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在数字信号处理中,高速高精度的三角函数发生器有着广泛的应用。传统的方法是采用查表、多项式展开或近似的方法。这些方法在速度、精度、简单性和高效实现方面不能兼顾。对比而言,用CORDIC 实现的三角函数发生器能很好地兼顾这些方面,并且极适合于VLSI 实现。提出了一种基于流水线CORDIC的离散三角函数发生器。-In the digital signal processing, high-speed high-precision trigonometric function generator has a wide range of applications. The traditional method is the use of look-up table, polynomial or similar methods. These methods in terms of speed, precision, simplicity and efficient implementation can not take into account. In contrast, the use of CORDIC trigonometric function generator can achieve a good balance between these areas, and very suitable for VLSI realization. A Pipelined CORDIC-based discrete trigonometric function generator.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 80kb Publisher : 黄文林

DL : 0
基于单片机的移相式函数发生器设计,用汇编语言编写!-Based on single-chip phase-shifting function generator design, with the compilation of languages!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 745kb Publisher : 吴乐

这是一个信号发生器的labview源程序,模拟正弦波、三角波、方波等五种波形输出,频率、幅值、相位可调。 -This is a signal generator of the LabVIEW source code, analog sine wave, triangle wave, square wave output waveform five, frequency, amplitude, phase adjustable.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : pf6601

函数发生器集成芯片max038资料,该芯片可以产生方波,三角波,正弦波等多种波形-Function Generator max038 chip data, the chip can produce square wave, triangle wave, sinusoidal waveform, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 183kb Publisher : zrj

DL : 0
实现函数发生器产生的波形能够在电脑显示器上显示。函数发生器通过GPIB卡与电脑连接并传输数据,电脑上通过LABVIEW软件环境完成与GPIB卡的数据通信。在LABVIEW环境下完成了对虚拟仪器前面板以及后台程序框图的设计与编程。在LABVIEW开发环境下,实现对GPIB控制时,采用VISA模块驱动的方法进行编程。设计结果在LABVIEW环境下的虚拟示波器能够实现示波器的功能,能够显示函数发生器所产生的任意波形。- achieve the waveform can be displayed on the screen of the computer which send out by the function generator. The function generator connect to computer through a GPIB card and transfer data. Labview can be communicated with GPIB card and save data on computer. The virtual instrument front panel design and background process diagram programming can achieved under Labview software environment. The realization of GPIB control, using VISA module-driven approach to program in Labview. The result of the design is that the virtual oscilloscope is able to complete the Real oscilloscope function in Labview.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 刘峰

采用LabVIEW软件构建了一个基于计算机的虚拟函数发生器。文中首先介绍了信号发生器的发展状况,并在此基础上研究通用函数发生器的分类和主要性能指标。之后通过研究对数据采集卡的使用,完成虚拟函数发生器的硬件设计。再参照通用函数发生器的功能模块,采用LabVIEW软件进行虚拟函数发生器的软件设计。最后进行了仿真实验,实现了波形选择、参数设置、扫频、连续或突发输出等功能,并实现了虚拟函数发生器的模拟输出- used LabVIEW to build a computer-based virtual function generator. First Introduced the development of the signal generator, and on this basis, researched the classifications and the major performance indices of the function generator. Following through research on the use of the data acquisition card, completed the hardware design of the virtual function generator.refenced on the module of the function generator, used LabVIEW to complete the software design by referencing on the module of the function generator. Finally, take a simulation, accomplished the performance like the waveform choice, the set of parameter, the sweep, continuous, unexpected output, dual-channel analog output.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 119kb Publisher : 曹超

A simple Function Generator In LabView 8.6-A simple Function Generator In LabView 8.6
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : Iepu

DL : 0
This the code for a function generator (sin, cosin, triangle, pulse), you can variate the amplitud and the frequency, it is developed on ICCAVR, for any doubts I have the simulation on Proteus too.-This is the code for a function generator (sin, cosin, triangle, pulse), you can variate the amplitud and the frequency, it is developed on ICCAVR, for any doubts I have the simulation on Proteus too.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Ann

This code that genetes a square, sawtooth and a triangular waveform. It is useful for designing a function generator in VHDL.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Joel

avr mega16单片机写的函数发生器,利用定时器中断发生正弦波、三角波、锯齿波-avr mega16 MCU to write a function generator, using the timer interrupt occurs sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张伟伟

DL : 0
这个是利用labview做的一个虚拟示波器,里面有函数发生器等-This is to use labview to do a virtual oscilloscope, which has a function generator
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 109kb Publisher : 小首

双通道频率计,设计的非常好 从外国电子DIY网上搜罗的-The function generator is a generic measurement equipment to generate test signals. Most function generators can generate a sine, square and/or triangle wave and high end equipments support arbitrary waveforms and have multiple channels. The simple function function generator can be built easy, so that there are many home-build projects from old days. The method of waveform synthesis can be divided in two categories, one is analog synthesizing method and the other is digital synthesizing method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.52mb Publisher :

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函数发生器程序框图 设定信号频率5Hz 信号幅度1V,采样频率1000Hz 采样点数1000,选择生成正弦波-Basic Function Generator
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : 郑国喜

Function generator created as a subVI
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher : Aida

函数发生器,VHDL的综合实验 可以产生不同的函数,并将它输出。-Function generator, VHDL comprehensive experiment can have different functions, and output it.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.7mb Publisher : janesday

实现不同波形不同幅度不同频率函数信号发生器的仿真-To achieve different ranges of different waveforms of different frequencies Function Generator Simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 414kb Publisher : 刘超

基本的函数发生器,labview编写。。一个简单例子供参考-The basic function generator, labview write. . . . . . . . . . . .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : 安南

函数发生器,可以产生三角波锯齿波方波和正弦波-Function generator
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 依拉

Function generator AD9833BRMZ datasheet.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 297kb Publisher : majo451

labview 编写的函数发生器,其中包含正选波、三角波、方波、锯齿波等-labview write the function generator, which contains the positive selection, triangle, square, ramp, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : zz
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