造了一种基于双眼和人脸模板的概率模型并利用其对候选人脸进行最终检测.-Based on skin color segmentation, regional analysis and the template in color images of face detection algorithm. First, the input color image using mixture Gaussian model and the brightness model segmentation, then under the facial features of the structure on further analysis by region treatment to obtain all possible candidates face. then constructs a template based on the eyes and face the probability model and use its candidates face final test.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 573kb Publisher : 麦高

程序中提供了一种简单方便的人脸面部特征提取方法,测方法提取人脸特征效率高,速度快,提取精度高-The program provides a simple and convenient method for human facial feature extraction, measurement methods to extract facial features high efficiency, high speed, high precision extraction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张佳瑞

人脸检测 基于特征脸的方法 eigenface 做人脸定位的可以参考一下 -Face detection method based on facial features eigenface Positioning human face can refer to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.25mb Publisher : owen

DL : 0
用python语言实现的基于Harr特征的人脸检测算法,可以用于人脸的检测,眼睛,鼻子等脸部五官的检测-Using python language based on the Harr feature-based face detection algorithm can be used for the detection of face, eyes, nose and other facial features detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 魏风

该程序可以追踪人脸并检测人脸的面部特征,从而达到识别人脸的功能,利用了OPENCV的图形处理功能,自动追踪人脸,检测与已载入的数据库进行匹配,进行识别,最终会给出检测结果。(The program can track the face and detect the facial features of the face, so as to achieve the function of recognizing the face, the use of OPENCV graphics processing functions, automatic tracking of the face, the detection and the database has been loaded to match, Give the test results.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.5mb Publisher : weiqian

运用HOG提取人脸特征与支持向量机算法训练模型,进行人脸识别(Using HOG to extract facial features and support vector machine algorithm training model for face recognition)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.71mb Publisher : BrokenMoon
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