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[uCOSuC GUI For BC3.0 For DOS

Description: uC/GUI 功能演示,部分程序有所改动,如有问题请参考uC/GUI原版.仅供学习研究,所有版权归麦克泰公司所有. -uC/GUI functional demonstration, some changes in procedures, if any problems please refer uC/GUI original. Only studying all Banquangui Maiketai Company.
Platform: | Size: 1751040 | Author: 张忠义 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSGUI 44b0

Description: 44b0开发板上UC/GUI移植的例子,对初学者很有帮助-44b0 development board UC/GUI transplantation example, useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 708608 | Author: 东方白 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMatlab gui

Description: 应用matlab的gui进行界面编程的例子,教会你如何使用matlab的gui-gui application of Matlab programming interface for example, the church how you use Matlab gui
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 马燕 | Hits:

[Linux-UnixC++ GUI Programming with Qt 3

Description: 译本GUI的书籍,希望对大家有用,天田开心-GUI translations of books, we hope to useful, happy AMADA
Platform: | Size: 3044352 | Author: 任仕俊 | Hits:


Description: 网络电视机顶盒GUI系统的设计与实现,要参考的自己下载吧 -Network TV set-top box GUI system design and implementation, the reference to download it
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 王海 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB6P5下的GUI设计-实时参数二阶时域曲线的自动绘制.rar-MATLAB6P5 of GUI design-second real-time time-domain parameters of the curve automatic drawing. Rar
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: limuln | Hits:


Description: 这是周立功公司的ZLG GUI源代码,你只要简单的实现几个底层的LCD基本命令和读写操作就可以移植到你的51,AVR,ARM7,ARM9上,GUI类似微软窗口,基于消息的,内附文档说明,开发简单。-This is the week Ligong ZLG GUI s source code, you need to do is simple to achieve a few basic commands the bottom of the LCD and to read and write operation can be transplanted to your 51, AVR, ARM7, ARM9 on, GUI similar to Microsoft Windows, based on the information attached document explains the development of simple.
Platform: | Size: 2935808 | Author: 丁海 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developucosv2(GUI)

Description: ucos-ii的图形界面移植,ucos-ii的图形界面移植-OUT-ii GUI transplant, OUT-ii GUI transplant
Platform: | Size: 3139584 | Author: mana | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWin32-GUI-1.03-PPM-5.8

Description: WIN32::GUI for perl dev 5-Win32 : : GUI for perl dev 5
Platform: | Size: 521216 | Author: j9ck | Hits:

[Software EngineeringuC-GUI-V3-90a

Description: 超強的人機介面GUI 3.90A版,附原碼,不可錯過-super man-machine interface GUI version 3.90A, with the original code, not to be missed
Platform: | Size: 2417664 | Author: KUYUNTA | Hits:


Description: 开发环境为ADS1.2 ARM用户界面开发接口程序 GUI 提供了最基本的画点 线 圆形 圆弧 椭圆形 矩形 正方形 填充等功能 较高级的接口功能有 ASCII显示 汉字显示 图标显示 窗口 菜单等 支持单色 灰度 伪彩 真彩等图形显示设备-ADS1.2 development environment for the development of ARM user interface GUI interface to provide the most basic point of painting Line circular arc oval rectangular square filled, and other functions more senior ASCII interface function display Chinese characters show icon Window menu shows the support monochrome gray pseudo-color graphics, and other sleekly equipment
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 杨芸健 | Hits:

[GUI Developgui-DxDraw

Description: 一套非常精美的Gui封状接口源代码.非常之有意思.-a very attractive interface-Gui closed source code. Very interesting.
Platform: | Size: 595968 | Author: Mao | Hits:

[Other GamesMechCommander2-gui

Description: 微软的机甲指挥官的代码中GUI部分的提取代码.-Microsoft Weijia Commander GUI code extraction part of the code.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: dai | Hits:


Description: 精通嵌入式linux编程 - 构造自己的gui 环境-proficient in programming embedded linux-structure their environment gui
Platform: | Size: 621568 | Author: Kevin | Hits:


Description: MATLAB GUI编程中几个有用的程序段 -MATLAB GUI Programming several useful procedure of
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 郭小川 | Hits:


Description: C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 By Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield Publisher: Prentice Hall Pub Date: June 21, 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-13-187249-4 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-13-187249-3 Pages: 560 -C GUI Programming with Qt 4 By Jasmin Blanch ette, Mark Summerfield Publisher : Prentice Hall Pub Date : June 21, 2006 Print ISBN-10 : ISBN 0-13-187249-4 Print-13 : 978-0-13-187249-3 Pages : 560
Platform: | Size: 6349824 | Author: mp | Hits:


Description: Netbeans 6.0的GUI设计demo,功能非常强大,最好配合视频一起看。-Netbeans 6.0 the GUI design demo, very powerful, preferably together with the video look.
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: wql | Hits:

[Software EngineeringITK-GUI

Description: itkITK主要做图像的预处理,如滤波,分类,分割,配准,算法很多。本文详细介绍了itk的gui界面设计方面-Main itkITK to do image preprocessing, such as filtering, classification, segmentation, registration, many algorithms. This paper introduces in detail itk the gui interface design
Platform: | Size: 405504 | Author: mavis | Hits:

[Other Embeded programUC-GUI

Description: UC-GUI的源文件。可以无缝连接大多数常见的LCD。它的驱动代码我认为很有必要研究,可以提高我们的潜入式编程水平。推荐下载学习和应用-UC-GUI source files. Can seamlessly connect the most common LCD. Its driver code I think is very necessary research, can improve our programming into the level. Recommended download learning and application of
Platform: | Size: 537600 | Author: 马亮 | Hits:

[Special Effectsclassic-gui-example

Description: 一些比较经典的Matlab gui界面的例子,对指导GUI编程很有意义-Some of the more classic examples of Matlab gui interface guiding meaningful GUI Programming
Platform: | Size: 698368 | Author: 马踏 | Hits:
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