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Description: This a very good guide for the beginners who will work on GUI. -This is a very good guide for the beginners who will work on GUI.
Platform: | Size: 301056 | Author: Basant Kumar | Hits:


Description: matlab图形界面设计(GUI)dfdfdfs-matlab gui
Platform: | Size: 1852416 | Author: lucian | Hits:


Description: openvpn-gui的源码,版本1.0.3,我做了一点修改,在首次登录的时候保存用户名密码,在登录的时候自动使用。-openvpn-gui source code, version 1.0.3, I did a little modification, the time saved in the first logon username and password, log on automatically when used.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: zmy | Hits:


Description: 运用MATLAB工具箱实现图像处理的GUI程序设计-Image processing using MATLAB toolbox of GUI programming
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王翠敏 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopResearch-of-Embedded-GUI-(1)

Description: 嵌入式GUI的研究与实现 一份关于嵌入式gui实现的文献,大家可以参考下-Research and Implementation of Embedded GUI (1)
Platform: | Size: 1396736 | Author: 鹧鸪天 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMATLAB-GUI-tuxiang

Description: matlab gui图像处理,很全很实用,值得大家慢慢学习-matlab gui image processing, it is all very practical, worth learning slowly
Platform: | Size: 898048 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 能够实现12864 控制芯片为ST9720的GUI图形界面的显示-make possible the 12864 LCD controlled by st9720 display the GUI
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: skyout | Hits:

[Special EffectsGUI

Description: 利用Matlab的图形用户界面(GUI)编程实现1.信号产生,信号基本运算,傅立叶变换 2.图像文件的读取和显示,图像增强,边缘检测,图像的数学变换-Using Matlab' s graphical user interface (GUI) programming 1. Signal generation, signal basic operations, Fourier transform 2. Read and display image files, image enhancement, edge detection, image of the mathematical transformation
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 张慧 | Hits:


Description: 自己做的一些Matlab GUI 简单的小程序,适合刚接触GUI的用户使用。-Matlab GUI to do some of their simple little program for users who are new to GUI.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: siming89 | Hits:


Description: 《精通matlab GUI设计》可视化编程宝典丛书,书后例程,全书各章所有例程-" Mastering matlab GUI design" Visual Programming Books Collection, the book routines, all routines book chapters
Platform: | Size: 17616896 | Author: 王静 | Hits:


Description: 一个 gui 界面的 matlab 串口通信演示程序-A gui interface matlab serial communication demo
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 陈海涛 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGUI.Design.Studio.Pro.v4.2.115.0

Description: GUI Design Studio Professional v4.2.115.0 GUI原型设计重量级工具(含注册机),只可用于学习之用-GUI Design Studio Professional v4.2.115.0 By Trashin – enero 4, 2011Posted in: Aplicaciones, Descargas DESCARGAR Crear diseñ os de interfaz de usuario y prototipos interactivos la manera fácil … … Sin escribir una sola línea de código Información general GUI Design Studio es una interfaz gráfica de usuario de la herramienta de diseñ o para Microsoft Windows que puede utilizar para crear rápidamente prototipos de demostración sin ningún tipo de codificación o scripting. Dibujar pantallas individuales, ventanas y componentes usando elementos estándar, conectarlas entre sí para storyboard flujo de trabajo operativo a continuación, ejecutar el simulador para probar sus diseñ os. GUI Design Studio se puede utilizar siempre que lo necesite dibujar lo que una solicitud debe ser similar o mostrar cómo conectar y sus partes confluyen tales como: * Documentación de ideas de producto * La creación de propuestas de proyectos * requisitos de captura * La pantalla
Platform: | Size: 14802944 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 这是本人编写的matlab的GUI程序,可以实现交互式的界面。里面的程序是bp神经网络的应用,另一个回归分析的程序还没有写。可以实现的功能是利用神经网络,然后上传数据,根据数据训练网络,然后可以输入部分数据,验证网络。-This is my GUI program written in matlab, you can achieve interactive interface. Bp inside the program is the application of neural networks, another regression analysis of the program has not yet written. Function can be achieved is the use of neural networks, and then upload the data, according to data training network, then you can enter some data, verify the network.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: fansy | Hits:


Description: 《精通MATLAB GUI设计》随书源代码程序-" Mastering MATLAB GUI design" with the book source code program
Platform: | Size: 1901568 | Author: 陈清贵 | Hits:

[Special EffectsGUI

Description: MATLAB GUI设计,图形图像处理实例-matlab gui ,the method of image process
Platform: | Size: 619520 | Author: xdj | Hits:


Description: Wscan Gui Beta7,web探测,可以批量探测c段,主程序为wwwscan-Wscan Gui Beta7, web detection, can detect c-volume segment, main program for the wwwscan
Platform: | Size: 2619392 | Author: yeai | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-processing-platform-by-GUI

Description: 用GUI做成的数字图像处理平台,方便大家学习和使用图像处理的具体操作,更演示了如何搭建GUI复杂平台。-GUI made with digital image processing platform, to facilitate the learning and use of specific image processing operations, but also demonstrates how to build a complex GUI platform.
Platform: | Size: 4892672 | Author: xcm | Hits:


Description: DTMF的GUI界面生成,显示电话按键,生成信号,画出功率谱-GUI interface to generate DTMF, display the phone keys, generates a signal, draw power spectrum
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: OpenCV-GUI界面的制作-AVI文件播放-OpenCV-GUI interface make-AVI file playback
Platform: | Size: 2125824 | Author: peiyongliu | Hits:


Description: 结合gui和simulink的编程,能在gui中实时显示simulink模型中的数据。-combines gui and simulink, making the data of simulink model can display on the gui in real-time.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: liuzhijuan | Hits:
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