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用于纹理分析的算法JAVA源码,能够进行entropy, homogeneity,correlation等相关纹理分析。-for texture analysis algorithm source Java, is capable of entropy, homogeneity, correlation related to texture analysis.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.08kb Publisher : 郑元义

用于纹理分析的算法JAVA源码,能够进行entropy, homogeneity,correlation等相关纹理分析。-for texture analysis algorithm source Java, is capable of entropy, homogeneity, correlation related to texture analysis.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 郑元义

图像分割,具体算法参考一下论文 Zhi-Gang Tan, Xiao-Chen Heand Nelson H. C. Yung A Novel Merging Criterion Incorporating Boundary Smoothness and Region Homogeneity for Image Segmentation-Abstract A novel joint region merging criterion combining region homo-geneity and boundary smoothness is proposed. Previous watershed segmentation method which utilizes region homogeneity or edge integrity or both gives good results in some cases. However, for complex scenes such as images of a vehicle with irregular roadside objects reflected on the window panes, it tends to give undesired segmentation results with region boundaries not residing on real physical boundaries. Aiming at improving the segmentation of these complex scenes, we propose the incorporation of an additional measure of boundary smoothness into a new joint criterion. Based on this, an affine transform invariant measure of the smoothness of boundaries is developed, which is the equivalent width of the energy distribution function over frequencies, obtained from Fourier descriptors of the boundary. Experimental results and evaluation are presented in this paper to demonstrate the merits of the proposed method. Key
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : Jack Tan

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : xucaichen

线性系统理论中对线性系统的可加性齐次性的验证仿真-Linear system theory of linear systems can be added to the homogeneity of the validation of simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : dengyanmei

Cost effective digital cameras use a single-image sensor, applying alternating patterns of red, green, and blue color filters to each pixel location. The problem of reconstructing a full three-color representation of color images by estimating the missing pixel components in each color plane is called demosaicking (see Figure 1 ). In this report we will examine some traditional methods of demosaicking versus some new frequency domain methods. We will discuss the Bilinear and Adaptive Bilateral algorithms, and then compare them with two newer frequency domain algorithms: the Homogeneity algorithm and the Alternating Projections algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : irina

二次型最小化所展现的BP与Hopfield类型 神经网络的学习同质性,一篇不错的文章,pdf格式的。-Quadratic minimization demonstrated in BP and Hopfield type neural network learning homogeneity, a good article, pdf format.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : 虞雨

均匀分布随机数参数检验,均匀性检验和独立性检验-Uniformly distributed random numbers parametric tests, homogeneity testing and independence testing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : 吴沁

Abstract—Denial of Service attacks are presenting an increasing threat to the global inter-networking infrastructure. While TCP’s congestion control algorithm is highly robust to diverse network conditions, its implicit assumption of end-system cooperation results in a well-known vulnerability to attack by high-rate non-responsive fl ows. In this paper, we investigate a class of low-rate denial of service attacks which, unlike high-rate attacks, are diffi cult for routers and counter-DoS mechanisms to detect. Using a combination of analytical modeling, simulations, and Internet experiments, we show that maliciously chosen low-rate DoS traffi c patterns that exploit TCP’s retransmission timeout mechanism can throttle TCP fl ows to a small fraction of their ideal rate while eluding detection. Moreover, as such attacks exploit protocol homogeneity, we study fundamental limits of the ability of a class of randomized timeout mechanisms to thwart such low-rate DoS attacks.-Abstract—Denial of Service attacks are presenting an increasing threat to the global inter-networking infrastructure. While TCP’s congestion control algorithm is highly robust to diverse network conditions, its implicit assumption of end-system cooperation results in a well-known vulnerability to attack by high-rate non-responsive fl ows. In this paper, we investigate a class of low-rate denial of service attacks which, unlike high-rate attacks, are diffi cult for routers and counter-DoS mechanisms to detect. Using a combination of analytical modeling, simulations, and Internet experiments, we show that maliciously chosen low-rate DoS traffi c patterns that exploit TCP’s retransmission timeout mechanism can throttle TCP fl ows to a small fraction of their ideal rate while eluding detection. Moreover, as such attacks exploit protocol homogeneity, we study fundamental limits of the ability of a class of randomized timeout mechanisms to thwart such low-rate DoS attacks.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 231kb Publisher : van hoi

qtdecomp divides a square image into four equal-sized square blocks, and then tests each block to see if it meets some criterion of homogeneity. If a block meets the criterion, it is not divided any further. If it does not meet the criterion, it is subdivided again into four blocks, and the test criterion is applied to those blocks. This process is repeated iteratively until each block meets the criterion. The result can have blocks of several different sizes.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 730kb Publisher : fefe

分割树的实现(1.4版本) ============================================== 这个软件包包含MATLAB实现了低层次多尺度 [1]中描述的分层分割算法。 介绍 ------------ 低级别的图像分割的目标是检测到的所有图像区域 不论其形状,大小和内部同质化的水平。在这里, 地区被建模为一个斜坡边缘包围的像素连通集 这些不连续的幅度较大相比,连续性 区域内的变化。-Segmentation Tree Implementation (version 1.4) ============================================== This package contains a MATLAB implementation of the low-level multiscale hierarchical segmentation algorithm described in [1]. Introduction ------------ The goal of low-level image segmentation is to detect all image regions regardless of their shapes, sizes, and levels of interior homogeneity. Here, a region is modeled as a connected set of pixels that is surrounded by ramp edge discontinuities where the magnitude of these discontinuities is large compared to the variation inside the region.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 162kb Publisher : jjdjjf

Harlick Feature Calculation file 1
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : Sayan Maity

利用灰度共生矩阵提取SAR图像纹理特征,可提取:熵‘对比度、同质性、能量等特征。-GLCM to extract SAR image texture features can be extracted: entropy ' contrast, homogeneity, energy and other features.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 心属自由

米国人写的先进雷达信号处理技术论文,空时二维处理技术在机载雷达中的应用文献。-This research develops a space-time adaptive processing (STAP) radar model for side-looking (SL) arrays with platform maneuver incorporation, and examines ma- neuver effects on Matched Filter (MF) performance and sample support homogeneity for linear and planar arrays at various ranges. A primary assumption of most STAP models is the absence of platform maneuver during the coherent processing interval (CPI). This research abandons the platform stationarity assumption, allowing plat- form pitch, roll, and yaw during the CPI. Maneuver rates (set to 800◦ /sec) are held constant throughout the CPI and each maneuver type is examined individually.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : zhang han

为了提高纹理图象分割的边缘准确性和区域一致性以及降低分割错误率, 提出了一种基于小波变换的利 用特征加权来进行纹理分割的方法. 该方法包括特征提取、预分割和后分割 3 个阶段, 其中, 特征提取在金字塔结 构小波变换的基础上进行 预分割利用均值聚类算法来对原始图象进行初步的分割 后分割则根据预分割的结果 对特征进行加权, 然后利用最小距离分类器来实现图象的最后分割. 与传统的方法相比, 该方法在分割错误率、边 缘准确性以及区域一致性等方面均有明显的改善-To imp rove the accuracy of boundary locat ions and region homogeneity as w ell as to reduce the er ro r rate in texture image segmentat ion, a novel app roach based on w avelet2t ransfo rm and using feature w eigh t ing is p ropo sed in th is paper . Th is new technique contains th ree consecut ive stages: feature ext ract ion, p re2segmentat ion and po st2segmentat ion . In the feature ext ract ion stage, texture features are ext racted by using the pyram id2st ruc2 tured w avelet t ransfo rm. The o r iginal image is then segmented init ially using themeans cluster ing algo r ithm in the p re2segmentat ion stage . A cco rding to the p re2segmentat ion results, the ext racted features are w eigh ted and the p re2segmented image is fur ther p rocessed w ith a m inimum distance classif ier in the po st2segmentat ion stage to f i2 nally get the segmented image . A ll technical po ints are clear ly descr ibed and p resented in detail . Some segmenta2
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 151kb Publisher : jjdjjf

In order to capture the spatial dependence of gray-level values which contribute to the perception of texture, a 2d dependence matrix known as a gray-level co-occurrence matrix is extensively used in texture analysis.So, this is a code that calculate a co-occurrence matrix of the image and return the following features: ENERGY, CONTRAST, CORRELATION and HOMOGENEITY.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : almosawi

This paper presents a new cluster validity index for nding a suitable number of fuzzy clusters with crisp and fuzzy data. The new index, called the ECAS-index, contains exponential compactness and separation measures. These measures indicate homogeneity within clusters and heterogeneity between clusters, respectively. Moreover, a fuzzy c-mean algorithm is used for fuzzy clustering with crisp data, and a fuzzy k-numbers clustering is used for clustering with fuzzy data. In comparison to other indices, it is evident that the proposed index is more e ffective and robust under di fferent conditions of data sets, such as noisy environments and large data sets.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.31mb Publisher : m

DL : 1
同质链表和异质链表,实现链表的插入、删除、排序,遍历等功能-Homogeneity and heterogeneity linked list
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : ljh

用于纹理分析的算法JAVA源码,能够进行entropy, homogeneity,correlation等相关纹理分析。-for texture analysis algorithm source Java, is capable of entropy, homogeneity, correlation related to texture analysis.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : ectivehe

通过介绍3种方差齐性检验方法,保证方差分析样本总体的齐方差性(Bartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Emilyzhang
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