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[Other resourcepathloss&gnoise

Description: cp0801_pathloss为UWB信道损耗计算函数,利用a=(c/(d^gamma))计算出信道增益,然后对函数的输入信号幅度进行变换得到输出结果。 cp0801_Gnoise1和cp0801_Gnoise2为产生AWGN的函数,分别为Eb/No和Ex/No条件下AWGN的产生-cp0801_pathloss for UWB channel depletion calculation function, use a = (c / (d ^ gamma)) calculated Channel Gain, then the function of the input signal range for transform output. Cp0801_Gnoise1 and AWGN cp0801_Gnoise2 to generate the function, for Eb / No and Ex / No conditions for the selection of AWGN
Platform: | Size: 1739 | Author: 贾凯 | Hits:

[Other resourceVisualcsharp_Excle

Description: Excel是微软公司办公自动化套件中的一个软件,他主要是用来处理电子表格。Excel以其功能强大,界面友好等受到了许多用户的欢迎。在设计应用系统时,对于不同的用户,他们对于打印的需求是不一样的,如果要使得程序中的打印功能适用于每一个用户,可以想象程序设计是十分复杂的。由于Excel表格的功能强大,又由于几乎每一台机器都安装了它,如果把程序处理的结果放到Excel表格中,这样每一个用户就可以根据自己的需要在Excel中定制自己的打印。这样不仅使得程序设计简单,而且又满足了诸多用户的要求,更加实用了。那么用Visual C#如何调用Excel,如何又把数据存放到Excel表格中?本文就来探讨上述问题的解决办法-Excel, Microsoft office automation suite of software, he is mainly used to handle electronic forms. Excel with a powerful and friendly interface, and so on have been welcomed by many users. In the design of application systems for different users, the demand for print is not the same. If the procedures to enable the printing function applies to every user, it is conceivable design process is very complex. Because Excel form powerful, and since almost every station machines are installed it, If the results processed into Excel spreadsheets, so that each user can meet their own needs in Excel own customized print. This not only made the process simple design, but it also meets the requirements of many users, a more practical. Then using Visual C# How to Use Excel, how to store data again Ex
Platform: | Size: 3067 | Author: hp | Hits:

[Other resourceEx-03

Description: MATLAB小程序:MATLAB中使用正弦函数的在线求助 分类搜索 LOOKFOR指令的使用-MATLAB small : MATLAB use of the sine function classification search for help online orders using LOOKFOR
Platform: | Size: 5392 | Author: yxx | Hits:

[Other resourceEx-08

Description: MATLAB小程序:关于MATLAB逻辑运算函数的使用的相关内容-small MATLAB : MATLAB logic operations on the use of function-related content
Platform: | Size: 1843 | Author: yxx | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl控件在默认的情况下有ICON形式,没有底纹,而且报表视图中选中一行时,它只加亮最左边的一个栏目。通过函数SetWindowLong设置列表控件的LVS_REPORT风格,通过CListCtrl的成员函数SetEctendedStyle设置列表控件的LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT风格。-CListCtrl Control in default under the ICON form, no Shading, and statements selected his view, it only increases the left-most column 1. SetWindowLong function set through Control List LVS_REPORT style, the members of CListCtrl function SetEctendedStyle Control List set LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style.
Platform: | Size: 4914862 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl控件在默认的情况下有ICON形式,没有底纹,而且报表视图中选中一行时,它只加亮最左边的一个栏目。通过函数SetWindowLong设置列表控件的LVS_REPORT风格,通过CListCtrl的成员函数SetEctendedStyle设置列表控件的LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT风格。-CListCtrl Control in default under the ICON form, no Shading, and statements selected his view, it only increases the left-most column 1. SetWindowLong function set through Control List LVS_REPORT style, the members of CListCtrl function SetEctendedStyle Control List set LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style.
Platform: | Size: 4914176 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: cp0801_pathloss为UWB信道损耗计算函数,利用a=(c/(d^gamma))计算出信道增益,然后对函数的输入信号幅度进行变换得到输出结果。 cp0801_Gnoise1和cp0801_Gnoise2为产生AWGN的函数,分别为Eb/No和Ex/No条件下AWGN的产生-cp0801_pathloss for UWB channel depletion calculation function, use a = (c/(d ^ gamma)) calculated Channel Gain, then the function of the input signal range for transform output. Cp0801_Gnoise1 and AWGN cp0801_Gnoise2 to generate the function, for Eb/No and Ex/No conditions for the selection of AWGN
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 贾凯 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringVisualcsharp_Excle

Description: Excel是微软公司办公自动化套件中的一个软件,他主要是用来处理电子表格。Excel以其功能强大,界面友好等受到了许多用户的欢迎。在设计应用系统时,对于不同的用户,他们对于打印的需求是不一样的,如果要使得程序中的打印功能适用于每一个用户,可以想象程序设计是十分复杂的。由于Excel表格的功能强大,又由于几乎每一台机器都安装了它,如果把程序处理的结果放到Excel表格中,这样每一个用户就可以根据自己的需要在Excel中定制自己的打印。这样不仅使得程序设计简单,而且又满足了诸多用户的要求,更加实用了。那么用Visual C#如何调用Excel,如何又把数据存放到Excel表格中?本文就来探讨上述问题的解决办法-Excel, Microsoft office automation suite of software, he is mainly used to handle electronic forms. Excel with a powerful and friendly interface, and so on have been welcomed by many users. In the design of application systems for different users, the demand for print is not the same. If the procedures to enable the printing function applies to every user, it is conceivable design process is very complex. Because Excel form powerful, and since almost every station machines are installed it, If the results processed into Excel spreadsheets, so that each user can meet their own needs in Excel own customized print. This not only made the process simple design, but it also meets the requirements of many users, a more practical. Then using Visual C# How to Use Excel, how to store data again Ex
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: hp | Hits:


Description: MATLAB小程序:MATLAB中使用正弦函数的在线求助 分类搜索 LOOKFOR指令的使用-MATLAB small : MATLAB use of the sine function classification search for help online orders using LOOKFOR
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: yxx | Hits:


Description: MATLAB小程序:关于MATLAB逻辑运算函数的使用的相关内容-small MATLAB : MATLAB logic operations on the use of function-related content
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: yxx | Hits:


Description: 用cordic算法实现超越函数,sin,cos用此方法也可以实现其他的sinhx,coshx,ex.代码用verilog编写-CORDIC algorithm with transcendental function, sin, cos by this method can also realize other sinhx, coshx, ex. Verilog code used to prepare
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: yu_leo | Hits:

[Education soft systemexam

Description: 功能很全的考试系统,希望对大家有用。。你可以下载下来-Function of the examination system is very wide, in the hope that everyone useful. . You can download it
Platform: | Size: 26317824 | Author: 大鲨鱼 | Hits:


Description: 自己写的 c 语言的e的x次方函数 精度还可以的-Write their own language, e c x-th power function of accuracy can also be the
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: 破破 | Hits:


Description: This is a function done in c++, an compile with devc++. Where it can compute POSTFIX ecuation, giving the result of it ecuation. ex. 23+4- = 1
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: enroyate | Hits:


Description: 子波分析是一种日益获得广泛应用的信号处理新技 术, 具有良好的时-频局部化特性, 尤其适用于时变及非平 稳信号。本文简述了子波函数与子波展开的基本概念, 利用 展缩子波和调和子波将信号及信号均方值进行时-频两维 分布。最后采用了三种子波分析方法对轴承故障进行诊断, 即使对现有各种方法尚难以诊断的滚动体故障, 也能获得 满意的结果, 说明子波分析的确为机械故障诊断提供了强 有力的分析手段。-Wavelet a nalysis, as a new technique of signal processing , possesses ex cellent characteristic of time-frequency localization and is suitable for analyzing the time-var ying or transient signals. In this paper , the basic concepts of wavelet function and wavelet expansion are briefly introduced. The time frequency distribution of signal and its energy are obtained by decomposition via dilating wavelet and harmanic wavelet.
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: Peng | Hits:


Description: PropCode2 is a MATLAB implementation of the algorithm described in Chap- ter 3 of The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing by Charles L. Rino, John Wiley & Sons IEEE Press, 2010. The algorithm simulates electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in a fully three-dimensional medium. Although PropCode2 is a direct extension of PropCode1, it is con gured to ex- plore the statistical theory of scintillation. The statistical theory con nes the structure con gurations to realizations of statistically homogeneous processes, as described in book Chapter 3. Homogeneous processes admit position invari- ant moments and a spectral density function (SDF). Turbulence is characterized by a power-law SDF.
Platform: | Size: 745472 | Author: Marko | Hits:


Description: 设计一个函数,其功能是同时求得长度为20的整型数组所有元素中的最大值、最小值和平均值。并用相应的主函数对其进行测试,测试数组可以用随机数填充或者自行定义数据。-The design of a function, its function is to obtain the length of the maximum, minimum and average 20 integer array element. And its main function testing, the test array can be populated with a random number or define your own data.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsex

Description:   (1)一个包含10个元素的数组,已按升序排序,输入一个任意的整数,将该整数插入数组中,使数组元素仍保持升序排列。   要求编写一个通用的插入排序函数InsertSort,它带有三个参数,第一个参数是含有n个元素的数组,这n个元素已按升序排序;第二个参数给出当前数组中元素的个数;第三个参数是要插入的整数。该函数的功能是将一个整数插入到数组中,然后进行排序。另外还需要一个用于输出数组元素的函数Print,要求每一行输出5个元素。    (2)编程求下列两个矩阵的加法(结果矩阵的元素值是这两个矩阵相应元素之和)。要求:定义函数MatAdd用于求矩阵的加法,函数Show用于输出矩阵。       (3)要求设计一个函数void strcpy(char a[],char b[]),将b中的字符串复制到数组a中(要求不使用C++的库函数strcpy())。编写完整的程序并测试。-(1) contains an array of 10 elements have been sorted in ascending order, enter an arbitrary integer, the integer array is inserted so that the array elements remain in ascending order. Requested to prepare a common insertion sort function InsertSort, it takes three parameters, the first parameter contains an array of n elements, which has n elements sorted in ascending order second parameter gives the current number of elements in the array The third parameter is an integer to be inserted. A function that is inserted into an integer array and then sorted. You also need a function to Print output of array elements, requires that each line of output five elements. (2) for adding the following two programming matrix (matrix element of the result is that the value of the corresponding element of the matrix and two). Requirements: Defined Functions MatAdd for Matrix addition, the function Show for output matrix. (3) requires the design of a function void strcpy (char a [], char b []), c
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: LB | Hits:

[Windows Developex

Description: 易语言随机取进程名模块源码例程程序调用API函数,先复制自身,复制的文件名称随机取的,在内存中运行复制的文件,结束被复制的原文件。 -Easy language to take the process name module source routine procedures call API function, the first copy of their own, copy the file name random access to the run in the memory copy of the file, the end of the original file copied.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: ch228 | Hits:


Description: 计算层状大地水平电偶源第一层状系数、第二层状系数及Ex、Hy电磁效应函数(The first layer coefficient, the second layer coefficient and the electromagnetic effect function of Ex and Hy are calculated)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 阳光宝宝 | Hits:
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