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《模糊逻辑》(Fuzzy Logic)一书的例子程序,作者: Reza Langari-"fuzzy logic" (Fuzzy Logic), an example of the procedure, the authors : Reza including
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : 李岩

Embedded Microcontrollers and Fuzzy logic. With live examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : Jasper

Valluru B. Rao作品,以图文并茂的形式讲解了c++在神经网络和模糊逻辑方面的应用及示例-Valluru B. Rao works in the form of illustrations to explain the c++ neural networks and fuzzy logic in the application and Examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.31mb Publisher : ricky

DL : 1
模糊逻辑的几个应用举例。 《matlab辅助模糊系统设计》-Several application examples of fuzzy logic. " Matlab auxiliary fuzzy system design"
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 球儿

Fuzzy Logic Examples using Matlab,we need to control the speed of a motor by changing the input voltage. When a set point is defined, if for some reason, the motor runs faster, we need to slow it down by reducing the input voltage.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 303kb Publisher : erdem

《智能预测控制及其MATLAB实现(第2版)》系统地论述了神经网络控制、模糊逻辑控制和模型预测控制的基本概念、工作原理、控制算法,以及利用MATLAB语言、MATLAB工具箱函数和Simulink对其实现的方法。该书取材先进实用,讲解深入浅出,各章均有相应的例题,并提供了大量用MATLAB/Simulink实现的仿真实例,便于读者掌握和巩固所学知识。-Intelligent predictive control and MATLAB (2nd edition) described the neural network control, fuzzy logic control and model predictive control of the basic concepts, working principles, control algorithms, as well as using MATLAB, the MATLAB toolbox functions and Simulinkits implementation. The book is advanced and practical material, explain simple terms, each chapter has a corresponding example, and implemented using MATLAB/Simulink simulation examples, easy readers and to consolidate the knowledge.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.75mb Publisher : panleiq

《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》主要讲述如何使游戏中的角色具有智能的技术。书中首先介绍游戏角色的基本属性(包括速度、质量等物理属性)及常用数学方法。接着,深入探讨游戏智能体状态机的实现。通过简单足球游戏实例,《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》给出用状态机实现游戏AI的例子。在图论部分,《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》详细介绍图在游戏中的用途及各种不同的图搜索算法,并用一章的篇幅讨论了游戏中路径规划是如何完成的。此外,《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》还对目标驱动的智能体的实现、触发器与模糊逻辑在游戏中的运用进行了讨论。为使智能体行为更加丰富、灵活、易于实现,《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》还介绍了游戏脚本语言的优点,并以Lua脚本语言为例进行了说明。-" Game Artificial Intelligence Programming Case essence" , focuses on how to make the characters in the game with intelligent technology. The book first introduces the basic attributes of the game characters (including the speed, quality, and other physical attributes) and commonly used mathematical methods. Then, depth game agent realization of the state machine. Instance through a simple football game, the game artificial intelligence programming case the essence of the game AI examples given state machine. Part in graph theory, game artificial intelligence programming case essence " detailed diagram of purpose in the game, and a variety of graph search algorithms, and discuss the game path planning is completed with a chapter. In addition, the game artificial intelligence programming case essence " the realization of the goal-driven agents trigger fuzzy logic game discussion. Agent behavior more rich, flexible, and easy to implement, game artificial intelligence prog
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.76mb Publisher : 白栋天

Fuzzy Logic, at present is a hot topic, among academicians as well various programmers. This book is provided to give a broad, in-depth overview of the field of Fuzzy Logic. The basic principles of Fuzzy Logic are discussed in detail with various solved examples. The different approaches and solutions to the problems given in the book are well balanced and pertinent to the Fuzzy Logic research projects. The applications of Fuzzy Logic are also dealt to make the readers understand the concept of Fuzzy Logic. The solutions to the problems are programmed using MATLAB 6.0 and the simulated results are given. The MATLAB Fuzzy Logic toolbox is provided for easy reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.93mb Publisher : lamine

基于matlab的模糊逻辑方面的国外资料,基于案例又有程序,值得收藏。-The world we live in is becoming ever more reliant on the use of electronics and computers to control the behavior of real-world resources. For example, an increasing amount of commerce is performed without a single banknote or coin ever being exchanged. Similarly, airports can safely land and send off airplanes without ever looking out of a window. Another, more individual, example is the increasing use of electronic personal organizers for organizing meetings and contacts. All these examples share a similar structure multiple parties (e.g., airplanes or people) come together to co-ordinate their activities in order to achieve a common goal. It is not surprising, then, that a lot of research is being done into how a lot of mechanics of the co-ordination process can be automated using computers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.93mb Publisher : 罗雨轩

This book provides illustrative examples in C++ that the reader can use as a basis for further experimentation. A key to learning about neural networks to appreciate their inner workings is to experiment. Neural networks, in the end, are fun to learn about and discover
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 824kb Publisher : Liang Hui Fang

模糊逻辑模式识别,模糊分类,模糊神经网络算法 matlab实例-Fuzzy logic pattern recognition, fuzzy classification, fuzzy neural network algorithm matlab examples
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : liqi

fuzzy logic , applications examples for analysis of input and output data using graphical programming in matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : Cbasmaximo

通过列举各种实际例子,既介绍了MATLAB的一般用法,包括常用命令、语法规则、矩阵运算、数学函数及二、三维图形的绘制,又介绍了比较复杂的数值计算、图形用户界面和工具箱函数回调的编写方法。本书重点阐述了如何利用MATLAB解决化学研究中的实际问题,介绍了数值计算、绘图及优化、统计、神经网络和模糊逻辑等工具箱函数的应用;通过介绍实例和实际编写MAT—LAB程序,使读者能够熟练应用MATLAB语言实现并改进各种算法。(Through some practical examples, it introduces the general usage of MATLAB drawing, including the commonly used commands, grammar rules, matrix operations, mathematical functions, and two 3D graphics, and introduces the numerical calculation, more complex graphical user interface and the toolbox function callback writing method. This book focuses on how to use the MATLAB to solve practical problems in chemical research, introduces the application of numerical calculation, drawing and optimization, statistics, neural network and fuzzy logic toolbox function; through the introduction of practical examples and the preparation of MAT - LAB program, so that readers can skilled application of MATLAB language and improved algorithms.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.07mb Publisher : miq

Implementation of Fuzzy Gain Scheduling for PID Controllers in MATLAB and Simulink Fuzzy PID Controller in MATLAB and Simulink An approach to tune the PID controller using Fuzzy Logic, is to use fuzzy gain scheduling, which is proposed by Zhao, in 1993, in this paper. In this post, we are going to share with you, a MATLAB/Simulink implementation of Fuzzy PID Controller, which uses the blocksets of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in Simulink. Three examples of the reference paper, are implemented as Simulink models. For backward compatibility, the models for use with MATLAB 7.9 are provided, in addition to MATLAB R2015a (version 8.5) models.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 309kb Publisher : amardz

模糊二型,在matlab中的使用,附有说明论文 和例子(Fuzzy type 2, used in matlab, with explanatory papers and examples)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 962kb Publisher : xixixiww
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