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This program can determin very accurately the nature of the user input
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : erya

以Simulink为主要工具介绍了系统仿真方法与技巧,包括连续系统、离散系统、随机输入系统和复数系统的仿真。介绍了模声封装技术、电力系统模块集、非线性系统设计模块集、S-函数编写与应用、Stateflow有限状态机、虚拟现实工具箱等中高级使用方法,最后还介绍了半实物仿真技术与实时控制技术。-Simulink as the main tool to introduce a system simulation methods and techniques, including continuous systems, discrete systems, stochastic input system and the simulation of complex systems. Introduce a sound module packaging technology, power system module set, non-linear system design blockset, S-function of the preparation and application, Stateflow finite state machine, virtual reality and other high use of the toolbox, and finally also introduce a semi-physical simulation technology and real-time control technology.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 591kb Publisher : 阳关

转载:众所周知有限元解决振动问题的能力还是有限的, 比如做齿轮啮合过程的动力学模拟就要同时涉及到接触和动力反映两个主要方面. 目前处理此类问题最成熟的软件当属MSC.ADAMS, 但ADAMS也只能在模拟过程中做到弹性与刚性接触而已! 据我所知, 已不止两位研究生试图用LS-DYNA来做此类模拟, 他们忽略了(或没搞清楚) LS-DYNA只能处理瞬态问题, 而对于该过程的模拟也是无能为力的!!! 结果是浪费了大量的时间, 甚至机会. 这本应是导师的责任, 但许多高龄导师对现代软件的不熟悉也是....那么此类问题的具体解决方案在哪里? Vibration Simulation Using Matlab and ANSYS 给出了答案. 掌握书中的内容意义非同小可! 这对于要从事CAE工作的将会受益(起码在今后20年内).随着我国经济的高速发展 解决资本积累必将是要遇到的问题, 工程(设备)维护, 系统监测也将(象发达国家)成为CAE非常重要的部分. 早早入手就能使你立于不败之地!-This book has three main purposes. The first purpose is to cc..-ct in one document the various methods of constructing and representing dynamic mechanical models. The second purpose is to help the reader develop a strong understanding of the modal analysis technique, where the total response of a system can be constructed by combinations of individual modes of vibration. The third purpose is to show how to take the results of large finite element models and reduce the size of the model (model reduction), extracting lower order state space models for use in MATLAB.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7.54mb Publisher : 何红亚

设计一个M/M/S/k排队系统模型,用C++进行仿真,计算一个新的服务请求在各个状态k下的阻塞率,绘制出到达率-阻塞率曲线(matlab),并将理论值与仿真值进行比较。 M/M/S/k模型为服务请求到达间隔时间服从泊松分布、服务时间服从指数分布、系统有S个服务器、系统容量为k(有限个)的排队系统。如果一个服务请求到达排队系统时,系统内已有k个服务请求,那么这个服务请求就会被拒绝(即不为该服务请求安排服务器,也不会将其排入系统队列)。由于系统容量为k,有S个服务器,所以系统队列的长度为k-S。-The design of a M/M/S/k queuing system model, with C++ for simulation, calculation of a new service request in every state under the blocking rate k, the arrival rate of drawing- blocking probability curve (matlab), and the theoretical value and simulation values. M/M/S/k model for the service request arrival time to obey Poisson distribution, exponential distribution of service time, the system has S servers, the system capacity of k (finite) of the queuing system. If a service request arrival queuing system, the system has k service request, then the service request will be rejected (that is, do not arrange for the service request server, nor will its queue into the system). Since the system capacity for the k, there are S servers, so the length of the queue system kS.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 110kb Publisher : 张三

在对用有限差分法计算二维稳态传热的过程及算法进行分析的基础上 , 研究了用于描述差分 节点及其关系的数据结构, 并研究了自动生成热量衡算方程组的方法。基于此方法开发了二维传热计算 程序, 程序支持交互设计传热网络, 能够自动生成传热方程组并求解方程组。-In two-dimensional finite difference method to calculate steady-state heat transfer process and the analysis of algorithms, based on studies used to describe the difference between the node and its data structure and to study the automatic generation of heat balance equations approach. This method is developed based on two-dimensional heat transfer computer program, the program supports interactive design of heat transfer networks, can automatically generate the heat transfer equations and solving equations.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 127kb Publisher : nagtive

为人工情感的有限自动机模型,传入函数的参数包括:此刻的情绪状态向量,此刻的输入向量;函数输出为下一时刻的情绪状态向量和行为输出向量。-For the artificial emotion finite automaton model, the parameters passed to the function include: the emotional state vector at the moment, at the moment the input vector function of the output for the next moment of emotional and behavioral state vector output vectors.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王巍

Convolutional coder generates redundant bits using Modulo 2 additions. It can be viewed as a finite state machine that consists of a number of shift register stages.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : bikramaditya

Matlab电磁波FDTD传输程序 模拟一天线发射电磁波在不同介质中的传播。-The Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method belongs in the general class of grid-based differential time-domain numerical modeling methods. The time-dependent Maxwell s equations (in partial differential form) are discretized using central-difference approximations to the space and time partial derivatives. The resulting finite-difference equations are solved in either software or hardware in a leapfrog manner: the electric field vector components in a volume of space are solved at a given instant in time then the magnetic field vector components in the same spatial volume are solved at the next instant in time and the process is repeated over and over again until the desired transient or steady-state electromagnetic field behavior is fully evolved.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : linxu

Script for computing BER with Binary Convolutional Code and Viterbi decoding with finite survivor state memory Convolutional code of Rate-1/2, Generator polynomial - [7,5] octal Hard decision and soft decison decoding is used.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : thefar2012star

基于MATLAB_Simulink的系统仿真技术与应用 本书首先介绍MATLAB语言的程序设计的基本内容,在此基础上系约介绍了系统仿真所必要的数值计算方法及MATLAB实现,并以Simu1ink为主要工具介绍了系统仿真方法与技巧,包括连续系统、离散系统、随机输入系统和复数系统的仿真,由浅入深介绍了模块封装技术、电力系统模块集、非线性系统设计模块集、S-函数编写与应用、Stateflow有限状态机、虚拟现实工具箱等中高级使用方法,最后还介绍了半实物仿真技术均实时控制技术。本书可作为一般读者学习和掌握MAlLAB/Simulink语言的教科书,也可作为高校理工科各类专业的本科生和研究生系统仿真类课程的教材和参考书,还可供科技工作者、教师作为学习和应用系统仿真分析技术解决实际问题的参考资料。-This book introduces MATLAB programming language, the basic content, in this based on the simulation system presented about the necessary numerical methods and MATLAB implementation, and Simu1ink introduced the system as the main tool for simulation methods and techniques, including the continuous system , discrete systems, stochastic input system and complex system simulation, Deep introduced module packaging technology, power system block set, set of nonlinear system design module, S-function and application of writing, Stateflow finite state machines, virtual reality tools use of boxes and other senior, finally introduced the loop simulation technology are real-time control technology.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 17.06mb Publisher : 商志远

元胞自动机(CA)是一种用来仿真局部规则和局部联系的方法。典型的元胞自动机是定义在网格上的,每一个点上的网格代表一个元胞与一种有限的状态。变化规则适用于每一个元胞并且同时进行。典型的变化规则,决定于元胞的状态,以及其( 4或8 )邻居的状态。元胞自动机已被应用于物理模拟,生物模拟等领域。本文就一些有趣的规则,考虑如何编写有效的MATLAB的程序来实现这些元胞自动机。(Cellular automata (CA) is a method for simulating local rules and local relations. A typical cellular automaton is defined on a grid, where the mesh on each point represents a cell and a finite state. The change rules apply to each cell and simultaneously. A typical change rule is determined by the state of the cell and the state of its (4 or 8) neighbors. Cellular automata have been applied to many fields such as physical simulation and biological simulation. This article deals with some interesting rules that consider how to write effective MATLAB programs to implement these cellular automata.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 226kb Publisher : c.ljx

The speech signal for the particular isolated word can be viewed as the one generated using the sequential generating probabilistic model known as hidden Markov model (HMM). Consider there are n states in the HMM. The particular isolated speech signal is divided into finite number of frames. Every frame of the speech signal is assumed to be generated from any one of the n states. Each state is modeled as the multivariate Gaussian density function with the specified mean vector and the covariance matrix. Let the speech segment for the particular isolated word is represented as vector S. The vector S is divided into finite number of frames (say M). The i th frame is represented as Si . Every frame is generated by any of the n states with the specified probability computed using the corresponding multivariate Gaussian density model.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 769kb Publisher : Khan17

详细介绍了MATLAB产品体系中用于动态逻辑系统建模仿真的Stateflow产品的应用方法。本书的前六章内容是Stateflow的基础,重点介绍了有限状态系统中状态、状态转移、连接节点、历史节点、动作、数据对象、事件等各种概念在Stateflow产品中的实现方法,还着重介绍了层次化系统建模、并行机制、事件广播、隐含事件和时间逻辑等有限状态系统的建模方法。本书的后三章内容涉及Stateflow的高级话题,涵盖了Stateflow Coder代码生成、真值表、Embedded MATLAB Function以及Stateflow API的使用方法等内容。(The application method of Stateflow product used in modeling and Simulation of dynamic logic system in MATLAB product system is introduced in detail. The first six chapters of this book is the basis of Stateflow, this paper mainly introduces the methods of finite state system in the state, state transfer, connection, historical node, action, data objects, events and concepts in Stateflow products, also introduced the modeling method of hierarchical system modeling, parallel mechanism, event broadcast, implicit events and time logic of finite state systems. The last three chapters of this book relate to the advanced topics of Stateflow, including Stateflow Coder code generation, truth table, Embedded MATLAB Function and the use of Stateflow API.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.29mb Publisher : miq

一维稳态非线性热传导问题的有限元编程,实现了一维非线性热传导问题的matlab有限元模拟(One dimensional finite element implementation for steady state, nonlinear heat conduction.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : CKLJSA
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