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a3load is 8051 firmware that can be used for uploading or downloading to EZ-USB RAM (internal or external). It implements the vendor specific command bRequest = 0xA3. The address to download/upload to/from is specified in the wValue field of the SETUP packet and the length of the transfer in the wLength field. The actual upload/download data is transferred during the DATA stage of the SETUP transfer. This firmware will function on all EZ-USB chips (EZ-USB, EZ-USB FX, FX2, FX2LP, FX1). -a3load 8051 is firmware that can be used for uploading or downloading to the EZ-USB RAM (intern al or external). It implements the vendor speci microwave command bRequest = 0xA3. The address to down load / upload to / from is specified in the wValue SETUP field of the packet and the length of the tr wLength ansfer in the field. The actual upload / download data is transferred during the DATA st age of the SETUP transfer. This firmware will fu nction on all EZ-USB chips (EZ-USB, EZ-USB FX, FX2, FX2LP, FX1).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.66kb Publisher : 汪洪波

a3load is 8051 firmware that can be used for uploading or downloading to EZ-USB RAM (internal or external). It implements the vendor specific command bRequest = 0xA3. The address to download/upload to/from is specified in the wValue field of the SETUP packet and the length of the transfer in the wLength field. The actual upload/download data is transferred during the DATA stage of the SETUP transfer. This firmware will function on all EZ-USB chips (EZ-USB, EZ-USB FX, FX2, FX2LP, FX1). -a3load 8051 is firmware that can be used for uploading or downloading to the EZ-USB RAM (intern al or external). It implements the vendor speci microwave command bRequest = 0xA3. The address to down load/upload to/from is specified in the wValue SETUP field of the packet and the length of the tr wLength ansfer in the field. The actual upload/download data is transferred during the DATA st age of the SETUP transfer. This firmware will fu nction on all EZ-USB chips (EZ-USB, EZ-USB FX, FX2, FX2LP, FX1).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : szoctavia

Slave mode FX2LP Firmware for raw-data transfer from an external master (altera FPGA)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : moran.m78

Cypress - EZ-USB FX2LP™ USB Microcontroller High-Speed USB Peripheral Controller-Cypress- EZ-USB FX2LP™ USB Microcontroller High-Speed USB Peripheral Controller
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 759kb Publisher : spuki

EZ-USB FX2LP软件开发包,使用开源SDCC编译器,适用于CY7C68013、CY7C68013A EZ-USB FX2LP Firmware Development Kit For SDCC -EZ-USB FX2LP software development kit, using open source SDCC compiler for CY7C68013, CY7C68013A EZ-USB FX2LP Firmware Development Kit For SDCC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : Wills Wang

DL : 0
hid_kb firmware this firmware uses FX2LP or FX1 to emulate a USB HID keyboard. On the DVK board, buttons F1-F4 map to shift and a,b,c. The 7-segment display shows the status of caps-lock, scroll-lock, and num-lock. -hid_kb firmware this firmware uses FX2LP or FX1 to emulate a USB HID keyboard. On the DVK board, buttons F1-F4 map to shift and a,b,c. The 7-segment display shows the status of caps-lock, scroll-lock, and num-lock.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : Willson Yang

Simple firmware example to demonstrate use of the general purpose indicator LEDs (D2,D3,D4,D5) on the Development Kit board. Because it requires an external memory bus, this firmware is for FX2LP and FX1 only. It will not run on FX2LP18.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Geduxas

塞朴拉斯CY7C68013固件源码 cpress FX2LP-Cyprus Park Las CY7C68013 firmware source cpress FX2LP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher : 介意

This paper s main objective was to design a card variables to take action in power stations and transmitted via the USB port. To achieve this objective the project was divided into three stages: the first one was the development of proper measurement card, the second, addressed the problem of digitization of the variables acquired by the card designed and because conditioning, and finally in the third phase addressed the problem of taking values digitized and sent through the USB port. To implement this last stage was used in FX2LP CY7C68013A chip, a programmable circuit allows the implementation of devices that meet the USB 2.0 standard.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 884kb Publisher : jon

DL : 0
cypress中的FX2LP示例代码,有简单的,有难的,大家自己下了看吧-cypress in FX2LP sample code, there are simple, there are difficult, we own down Kanba
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 312kb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 闫冰冰

DL : 0
USB 的应用实例和固件实例 很好的usb学习资料-USB application examples and instances of good usb firmware learning materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 302kb Publisher : David

这是EZ-USB FX2LP(TM)USB微控制器的中文文档-This is the EZ-USB FX2LP (TM) USB microcontroller Chinese documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : wangy

CE63180Interfacing I2C EEPROM with EZ-USB FX2LP-dsfsad sdaf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 657kb Publisher : 张超

EZ-USB FX2LP firmware source of a simple HID class USB device
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : deden

EZ-USB FX2LP firmware source of a simple LED blinking program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 255kb Publisher : deden

EZ-USB FX2LP firmware source of a simple mouse HID class USB device
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher : deden

FX2LP GPIF 是一款高度可配置、具有高度灵活性的硬件,使您能够充分利用 USB 2.0 设计,并适用于需外部主设备进行信息交换的应用。本文档可作为与 FX2LP GPIF 进行外设连接的 USB 2.0 的理想指南。 在提出基本 GPIF 概念前,本文档首先介绍了 EZ-USB® FX2LP™ 的基础架构,以便您对 GPIF 如何适用于总数据路径有一个透彻的了解。接着介绍了开发 GPIF 应用的方法。这便于您掌握组成一整套 GPIF 应用解决方案的关键组件,以及将 GPIF 与外部从设备相连的框架。采用这一方法,面对 GPIF 的复杂特性,您就可以做到驾轻就熟,同时还可确保高成功率。-FX2LP GPIF is a highly configurable, highly flexible hardware, enabling you to take full advantage of USB 2.0 design and apply an external master device requires the application of information exchange. This document can be used as an ideal guide for USB 2.0 peripherals with FX2LP GPIF be connected. Before making basic GPIF concepts, this document introduces the infrastructure EZ-USB FX2LP ™ so that you have a thorough understanding of how to apply to the total GPIF data path. Then describes a method developed GPIF applications. This allows you to master the key components that make up a complete set of GPIF application solutions, as well as the framework of the GPIF from the device connected to the external. Using this approach, the face of the complex nature of GPIF, you can do very much at home, while also ensuring a high success rate.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 161kb Publisher : 呼延郎

EZ-USB FX2LP CY7C68013A USB核心板 开发板
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21.12mb Publisher : 柳仁远

FX2LP Crosslink FPGA Source Code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : 杜掌柜
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