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The KOM(S) Streaming System provides a server, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. The first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linux. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP) but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It uses RTSP as control protocol to communicate with possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP. -The KOM (S) Streaming System provides a ser ver, a client, and a proxy cache for audio / video streaming. Th e first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linu x. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP), but uses RTSP / RTP (and Files). It u ses RTSP as control protocol to communicate wit h possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 向军

将中断向量调整到0x33ffff00地址。 我的理解是中断向量仍然是0x0,只是通过一种转换将这个向量表又复制到0x33ffff00地址了。但是当中断来临的时候,CPU仍然首先指向0x0地址所在的向量表,然后通过这个向量表转向0x33ffff00所在的向量表。-will interrupt vectors 0x33ffff00 adjusted to address. My understanding is interrupted vector is still 0 x0, only through a change to the scale of this is to copy the addresses 0 x33ffff00. But when the interruption comes, the CPU is directed first and foremost at 0 x0 domicile to the scale, Then the shift to the scale of 0 to x33ffff00 lie scale.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.52kb Publisher : wangjun

车牌识别C++Builder代码,首先要把车牌图像灰度化,接着对图像进行中值滤波进行初步降噪,下一步进行Sobel纵向边缘检测,即增强车牌纵向边缘,边缘检测后进行二值化处理,此时车牌区域特征得到进一步加强,但同时又加强了背景中的部分噪声,所以再对其腐蚀,然后定位及截取车牌,最后对车牌进行二值化。 -LPR C Builder code, first and foremost, we should plates gray, Then the image median filtering for noise reduction preliminary, the next step for vertical Sobel edge detection, strengthening plates vertical edge, edge detection after binarization, then plates regional identity can be further strengthened, But at the same time strengthen the part of the background noise, the so-corrosion, and then positioning and interception of a registration number, Finally, the plates for the value of two.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22.76kb Publisher : linvg

A book is rarely written alone although a title might have one author, there are a host of midwives who help it into being. First and foremost, thanks go to the Microsoft DirectShow team, who created this technology, and especially to the following members who contributed specifically to this project: Syon Bhattacharya, John Carothers, Alok Chakrabarti, Ben Ellett, Glenn Evans, Dennis Evseev, Stephen Estrop, Dennis Flanagan, Matthijs Gates, David Goll, Jay Kapur, Tuan Le, Danny Miller, Stan Pennington, Michael Savage, Robin Speed, Gary Sullivan, and E-Zu Wu.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : jerry

The task of clustering Web sessions is to group Web sessions based on similarity and consists of maximizing the intra- group similarity while minimizing the inter-group similarity. The first and foremost question needed to be considered in clustering W b sessions is how to measure the similarity between Web sessions.However.there are many shortcomings in traditiona1 measurements.This paper introduces a new method for measuring similarities between Web pages that takes into account not only the URL but also the viewing time of the visited web page.Yhen we give a new method to measure the similarity of Web sessions using sequence alignment and the similarity of W eb page access in detail Experiments have proved that our method is valid and e币cient.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 200.47kb Publisher : li

The KOM(S) Streaming System provides a server, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. The first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linux. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP) but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It uses RTSP as control protocol to communicate with possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP. -The KOM (S) Streaming System provides a ser ver, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. Th e first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linu x. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP), but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It u ses RTSP as control protocol to communicate wit h possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : 向军

车牌识别C++Builder代码,首先要把车牌图像灰度化,接着对图像进行中值滤波进行初步降噪,下一步进行Sobel纵向边缘检测,即增强车牌纵向边缘,边缘检测后进行二值化处理,此时车牌区域特征得到进一步加强,但同时又加强了背景中的部分噪声,所以再对其腐蚀,然后定位及截取车牌,最后对车牌进行二值化。 -LPR C Builder code, first and foremost, we should plates gray, Then the image median filtering for noise reduction preliminary, the next step for vertical Sobel edge detection, strengthening plates vertical edge, edge detection after binarization, then plates regional identity can be further strengthened, But at the same time strengthen the part of the background noise, the so-corrosion, and then positioning and interception of a registration number, Finally, the plates for the value of two.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : linvg

A book is rarely written alone although a title might have one author, there are a host of midwives who help it into being. First and foremost, thanks go to the Microsoft DirectShow team, who created this technology, and especially to the following members who contributed specifically to this project: Syon Bhattacharya, John Carothers, Alok Chakrabarti, Ben Ellett, Glenn Evans, Dennis Evseev, Stephen Estrop, Dennis Flanagan, Matthijs Gates, David Goll, Jay Kapur, Tuan Le, Danny Miller, Stan Pennington, Michael Savage, Robin Speed, Gary Sullivan, and E-Zu Wu.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : jerry

CMM的首要的而且也是最重要的目标是,建立一种机制来对软件工程是引进文化改变。测试工作是促进这个目标的重要手段。本文就是介绍CMM的基本方法和过程! -CMM s first and foremost but also the most important objective is to establish a mechanism for software engineering is the introduction of cultural change. Testing is to promote an important means to this goal. This article is to introduce the basic methods and CMM process!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 428kb Publisher : zengyh

Verilog_黄金参考中文版 经典 EDA编程人员进入编程工作首要的学习资料-Verilog_ reference to the Chinese version of the classic gold EDA programmers to enter the programming first and foremost learning materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 458kb Publisher : 陈斌

The task of clustering Web sessions is to group Web sessions based on similarity and consists of maximizing the intra- group similarity while minimizing the inter-group similarity. The first and foremost question needed to be considered in clustering W b sessions is how to measure the similarity between Web sessions.However.there are many shortcomings in traditiona1 measurements.This paper introduces a new method for measuring similarities between Web pages that takes into account not only the URL but also the viewing time of the visited web page.Yhen we give a new method to measure the similarity of Web sessions using sequence alignment and the similarity of W eb page access in detail Experiments have proved that our method is valid and e币cient.-The task of clustering Web sessions is to group Web sessions based on similarity and consists of maximizing the intra-group similarity while minimizing the inter-group similarity. The first and foremost question needed to be considered in clusteringW b sessions is how to measure the similarity between Websessions. However. there are many shortcomings in traditiona1measurements. This paper introduces a new method for measuringsimilarities between Web pages that takes into account not only theURL but also the viewing time of the visited web page. Yhen wegive a new method to measure the similarity of Web sessions usingsequence alignment and the similarity of W eb page access in detailExperiments have proved that our method is valid and e currency cient.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 200kb Publisher : li

视频序列中的人脸检测与跟踪算法研究 图像中的人脸信息分析对于生物特征识别、人机交互,视频监控、基于内容的图像检索、图像编码、视频会议等方面具有着广泛的应用前景,然而要想对人脸信息进行分析,一个首要的问题就是要先在图像或视频序列中检测或跟踪到人脸,否则人脸信息分析也就无从谈起。本文的研究主题正是视频序列中的人脸检测与跟踪技术-Video sequences of face detection and tracking algorithm for human face image information analysis for biometric identification, human-computer interaction, video surveillance, content-based image retrieval, image coding, video conferencing, etc. with a wide range of applications, However, in order to face on an analysis of information, a First and foremost is the first in the images or video sequences in the detection or tracking of the human face, or else face information analysis will be out of the question. This study is the subject of video sequences in the human face detection and tracking technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.58mb Publisher : QHLee

随着航天技术的迅速发展和应用,空间在政治、军事、经济等领域的战略地位日益提高,夺取空间优势成为世界各国发展航天军事力量的首要任务。天基网是一种以各种类型的卫星为网络节点通过星际链路互连起来的空间无线网络系统。由于具有全天候、近实时、不受国界限制,以及在广阔区域甚至全球范围内获取和快速传递大容量信息的能力,作为未来天地一体化信息框架的主要组成部分,天基网在战略预警、区域性战役信息保障和战术指挥控制及战场管理等层次具有广泛应用。 路由技术对提高数据传输的时效性和可靠性有着重要的意义。尽管路由问题在地面网络中已经得到了较好解决,但由于天基网具有拓扑持续动态变化、节点星上载荷能力有限、星际链路传输时延长、承载数据流量分布不均衡等特点而使路由技术面临新的挑战。路由问题是天基组网中的基本问题,也是当前该领域的研究热点之一。本文在分析天基网路由面临的技术挑战和现有工作不足的基础上,重点研究了天基网不同发展阶段和不同组网结构中的... -With the rapid development and application of spaceflight technology, the space s strategic role is becoming more and more important in the political, military and economic fields, etc. Obtaining predominance in space turns into the foremost task for the development of spaceflight military power for all the countries in the world. The space-based network is a type of wireless network system in space in which various satellite nodes are inter-connected by inter-satellite links. As the main part of the future...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 178kb Publisher : 王立

本图书借阅信息管理系统设计的首要原则是任何数据库信息管理系统所必须具备的使用性原则,即开发的系统应能够在保证效率的前提下,最大可能得增强系统的使用性,尽量使用户界面友好、操作简便,同时在操作方式上与传统管理方式保持一致。-Borrow the book information management system designed first and foremost principle is that any database information management system must have the use of the principle that the development of the system should be able to ensure that the premise of efficiency, the biggest may be used to enhance system and user interface as far as possible friendly, easy to operate while in operation with the traditional line management.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : yule

Getting Real 是關於寫出優秀的軟體,但沒有畫地自限的必要。將這些概念套用在生活上別的領域,您或許會碰上好的結果。 Getting Real 第一章 引言 第二章 起跑线 第三章 保持精益 第四章 首要任务 第五章 挑选功能 第六章 操作 第七章 组织 第八章 人员配备 第九章 界面设计 chapter 10 Code chapter 11 文字 第12章 定价和注册 chapter 13 Promotion chapter 14 Support chapter 15 Post-Launch chapter 16 Conclusion -Getting Real is about to write good software, but there is no need for painting to self-limited. To apply these concepts to other areas in life, you might run into a good result. Getting Real Chapter Introduction Chapter II Chapter III of the starting line first and foremost task to maintain lean Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI of the selection function of the organization operating under Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX interface design, staffing chapter 10 Code chapter 11 section 12 of the text s Pricing and Registration chapter 13 Promotion chapter 14 Support chapter 15 Post-Launch chapter 16 Conclusion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : 催风

DL : 0
C#具有C++所没有的一个优势就是学习简单。该语言首要的目标就是简单。很多功能(还不如说是缺少了C++的一些功能)有助于C#全方位的简单。-C# with C++ does not have an advantage is learning easy. Of the language first and foremost goal is simple. Many functions (might as well be said to lack some of the features C++) helps C# all-round simple.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61kb Publisher : tangjie

C#具有C++所没有的一个优势就是学习简单。该语言首要的目标就是简单。很多功能(还不如说是缺少了C++的一些功能)有助于C#全方位的简单。-C# with C++ does not have an advantage is learning easy. Of the language first and foremost goal is simple. Many functions (might as well be said to lack some of the features C++) helps C# all-round simple.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : tangjie

出版《多媒体技术: 计算、通讯及应用(英文影印版)》牛人使用的RTP通信服务程序,可以用来做多媒体通信快速实验,只支持MPEG-1编码。服务器功能相当于IBM s VideoCharger. -The KOM(S) Streaming System provides a server, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. The first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linux. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP) but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It uses RTSP as control protocol to communicate with possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP. On all working platforms, a rudimentary but functional streaming server is available. On AIX 4.3, the server is able to act as a replacement RTSP server for IBM s VideoCharger. README for further information. Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.46mb Publisher : 胡胜红

本文提 出了基于功率预留的准入控制策略。首先介绍一种资源分配算法,该算法将可用信 道完全分配从而实现基站发射功率最小化。在此基础上,分别为小区间切换用户和 小区内切换用户设计预留策略,并根据系统的业务载荷自适应地调整功率预留量, 从而实现GOS的最优化。 -there exists a fundamental tradeoff between bandwidth and power. In this thesis, we propose a novel admission control scheme based on power reservation. Foremost, we introduce a joint subchannel and power allocation algorithm for WiMAX system, which minimizes the overall downlink transmit power by utilizing all available subchannels. Based on this, we propose two power reservation schemes for inter-cell handoff calls and intra-cell handoff calls, respectively. The amount of reserved power is determined in an adaptive manner for optimizing the metric of Grade of Service(GoS).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.58mb Publisher : punk_812

Wireshark是世界上最大的网络协议分析仪.这是它的开源代码。-Wireshark is the world s foremost network protocol analyzer,this is the open source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19.36mb Publisher : 张巍
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