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[Windows Developdlpiusb

Description: Develop USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) projects quickly and easily using Delphi’s fasttrack approach to application development combined with the D2XX “Direct” USB drivers and devices from Future Technology Devices Intl. ( FTDI ).-Develop USB (Universal Serial Bus) projects quickly and easily using Delphi s fasttrackapproach to application development combined with the D2XX
Platform: | Size: 531456 | Author: wangj | Hits:

[USB developusb_jtag-20080705-1200

Description: Xilinx USB JTAG 下載端程式 -The jtag_logic.vhd in this directory describes the logic for a parallel-serial converter to be connected to a FT245BM USB chip from FTDI Inc
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: simon | Hits:

[OS programmidi2usb

Description: The program receives midi from ftdi usb-uart and send it to the virtual midi port.
Platform: | Size: 300032 | Author: Daniel | Hits:

[Delphi VCLzylgpsr356

Description: ZylGPSReceiver is a Delphi / C++Builder component collection that communicates with a serial GPS receiver. It works with any NMEA compatible receiver connected to one of the serial ports. You can use it also with USB and Bluetooth devices, because these devices have a driver that redirects the input from the USB or Bluetooth port to a virtual serial port (you can check it in System/Device Manager/Ports). If your device is not provided with such a driver, then use a USB controller whose vendor provides a virtual serial port driver, such as FTDI or use a USB/RS-232 adapter. With this component you will be able to develop robust GPS Delphi or C++Builder applications.
Platform: | Size: 1231872 | Author: b0x | Hits:

[Software EngineeringFT232BL_Schematic

Description: Schematic for FTDI232 chip to convert serial to USB
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: mustafa | Hits:

[USB developftdi_sio.tar

Description: USB FTDI Serial Converters Driver-Instructions to install new driver You may require the sources matching the current kernel to be installed on your system (and built). There are many helpfull websites that can assist you with this step and it isnt as daunting as you first think! Try http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=2949&page=2 as a first step if the link is still available. To install the ftdi_sio driver use the following steps: 1. Create a temporary folder in your linux machine. 2. Extract the files from ftdi_sio.tar.gz file to your temporary folder "gunzip ftdi_sio.tar.gz" "tar-xvf ftdi_sio.tar" 3. Build the driver "make" 4. Plug in your ftdi device 5. Check to see if default driver was loaded "lsmod"- you will see ftdi_sio if a driver is loaded 6. Remove the default installed driver "rmmod ftdi_sio"
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: kc101 | Hits:


Description: 在FPGA外扩用FT2232 实现UART TO USB 2.0 的通信。-The FT2232H is a USB2.0 Hi-Speed USB Device to FIFO IC. This core allows the use of this chip with an FGPA design in high speed FT245 style synchronous FIFO mode. Data rates up to 25 mbytes/s can be achieved. The core has internal FIFOs on the receive and transmit for improved throughput. For more information see FTDI s appnote "AN_130_FT2232H_Used_In_FT245 Synchronous FIFO Mode.pdf" Included: VHDL core, NIOS test application, PC test application
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李涛 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCDM-2.06.00-WHQL-Certified

Description: ftr232驱动程序,是一个USB转UART的资料-ftr232 driver is a USB to UART data
Platform: | Size: 795648 | Author: tsg | Hits:


Description: This example application demonstrates using a USB Communications Device Class for hosting a FTDI FT232R device. I m using FTDIs UB232R development module: http://apple.clickandbuild.com/cnb/shop/ftdichip?op=catalogue-products-null&prodCategoryID=58&title=UB232R Which has this FTDI chip: http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/ICs/FT232R.htm It has USB_CLASS_VEND_SPECIFIC (0xff) Interface Class. Other CDC drivers could also be added to this example in the future (ACM, Prolific,...).
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: sampi | Hits:


Description: The purpose of this project is a simple and easy to use USB <> CAN bus interface. Heart of the circuit is an Atmel AVR ATmega162 microcontroller which controls the Communication between FTDI FT245BM USB to parallel converter and Philips SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN bus controller. The SJA1000 is memory mapped into memory space of the AVR, which reduces data and address line handling and increases data transfer speed. An FT245BM handles all USB communication and provides data transfer from and to PC application. An extra EEPROM can store the multi device template for the FT245BM. A Philips PCA82C250/251 works as CAN controller interface. Firmware is written in C, compatible to latest compiler version WinAVR.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: nabilos | Hits:


Description: This a sample code for STM32F4 DISCOVERY board. It basically gets data from the accelerometer makes some calculations and sends it UART, I use an FTDI chip for uart to usb communication with my PC. With a simple PC program you could collect that data and make a graph or whatever you wish. I Used CooCox IDE to make that project. It is ready to use if you have that software. Otherwise you can still use the code with a bit of tweaking if for some reason you have different peripheral libraries for that board.-This is a sample code for STM32F4 DISCOVERY board. It basically gets data from the accelerometer makes some calculations and sends it UART, I use an FTDI chip for uart to usb communication with my PC. With a simple PC program you could collect that data and make a graph or whatever you wish. I Used CooCox IDE to make that project. It is ready to use if you have that software. Otherwise you can still use the code with a bit of tweaking if for some reason you have different peripheral libraries for that board.
Platform: | Size: 325632 | Author: Rein | Hits:


Description: FTDIUartDe0nano. C# code to comunicate with FTDI USB/serial interface and UART on FPGA. The target is to read write and EEPROM.
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: vivera28 | Hits:


Description: The serial (COM) port is one of the simplest ways to communicate between a PC and a microcontroller circuit. Most microcontrollers have hardware serial ports and most microcontroller compilers have built-in functions to read from and write to the hardware port. Hardware serial ports with their 9-pin D connectors have disappeared from laptop and desktop computers, but are easily produced with a low-cost USB-to-serial cable adaptor. For embedded systems, a common approach is to add a FT232R USB-to-serial chip to the circuit so that the hardware connects to the PC though USB. Another option is to add a USB-to-serial module, for example the UM232R by FTDI or the USBMOD3 from DLP Design. These modules add glue circuits and a USB connector to the converter chip for an easy-to-use self contained solution.
Platform: | Size: 235520 | Author: dang minh thanh | Hits:

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