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Position Control of DC Motor Using Genetic Algorith Based PID Controller using Genetic algorithm
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 376kb Publisher : renjith

基于遗传算法的小脑模型控制器对永磁无刷直流电机的数学模型进行仿真。内附全套程序及仿真模型。-Cerebellar model based on genetic algorithm for permanent magnet brushless DC motor controller, a mathematical model to be simulated. Containing a complete set of procedures and simulation models.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 60kb Publisher : leo

传统PID控制器通常难以满足多变量、非线性、强耦合的步进电机动态响应和精 确调速要求,结合传统PID控制和模糊控制及遗传算法(GA)整定PID参数的优点,设计基于 模糊遗传算法的实时自适应步进电动机PID控制器,充分发挥传统和智能控制策略各自的优 势。仿真结果表明,该实时自适应步进电动机PID控制器,具有很好的自适应能力和抗负载扰 动能力。在稳定性、动态速度响应诸方面均优于传统的PID控制器和模糊控制器,系统达到了 较高调速性能和控制精度。 -Traditional PID controller is often difficult to meet the multi-variable, nonlinear, strong coupling dynamics of stepping motor response and accurate speed control, combining the traditional PID control and fuzzy control and genetic algorithm (GA) 整 PID parameters set the advantages of the design based on fuzzy Adaptive genetic algorithm in PID controller, stepper motor, give full play to traditional and intelligent control their own advantages. Simulation results show that the real-time adaptive PID controller, stepper motor, has good adaptive ability and resistance to load disturbances. The stability of the dynamic speed response is superior to the traditional aspects of PID controller and fuzzy controller, the system reached a high speed performance and control precision.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 456kb Publisher : 孙文

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人工智能(模糊在自动控制的应用)电动机控制中的简单遗传算法PID参数优化-Artificial intelligence (fuzzy in Automatic Control) motor control in the simple genetic algorithm optimization of PID parameters
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : 卡卡

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This simulation demonstrates the use of the PMSM in a closed-loop speed and current control on a 1.1 kW 3000 rpm industrial motor. A three-phase motor rated 1.1 KW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is fed by a PWM inverter. In this simulation, the whole system is built entirely with standard Simulink blocks (without resort to blocksets). -This simulation demonstrates the use of the PMSM in a closed-loop speed and current control on a 1.1 kW 3000 rpm industrial motor. A three-phase motor rated 1.1 KW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is fed by a PWM inverter. In this simulation, the whole system is built entirely with standard Simulink blocks (without resort to blocksets).
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 10kb Publisher : fozzie

The induction motor is fed by a current-controlled PWM inverter which is built using a Universal Bridge block. The motor drives a mechanical load characterized by inertia J, friction coeficient B, and load torque TL . The speed control loop uses a proportional-integral controller to produce the quadrature-axis current reference iq* which controls the motor torque. The motor flux is controlled by the direct-axis current reference id*. Block DQ-ABC is used to convert id* and iq* into current references ia*, ib*, and ic* for the current regulator. Current and Voltage Measurement blocks provide signals for visualization purpose. Motor current, speed, and torque signals are available at the output of the Asynchronous Machine block.-The induction motor is fed by a current-controlled PWM inverter which is built using a Universal Bridge block. The motor drives a mechanical load characterized by inertia J, friction coeficient B, and load torque TL . The speed control loop uses a proportional-integral controller to produce the quadrature-axis current reference iq* which controls the motor torque. The motor flux is controlled by the direct-axis current reference id*. Block DQ-ABC is used to convert id* and iq* into current references ia*, ib*, and ic* for the current regulator. Current and Voltage Measurement blocks provide signals for visualization purpose. Motor current, speed, and torque signals are available at the output of the Asynchronous Machine block.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 15kb Publisher : jurifa

Optimized Neural Network Speed Control of Induction Motor using Genetic Algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 130kb Publisher : Amer

应用遗传算法辨识天窗驱动电机关键设计参数Application of genetic algorithm for identifying the sunroof motor key design parameters-Application of genetic algorithm for identifying the sunroof motor key design parameters
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 619kb Publisher : hh121

目前,有许多方法用来 研究多电机同步控制策略,本文采用的是偏差藕合控制方法,利用模糊PD作为速度 同步补偿器的控制算法,使用遗传算法来整定Por的参数范围,解决了多电机同步控 制系统中多电机速度的同步控制问题。-At present, there are many methods used to Study of the motor synchronous control strategy used in this paper is the deviation of coupling control method, the use of fuzzy PD speed Synchronous compensator control algorithm using a genetic algorithm tuning of the parameter range of Por, to solve the multi-motor synchronous control Manufacturing system, multi-speed synchronous motor control problems.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.08mb Publisher : zhuangqianzheng

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应用遗传算法进行电机运行故障检测,分别为电机轴承滚珠故障、电机轴承内圈故障、电机轴承滚珠和内圈组合故障,其中以40组数据为训练样本,4组数据为测试样本。-Motor fault detection based on Genetic Algorithms,Motor ball bearing failure, the the motor bearing inner ring failure, the motor bearing balls and inner ring combination failure, of which 40 sets of data for the training sample, 4 sets of data for the test sample.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : quanzhi

通过遗传算法将一系列以Excel格式保存的出厂试验数据区分出合格范围,本程序包含模块,数据库处理,及各类控件的应用-one range factory test dataSaved in Excel format to distinguish qualified by genetic algorithm。This program contains modules, database processing, and various types of control applications
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 69kb Publisher : 黄燕文

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position sensorlessdirect torque control of bldc motor drive
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 296kb Publisher : Sajana

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position sensorless direct torque control of bldc motor
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : Sajana

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position sensorless direct torque control of bldc motor
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 375kb Publisher : Sajana

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position sensorless direct torque control of bldc motor drive
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 160kb Publisher : Sajana

Generating manipulator trajectories considering multiple objectives with kinematics and dynamics constraints is a non-trivial optimization. In this paper, a constrained multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) based technique is proposed to address this problem for a general motor-driven parallel kinematic manipulator.-生成机械手轨迹考虑  多个目标的运动学和动力学约束是一个简单的优化。在本文中,  约束多目标遗传算法  )技术提出了解决这一问题 问题一般电机驱动的平行运动操纵者。
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 18.48mb Publisher : 南文虎

PID tunning for dc motor by PSO the parameter of DC motor are in an article with title of Optimal brushless DC motor design using genetic algorithms by A.Rahideh et al-PID tunning for dc motor by PSO the parameter of DC motor are in an article with title of Optimal brushless DC motor design using genetic algorithms by A.Rahideh et al
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 9kb Publisher : mohammad

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In this paper, a robust PID control scheme is proposed for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using a genetic searching approach. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are powerful searching algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. Based on a simple genetic algorithm, a set of PID parameters can be obtained such that the robust stability for the closed-loop system is guaranteed, the tracking performance is minimized subject to certain related cost function, and the disturbance rejection ability (H∞ performance) subject to a prescribed attenuation level can also be achieved
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 562kb Publisher : mohammad

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感应电动机的参数辨识,用于负荷建模的参数辨识的适应度函数,可以用遗传算法进行求解。-Induction motor parameter identification, the fitness function for load modeling parameter identification, we can use genetic algorithms to solve
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : tiantian

A novel method based on a combination of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to estimate the speed and rotor flux of an induction motor driveis presented. The proposed method will be performed in two steps. As a first step, the covariance matrices of state noise and measurement noise will be optimized in an off-line manner by the PSO algorithm. As a second step, the optimal values of the above covariance matrices are injected in our speed-rotor flux estimation loop (on-line).Computer simulations of the speed and rotor-flux estimation have been performed in order to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Simulations and comparison with genetic algorithms (GAs) show that the results are very encouraging and achieve good performances.
Update : 2019-01-08 Size : 650.15kb Publisher :
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