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a program which implements a finite difference solution, explicit in time, of the time dependent 1D heat equation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : jahan

1维显式pde数值解(Finite Difference Methods-------Central)-One-dimensional numerical solution of pde Explicit (Finite Difference Methods------- Central)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : lingxuzi

FD1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT is a FORTRAN90 program which solves the time-dependent 1D heat equation, using the finite difference method in space, and an explicit version of the method of lines to handle integration in time. -FD1D_HEAT_EXPLICIT is a FORTRAN90 program which solves the time-dependent 1D heat equation, using the finite difference method in space, and an explicit version of the method of lines to handle integration in time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 讲演

In this file, the case of polymer casting is considered as an unsteady state heat transfer problem. The explicit scheme of finite difference approach is considered to solve the governing partial differential equation in one dimensional (radial) cylindrical coordinates.- In this file, the case of polymer casting is considered as an unsteady state heat transfer problem. The explicit scheme of finite difference approach is considered to solve the governing partial differential equation in one dimensional (radial) cylindrical coordinates.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : ahmed

这是一个二维完全纳维-斯托克斯方程的显式有限差分解法-This is a two-dimensional full Navier- explicit finite difference method for Stokes equations
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : john

亚声速-超声速等熵流动的CFD解 拉瓦尔喷管基本原理-Solution of quasi-one-dimensional isentropic flow through a iverging-converging nozzle, by the explicit Mac Cormack finite difference method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : zyj

包含了14段代码,主要是金融领域。包含了显性有限差分-期权定价、蒙特卡洛定价、风险中性期权定价等-Contains 14 sections of the code, mainly in the financial sector. Contains explicit finite difference- pricing, Monte Carlo pricing, risk-neutral pricing options
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : 李姝阳

维波动显格式计算程序,本程序采用有限差分法来计算二维波动问题-Two-dimensional wave the explicit calculation program, this program USES the finite difference method to calculate the two-dimensional wave problem
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : wanglihai

对流扩散方程的上风差分,又称为迎风差分。时间项为显性差分。-Convection diffusion equations with upwind difference, also known as the upwind difference. Time for the explicit finite difference.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

使用二维完全纳维斯托克斯方程显式有限差分解法解决流过平板的超声速流动-The use of two-dimensional NS equation completely explicit finite difference method to solve the problem of supersonic flow through the flat
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 22kb Publisher : 葛高杨

油水两相三维黑油模型有限差分的显式共轭梯度求解程序-Oil-water two phase 3 d finite difference of black oil model explicit conjugate gradient solver
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : zj

A python 3 library for solving initial and boundary value problems of some linear partial differential equations using finite-difference methods. * Laplace * implicit central * Parabolic * explicit central * explicit upwind * implicit central * implicit upwind * Wave * explicit * implicit ## Examples
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : Morphine

抛物型偏微分方程的有限差分法中的向前差分显格式和向后差分隐格式。(The forward difference explicit scheme and backward difference implicit scheme in the finite difference method for parabolic partial differential equations.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨小歪

分层的一维热传导方程的有限差分法MATLAB程序,是简单的显式差分格式,尽量使用了矩阵运算,没有符号运算。 文件chafen1.m以路面为例,假设有多层建筑材料,热传导系数已经在代码中给出。用户使用时请按自己需要修改chafen1.m文件,增减层数,修改热传导系数等即可。(One-dimensional heat conduction equation finite difference method MATLAB program, is a simple explicit difference format, as far as possible use of matrix operations, no symbolic operations The file Chafen 1.m takes the road surface as an example, assuming that there are multiple layers of building materials, the thermal conductivity is given in the code. Users should modify the Chafen 1.m file according to their own needs, increase or decrease the number of layers, modify the thermal conductivity and so on.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.5mb Publisher : 野生的飞飞

DL : 0
Update : 2019-05-25 Size : 1kb Publisher : sawadayk
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