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Description: PCM9880是一块PC/104界面的双端口隔离CAN总线通讯卡,它提供PC与控制器局域网之间的连接。采用高性能的SJA1000控制器和82C250收发器,每个端口工作的波特率可达1Mbps。内置CAN控制器具有总线仲裁和带错误侦测自动重复传输功能,有效的避免了数据丢失,确保了系统的稳定。端口采用直接存储地址映射,加快CAN控制器访问速度。两个板载控制器对应不同的内存地址,应此两路控制器可以同时独立工作。卡上还有光电隔离器,能保护PC和设备免受接地回路的破坏,大大增强了系统在恶劣环境下的可靠性。-PCM9880 is a PC/104 interface of the dual-port isolation CAN communication card, which provides PC and LAN controller between connections. The high-performance controller and transceiver SJA1000 transceivers, each port baud rate of up to 1Mbps. CAN controller with built-bus arbitration and error detection with automatic transmission repeat function effectively avoided the loss of data, ensure the stability of the system. Port direct memory address mapping, accelerate CAN controller speed access. Two board controller dealing with different memory address, this two-way controller can also work independently. Also on the card photoelectric isolators, and the PC can protect equipment from damage grounding circuit, greatly enhancing the system in the harsh environment of reliability.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: wyh | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopACMTest

Description: 这是一个用VC多媒体的ACM函数写的对音频压缩的程序,提供了ACM函数的调用方法-This is a VC ACM multimedia functions written in the audio compression procedures, the ACM function call method
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: 陈中 | Hits:

[VOIP programIPphone2.0

Description: 2.0说明 1.0支持系统的录音多种格式,有一定的延时,没有过滤杂音功能. 2.0已取消支持系统的录音多种格式,使用PCM采集数据G711A压缩格式(8000HZ单声道16位格式录音每秒以8K完成数据,16000HZ单声道16位格式录音每秒以11K完成数据,音质相当好),延时降低到最小100-500MS以内,不会随时间增加而增加延时(如果是说话测试一直保持200MS的延时,如果是用播放歌曲来测试,有自动校正延时功能,恢复成200MS的延时,恢复过程中不会中断歌曲的播放,只是小小加快唱歌的速度,听觉不会觉察出来),加入了过滤杂音功能. 2.0安装 将ACMG711.dll复制到系统文件夹里 再安装控件 -2.0 1.0 Note recording system to support multiple formats, a certain delay, no noise filtering function. 2.0 support system has been abolished recording formats, the use of PCM data acquisition G711A compression format (8000HZ 16 mono recording format to 8K per second complete data 16000HZ mono recording format 16 to 11K per second complete data quality is very good), Delay reduced to the minimum 100-500MS within not with time delay increases (if word has been tested 200MS delay, If it is used to test play the songs, the automatic correction function of delay, 200MS resume into the delay, the recovery process will not be interrupted play songs, singing just a small speed up the pace of the hearing will not be perceived out), joined the noise filter function. 2.0 to install ACMG711.dll copi
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: XDUniversity | Hits:

[Audio programWaveIn

Description: 模块名称: CWaveIn 文件名称: WaveIn.h 相关文件: WaveIn.cpp 封装了Windows API中WaveIn WaveOut系列函数的音频采集类。 只适合pcm方式。 一般可以如下使用: 在某个窗口类中加入此类型变量后,调用ShowInfoOnWnd()和Diaplay()函数设置其显示即时信息和示波器的静态控件。然后设置其保存的文件名称。当调用StopRec()函数时来决定是否将录制的音频信息保存到已经设定好的文件中去。 版权信息: 基本模块构架来自互联网,由 IT浪子小于儿 Jan 29 2008 整理和扩充-Module Name: CWaveIn file name: WaveIn.h relevant documents: WaveIn.cpp package in the Windows API function WaveIn WaveOut series audio collection category. Pcm is only suitable way. Generally can be used as follows: in a window class to add this type variable after the call ShowInfoOnWnd () and Diaplay () function to set up their display real-time information and static control oscilloscope. Save it and then set the file name. When you call StopRec () function to decide whether to record audio information is saved to the document has been configured to. Copyright information: the basic framework module from the Internet, from IT is less than the return of a prodigal son Jan 29 2008 collate and expand
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia Developwav_amplify

Description: 对PCM数据的WAV文件进行音量的放大。类似于Windows自带的录音机的放大功能。-PCM data of WAV files to enlarge the volume. Windows built-in tape recorder similar to the zoom function.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: wutong | Hits:


Description: pcm均匀pcm与非均匀pcm 一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。-pcm uniform pcm with a non-uniform pcm. Have a length of 500 zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables with a uniform method of pcm level by 16 to quantify: 1) demand from SQNR, the sequence of the first five values, the corresponding quantization value and the corresponding code word. 2) draw quantization error (defined as the import value and quantify the value of the difference between), at the same time draw to quantify the value of the import value as a function of the map. 3) 128 to quantify the number of redo-level 2) title, the results of the comparison.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: jin | Hits:


Description: 1.编码:程序首先提取一个系统时间,取正弦函数值后,对其进行编码,每秒抽样8000次。 每次运行生成8000个值,放入Excel文件中,每次生成一个文件,文件名按数字顺序排列,如文件组有空缺,则生成文件插入空缺位置,并在文件名之后加X以示区别。 例:只有文件x000.xls , x002.xls, 则运行程序后生成x001x.xls 若已有文件x000.xls , x001.xls , x002.xls , …… X019.xls 共20个文件,则运行后生成x020.xls。 2.解码:运行程序后要求输入想要解码的文件名,则对那文件中的数据进行解码,解码生成的文件名是在文件名前加上recoder_,例如,编码文件:x005.xls,则解码文件名为 redoer_x005.xls。 -PCM codec description of the procedures: 1. Coding: a systematic extraction procedure first time, check sine function value, its encoding, the sample 8000 times per second. Each run to generate 8000 values into Excel file, each generate a file, the file name in numerical order, such as the file group has vacancies, then inserted into the vacancy position to generate documents, and after the file name to show the difference between X . Example: Only documents x000.xls, x002.xls, then run the program generated x001x.xls If there is such a document x000.xls, x001.xls, x002.xls, ... ... X019.xls a total of 20 documents, while running to generate x020.xls. 2. Decoding: After running the program for the importation of want to decode the file name, then on that document, the data decoder, decoding the generated file name in the file name are added before recoder_, for example, encoded documents: x005.xls, then decode the file name for redoer_x005.xls.
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: 陈又山 | Hits:


Description: 数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 function [sampl,re_sampl]=system_1(A,F,P,D,snr,m,N) 输入变量A ,F,P分别为输入信号的幅度、频率和相位,D为量化电平数,snr 为信道信噪比,N为D/A转换时的内插点数;输出变量sampl为抽样后的输入 信号,re_sampl为恢复出的输入信号。 数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 [sampl,quant,pcm]=a_d_1(A,F,P,D) [changed_ami]=signal_encod_1(pcm) [ami_after_channel]=channel_1(changed_ami,snr) [adjudged_ami]=adjudg_1(ami_after_channel,m) re_pcm=signal_decod_1(adjudged_ami) [re_voltag,re_sampl,re_sampl1]=d_a_1(re_pcm,sampl,D,N)-Digital baseband transmission system implementation MATLAB simulation function [sampl, re_sampl] = system_1 (A, F, P, D, snr, m, N) input variables A, F, P, respectively, for the input signal amplitude, frequency and phase , D to quantify the number of electric-ping, snr for the channel signal to noise ratio, N to D/A converter when the interpolation points output variables for the sample after Sampl input signal, re_sampl for the restoration of the input signal. Digital baseband transmission system simulation MATLAB implementation [sampl, quant, pcm] = a_d_1 (A, F, P, D) [changed_ami] = signal_encod_1 (pcm) [ami_after_channel] = channel_1 (changed_ami, snr) [adjudged_ami] = adjudg_1 (ami_after_channel, m) re_pcm = signal_decod_1 (adjudged_ami) [re_voltag, re_sampl, re_sampl1] = d_a_1 (re_pcm, sampl, D, N)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Joseph | Hits:


Description: PCM编解码器,一个功能较简单编解码器的程序-PCM codec, a function of relatively simple procedures codec
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: ganyu | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinepitchwatch

Description: function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file-function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: michael4u2345 | Hits:

[Audio programpcm2adpcm

Description: pcm-wav 格式转换为IMA-ADPCM-WAV.包括Wav格式中文详细说明,和语音测试文件。转换后的文件可用mediaplayer等播放器播放。-function :pcm-wav format file convertion to ima-adpcm-wav, also includes wav file format introduce in detail(chinese) and an example wav file for test.
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: Mike Wang | Hits:


Description: 一个PCM编码的GUI程序,包括给出原函数,抽样,量化,有多种选项可以自行选择-A PCM-coded GUI procedures, including the original function is given, sampling, quantization, there are several options to choose
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 田野 | Hits:


Description: 介绍如何在symbian2.0上,进行用函数自动混音。-In symbian2.0 on how to carry out with the function automatically mixes.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wu | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpcm

Description: 一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。 二。产生一个长度为500,按N(O,1)分布的随机变量序列,分别用16,128量化电平数和u=255的u律非线性进行量化,画出每种情况下量化器的误差和输入-输出关系,并求SQNR. 三。长度为500的非平稳序列a由两部分组成:前20个样本是按照均值为零和方差为400的高斯随机变量产生的,其余480个样本是根据均值和方差为1的高斯随机变量产生的,对这个序列分别用均匀pcm和非均匀pcm方法进行128电平量化,试比较两种情况下所得到的SQNR。 -One. Have a length of 500 zero mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables with uniform pcm way to quantify the level with a 16: 1) Find the income SQNR, the sequence of the first 5 values, the corresponding quantization value and the corresponding codeword. 2) Draw the quantization error (defined as the input value and quantify the difference between the values), and draw quantitative values ​ ​ as a function of input graph. 3) redo 128 the number of quantization level 2) title, compare the results. II. Produce a length of 500, according to N (O, 1) distributed random variables, respectively 16,128 and the number of quantization level of u u = 255 to quantify non-linear law, draw each case quantizer error and input- output relationships, and seek SQNR. III. Length of the non-stationary series is a 500 consists of two parts: the first 20 samples in accordance with zero mean and variance of 400 generated Gaussian random variable, and the remaining 480 samples are based o
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 1、用Matlab绘制带通信号图形 2、用Matlab对模拟信源进行均匀量化 3、用Matlab编制一个函数实现均匀PCM量化编码,并计算量化噪声比(SQNR) 4、用Matlab对不同的量化级数计算出相应的量化噪声比-1, drawn using Matlab graphics bandpass 2, the simulation using Matlab source for uniform quantization 3, prepared using Matlab function to achieve a uniform PCM quantization coding, and calculate the quantization noise ratio (SQNR) 4, using Matlab on a different series to calculate the corresponding quantitative quantization noise ratio
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 王员根 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4directsound-play-pcm

Description: 采用Directsound播放本地PCM音频文件,也可以可以用于播放网络PCM包,当然得进行一定的修改。-a function which use directsound play a pcm file in local. which could use to play a pcm package from the net.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 用verilog语言实现PCM模块功能(pcm发音)-PCM module function (pcm pronunciation) with verilog language
Platform: | Size: 1788928 | Author: 张喆 | Hits:


Description: 实现均匀pcm编码的matlab函数,可以把波形转换为PCM编码-Matlab code for uniform pcm function can be converted to PCM encoded waveform
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 天烬 | Hits:


Description: PCM3680通过自动传输来提供总线仲裁及错误诊断。-The PCM-3680 is a special purpose communication card that brings the Control Area Network to your PC. With the built-in CAN controller, the PCM-3680 provides bus arbitration and error detection with automatic transmission repeat function.
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: jiamina | Hits:

[matlabpcm A律

Description: pcm编码A律Simulink和MATLAB(PCM in the communication system to complete the voice signal digital function, and its implementation mainly includes three steps to complete: sampling, quantization, coding. The binary representation of time discrete, amplitude discrete and quantized signals is completed respectively. According to CCITT, in order to improve the performance of small signal quantization, using companding non-uniform quantization, there are two suggestions, respectively A law and the law of our country, using the A law, the A law compression complex, often using 13 line method for encoding, using non uniform quantization coding PCM.)
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 面包不面 | Hits:
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