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摄像机标定 单应矩阵的求法 可添加到自己的工程中去-cameras should be superscript orders for the matrix method can be added to the project to
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.59kb Publisher : 王旋

摄像机标定 单应矩阵的求法 可添加到自己的工程中去-cameras should be superscript orders for the matrix method can be added to the project to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王旋

在张正友的基于平面方格的摄象机标定中,单应矩阵是关键的一步,本程序是效率精度比较高的源码-Zhang is the Friends of the plane on the box camera calibration alone should matrix is a crucial step, The procedure is relatively high efficiency accuracy of source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 忠波

homography矩阵计算原理.包含例子,图片和说明.-homography matrix calculation. contains examples, pictures and descriptions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 213kb Publisher : zky

已知图象4点坐标和转换后图像相对应4点坐标, 利用openCV求出homograghy 3x3 矩阵, 然后输出变换后图像-There is an input image called "warpin". The goal is to warp this image so that the tiles are approximately square, that is the camera is rotated to look down, which produces an image called warpout, also on the web site. I have measured the corners of the four points necessary to do the warp. They are: From x,y To x,y Top Left 75,169 => 103, 19 Top Right 118,165 => 192, 19 Bottom Left 62,222 => 105, 205 Bottom Right 148,216 => 192, 205 The origin of the image is in the top left corner. This is an OpenCV program that takes the warpin image, and using these given transformation coordinates produces the warpout image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : Ke Li

Homography matrix can be decomposed into Pose and plane parameters, This code implements the simple algorithm based on SVD called Faugeras algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Chetan J

DL : 1
利用已有的摄像头内外参数,将侧视图通过透视变换转换为俯视图,并保存所得到的单应性矩阵H,内含运行实例-Use of existing internal and external camera parameters, the side view through the perspective transformation into top view, and save the resulting homography matrix H, containing a running instance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19.24mb Publisher : pobenliu

主要阐述了一种适用于户外AR系统(augmented reality system)的注册方法;利用标记物计算初 始结构参数,并确定初始的共面自然特征点集;在后续的运行过程中, 通过相关系数法在相邻的两帧画面 中寻找候选匹配自然特征点对;采用了基于标记物提供的共面约束和 RANSAC(RANdom Sample Consensus)算法相结合的方法,从这些候选匹配点中选出满足共面条件的匹配点对;计算这些共面点所对 应的单应矩阵(Homography),进而求解相机的运动参数,完成虚拟物体的注册。该方法特别适合没有显式 平面结构的室外环境。 -In this paper, a kind of registration method applicable to outdoor AR system (augmented reality system) is elaborated. The plane marker is employed in calculating initial structure parameter natural features are tracked from the two adjacent frame through correlation and taken as candidate matches. A method Based on the constraint of marker and RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) is adopted, so that good matches, which satisfy coplanar condition, are selected out of the candidate matches. Through the homographic matrix provided from the coplanar points, we could work out motion parameter of the camera, and finally finish registration of virtual objects. The registration method is most appropriate for outdoor surroundings with obscure plane structure.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 807kb Publisher : xiaofang

homagrapy matrix to find the homagrapy matrix from two pictures, first you need to get a set of coorlation vector
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : shlomi

vsual c++ code to find homography matrix between two image using matched image points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : NK

针孔模型中单应矩阵的求解 mian函数,测试单应矩阵计算的算法,程序流程如下 1、 读入两个图像。 2、读入4组对应点。 3、调用CalcH函数计算H矩阵。 4、在第一幅图中用鼠标选择一点。 5、调用WarpH函数计算在第二幅图中的对应的。 6、显示结果.-Pinhole model for solving the homography mian functions, test homography computation algorithm, program flow is as follows 1, read the two images. 2, 4 reads the corresponding points. 3, call CalcH function to calculate the H matrix. 4, in the first picture using the mouse to select it. 5, call WarpH function calculation in the second picture in the corresponding. 6 displays the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 200kb Publisher : qqqqqq

一些图像处理常用的函数,包括图像之间的点匹配、鲁棒性估计、图像旋转、基本矩阵的求解、单应矩阵求解等,可用于摄像机标定-Commonly used in a number of image processing functions, including point match between the image and robustness of the estimates, image rotation, solve the fundamental matrix, homography solving
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.84mb Publisher : vivian

该程序利用MATLAb语言进行Homography矩阵计算,即从3维空间到2维空间的变换-The the program utilizes MATLAb language Homography matrix calculated from the 3-dimensional space to the transformation of the two-dimensional space
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : lixiaofang

图像拼接,利用SIFT算法提取点特征,并进行点匹配,解算单应性矩阵,根据结算出的单应性矩阵对图像进行仿射变换,最后进行拼接,程序中的备注很详细,各位感兴趣的同志可以下载看看。-Image mosaic using SIFT feature point extraction algorithm, and point matching, homography matrix solver, based on the settlement of the homography image affine transformation, and finally stitching, very detailed notes in the program, you sense Interested comrades can be downloaded.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 536kb Publisher : li

二维投影变换模型的单应矩阵表示,本文 详细给出了其变换矩阵表示的推导-Homography transformation model represents two-dimensional projection, the paper gives a detailed derivation of its transformation matrix representation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 128kb Publisher : zhangzhen

程序使用sift提取和匹配图像的特征点,使用RANSAC得到图像的单应矩阵H,再将其中一幅图像通过H变换到另一幅图像的坐标系中。最后计算得到两幅图像重叠区域。图像可以换成自己的。-This code use SIFT to extract and match feature points.Then RANSAC is utilized to calculate homography matrix.Finally,the overlap rate of these two images will be received.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 992kb Publisher : 孔德地

Find homography matrix between two overlapped images
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lati

通过一张图片基于张正友标定的2D视觉标定,其结果为一个单应性矩阵,基于Opencv的角点提取,标定的计算是自己编写,内有注释和原理,已在工程实践中得到应用。-Zhang Zhengyou based 2D calibration for camera calibration by a picture, the result is a homography, extraction based on corner Opencv, the calibration is calculated to write your own, there are comments and principles have been applied in engineering practice.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 558kb Publisher : xuchanglong

这个程序运用归一化的方法进行单应性矩阵求解。(The homography matrix is solved using a normalized method.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.95mb Publisher : 一棵竖柳

用于求解张正友相机标定过程中的单应性矩阵(Homography matrix for camera calibration)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Wangxiaojia
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