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两通道滤波器组的设计,包括正交镜像fb,仿酉fb,准确重建fb.-two channel filter design, including the orthogonal images fb, fake Unitary fb, accurate reconstruction fb.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : 阳光

AVS运动补偿电路的VLSI设计与实现 提出了一种基于AVS标准的高效的运动补偿电路硬件结构,该设计采用了8 X 8块级流 水线操作,运动矢量归一化处理和插值滤波器组保证了流水线的高效运行以及硬件资源的最优 利用。采用Verilog语言完成了VLSI设计,并通过EDA软件给出仿真和综合结果。-AVS motion compensation circuit of VLSI Design and Implementation of a standard based on the AVS motion compensation circuit efficient hardware structure, the design used 8 X 8 block-level pipelining, the normalized motion vector processing and interpolation filter bank guarantee efficient operation of the pipeline, as well as the optimal use of hardware resources. Using Verilog language completed VLSI design and EDA software through simulation and synthesis results.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 211kb Publisher : sss

木论文主要研究了子带滤波器组的设计方法,尤其是具有线性相位特性的完全重构滤波器组的设计,以及完全重构的子带滤波器组在图像消噪中的应用。-Wood paper studied the sub-band filter bank design method, especially characteristics of linear phase perfect reconstruction filter bank design, and perfect reconstruction subband filter banks in image denoising application.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 333kb Publisher : 阳关

本论文主要研究多种子带滤波器组设计以及它们在通信系统中的干扰抑制和检测系统中的信号消噪等应用问题。整篇论文分三个方面:①结构化完全重构滤波器组设计②完全重构非均匀滤波器组设计③滤波器组的应用研究。(用caj可以打开)-This paper studies multi-seed-band filter design, as well as their communication systems in interference suppression and detection systems for applications such as signal denoising problem. The whole thesis is divided into three aspects: ① structured perfect reconstruction filter bank design ② Perfect Reconstruction Non-uniform filter bank design ③ filter group applied research. (You can open with CAJ)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4.24mb Publisher : 阳关

MATLAB Code for Optimal Quincunx Filter Bank Design Yi Chen July 17, 2006 This file introduces the MATLAB code that implements the two algorithms (i.e., Algorithms 1 and 2 in [1], or Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 in [2]) used for the construction of quincunx filter banks with perfect reconstruction, linear phase, high coding gain, certain vanishing moments properties, and good frequency selectivity. The code can be used to design quincunx filter banks with two, three, or four lifting steps. The SeDuMi Matlab toolbox [3] is used to solve the second-order cone programming subproblems in the two algorithms, and must be installed in order for this code to work.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 53kb Publisher : lzn

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The Rice Wavelet Toolbox (RWT) is a collection of Matlab M-files and C MEX-files for 1D and 2D wavelet and filter bank design, analysis, and processing. The toolbox provides tools for denoising and interfaces directly with our Matlab code for wavelet domain hidden Markov models and wavelet regularized deconvolution.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 54kb Publisher : Galilleo

This is a code to design and simulate the QMF filter banks.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : arashmokhtari

A digital filter bank design description
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 242kb Publisher : Little Fan

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TFB Demonstrates time domain equalizer filter bank design functions, To start the demo type "tfb". For more information use the "info" button after startingthe demo.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8kb Publisher : hossein

Filter Bank design for One Dimension and two dimension signals
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 196kb Publisher : Pap

对录音信号集 中的某一语音,利用BATLAB设计一美尔例谱算法,并实现。 取信号集 中的一个语音信号:“xxxxxx”,将它作为输入的语音信号来为设计一个美尔倒谱算法,在该算法中,主要设计了以下环节: 1.读入一个语音信号;2.对这个信号归一化;3.对归一化的信号进行加窗处理(这里的矩形窗长度必须为257,重帧长64);4.进行预加重处理,即通过一个高通滤波器: ;5进行512点的FFT;6.分别取模平方得到功率谱;7.在设计的mel滤波器组中,我采用了25个带通滤波器;8.将得到的功率谱信号通过mel滤波器组,得到相应的25个功率值;9.对这些功率值取自然对数;10.对这些值取离散作弦变换;11.将得到的值去掉直流分量,取其它值作为MFCC参数。 -Concentrated on recording a voice signal, using BATLAB designed Mayer cases spectral algorithm, and implementation. Get a voice signal signal focus: "xxxxxx", will it as input for the design of a voice signal to Mel Cepstrum algorithm in the algorithm, the main design of the following links: 1. Read a speech signal 2. On the signal normalized 3. Of the normalized windowed signal processing (here, rectangular window length must be 257, re-frame size 64) 4. For Pre-emphasis processing through a high-pass filter: 5 for 512 points of FFT 6. modulo square were obtained spectrum 7. in the design of mel filter banks, I use a 25 band-pass filter 8 . will be the power spectrum signal by mel filter bank, corresponding to the 25 power values 9. on the power to take the natural logarithm value 10. to take these values as strings of discrete transform 11. will be of value to out DC component, to take other values as MFCC parameters.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13kb Publisher : 赵欣

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正交镜像滤波器的设计,从正交镜像滤波器的远离出发设计,而且从结果中观察其相位和幅度。- Design a two-channel QMF filter bank The four filters in the filter bank are based on a lowpass prototype H(z) which is designed by this procedure. The analysis filters are HL(z) and HH(z) and the synthesis filters are GL(z) and GH(z), HL(z) = H(z) HH(z) = H(-z) GL(z) = 2 H(z) GH(z) =-2 H(-z
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 319kb Publisher : xucaichen

奇阶互补法设计两带滤波器组 matlab实现代码 内含仿真结果图。-Odd order complementary method to design two-band filter bank matlab code contains simulation results in Fig.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 13kb Publisher : khd

四带滤波器组的matlab实现代码,内含正确的仿真结果 及详细标注,新手可以参考。-Four-band filter bank matlab code contains the correct simulation results and detailed labeling, can refer to the novice.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 14kb Publisher : khd

MATLAB建模数字下变频的滤波器组设计,和幅频特性分析(cic级联补偿滤波器,和cic级联补偿滤波器和半带滤波器)-Digital down conversion filter bank design, analysis and amplitude-frequency characteristics of the the cic cascade compensation filter and the cic cascade compensation filter and half-band filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8kb Publisher :

MATLAB建模数字下变频的滤波器组设计,和幅频特性分析(cic级联补偿滤波器,和cic级联补偿滤波器和半带滤波器)-Digital down conversion filter bank design, analysis and amplitude-frequency characteristics of the the cic cascade compensation filter and the cic cascade compensation filter and half-band filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8kb Publisher :

This the matlab code of filter bank design.-This is the matlab code of filter bank design.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7kb Publisher : Nigel Lai

MATLAB仿真设计树形结构滤波器组 并将原来语音文件与滤波接收后的问价进行对比 能实现功能-MATLAB Simulation design tree structure filter bank and the original audio file and filter asking price after receiving comparison function can be realized
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 152kb Publisher : marrymiffy

十进制数转换成二进制补码,并将结果写入txt。低通滤波器设计、多相滤波器组设计,并将系数写入txt或者coe文件,可用于FPGA设计-Decimal numbers into binary complement, and writes the result txt. Low-pass filter design, polyphase filter bank design, and coefficient writing or coe txt file that can be used for FPGA design
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 连天

Design your own two channel filter bank in simple matlab code for advanced signal processing
Update : 2021-02-14 Size : 596byte Publisher :
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