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Description: 光纤对各种类型的高斯光束的不同非线性作用-Fiber of various types of Gaussian beam in the role of different non-linear
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: shutan | Hits:


Description: 把波动方程和高斯射线束结合一起合成单炮记录。生成segy格式文件。-The wave equation and the Gauss-ray beam combined with the synthesis of single-shot record. Generate segy format.
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: 武俊文 | Hits:


Description: matlab模拟高斯光束经过单模光纤的传播-自动检测语言自动检测语言 中 → 英 英 → 中 中 → 日 日 → 中 英 → 日 日 → 英 英 → 泰 泰 → 英 翻译结果 (中 > 英) 复制结果 双语对照查看 Simulation of Gauss beam passing through a single mode optical fiber communication with matlab
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 历则 | Hits:


Description: code to solve the gauss equation in laser
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: brenda | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsGauss-beam-in-kerr

Description: 可以用此文件分析高斯光束在kerr介质中的传输情况,其中束腰半径、介质中传输距离可以自由修改。-You can use this file analysis Gaussian beams in kerr medium transmission case where waist radius, medium transmission distance can be freely modified.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wg | Hits:


Description: (二维)优美厄米余弦高斯光束的辐射力的计算- radiation beautiful Hermite cosine Gauss beam
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: xubijun | Hits:


Description: 高斯光束的强度等计算 和matlab画图程序-Calculation of the intensity of Gauss beam
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: xubijun | Hits:

[Special EffectsGauss-beam-passing-body-tissue

Description: 高斯光束相关参数仿真,对经过人体组织的弱散射特性的研究有帮助-Gauss beam parameters simulation, through the study of the weak scattering characteristics of human body is helpful
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 胡江川 | Hits:

[Education soft systemGAUSS

Description: 高斯光束的MATLAB源代码,对于光学专业或者从事光学全息方面研究的人员,对于研究图片处理的人员具有一定的指导意义-Gaussian beam MATLAB source code, or the optical professional research in optical holographic aspect of personnel, research personnel for picture processing has a certain significance
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 韩冲 | Hits:

[2D GraphicLaser-beam

Description: A program which gives a view on a laser beam (Gaussian, hermite-gauss, lengendre gauss) and decribes their amplitude and their phase shift
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: bilal | Hits:


Description: 高斯分布的电场强度,如图 1.1 所示,图 形美观,方便对光强的分布有一个感性的视觉认识-Gauss beam intensity simulation
Platform: | Size: 475136 | Author: 赵三 | Hits:


Description: 模拟高斯脉冲的发射和大气衰减,并给出了相干探测时波形的时频图像,适合新手。-This script simulates the emission of Gauss beam and the atmospheric attenuation. Besides,the wave shapes in time domain and frequency domain are shown,which is suitable for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 余弦高斯光束图像,可以看到不同传输距离的光强,并且采用分数傅里叶讨论方法!(Cosine Gauss beam image)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 蹲下说话 | Hits:


Description: 高斯光束在大气湍流中传输时的相位屏,灰度图及光强变化(phase screen, grayscale map and light intensity change of Gauss beam in atmospheric turbulence)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 阳光555 | Hits:

[Software Engineering鲍威尔棱镜

Description: 鲍威尔棱镜是一种光学划线棱镜,它使激光束通过后可以最优化地划成光密度均匀、稳定性好、直线性好的一条直线。鲍威尔棱镜划线优于柱面透镜的划线模式,能消除高斯光束的中心热点和褪色边缘分布。(Powell prism is an optical crossed prism, it can make the laser beam through a straight line optimization into light uniform density, good stability, good linearity. The drawing of Powell prism is better than that of cylindrical lens, which can eliminate the central hot spot of Gauss beam and the distribution of discoloration edge.)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph Drawinggaosiguangshu

Description: 模拟高斯光束的三维光强分布,以及峰值分布(The three-dimensional intensity distribution of simulated Gauss beam)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: qwer000 | Hits:


Description: GS算法可以生成相位屏,该算法有着编程简单,收敛速度快,衍射效率高,能将高斯光转换成高阶高斯光,一阶空心高斯光,贝塞尔高斯光。(The GS algorithm can generate a phase screen. The algorithm has simple programming, fast convergence and high diffraction efficiency.GS algorithm can transform Gauss beam into the high - order Gauss beam, the Bessel beam, and the first - order hollow Gauss beam)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 大漠语言 | Hits:


Description: 在matlab 中,实现高斯光束的模拟仿真(Simulation of Gauss beam in MATLAB)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 一一一222 | Hits:

[physical calculationexam4

Description: 根据高斯光束的特性,在matlab中作出束腰半径为0.5mm的高斯光束在束腰处的三维光强分布图。(According to the characteristics of the Gauss beam, the three-dimensional intensity distribution of the Gauss beam with the waist radius of 0.5mm at the waist is made in MATLAB.)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: jjia | Hits:


Description: 对高斯光束在湍流大气中传输进行仿真,并得到大气湍流相位屏、以及光斑强度变化(he propagation of Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere is simulated, and the phase screen of atmospheric turbulence and the change of spot intensity are obtained)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 不懂怎么办 | Hits:
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