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iPhone SDK for PowerPC 种子,下载后的dmg文件带配置文件,无需修改安装包。
Update : 2010-12-23 Size : 35.99kb Publisher :

GLPaint example code from the iphone SDK
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 275kb Publisher :

iphone 31天开源工程中的第一个,一个精美的计时器-Just like any good programmers we decided to bite this off the same day Apple lifted the NDA even faced with the time constraints. Needless to say the first app will be VERY simple, however it does demonstrate some stuff I stumbled on the first time I started coding against the iPhone SDK. The app is "Minutes to Midnight" it is simply a countdown of the time left I have to finish this app before tomorrow :). This idea came from my friend Chris Craft who committed (and completed!) 30 day of Windows Mobile development. To get started fire up xCode and * Click: File->New Project. From the "New Project" dialog * Select: iPhone OS->Applications-> View-Based Application * Name It: I named mine "MinutesToMidnight" This project already has a UIView we that will be the main view of or application. I imagine a count down looking like a plastic alarm clock which of cource counts backwards to zero. Let make our text have a red LED look and our back
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : blueseaineye

DL : 0
iPhone 开发初级教程之探索iPhone SDK--全部源码+部分原书(英)-not
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : 杭冲

Installation of Toolchain for Objective-C iPhone coding
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 922kb Publisher : PunkAss

Iphone SDK Application Development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : bigbang

Develop your own iPhone applications Ideal for non-Mac programmers, this introductory guide shows developers how to create applications for the world s most popular smart phone. You will learn how to use?a modified version of?the Mac development environment, the Objective-C programming language, and the Xcode development tools. Nearly every chapter of iPhone SDK Programming: A Beginner s Guide consists of a self-contained project, with the corresponding Xcode available for download and modification. The book is designed around the concept of accomplishing specific, discrete programming tasks for deployment on the iPhone.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.71mb Publisher : crykister

本书介绍如何在windows 或linux 环境下用eclipse开发iPhone应用程序。实为没有Apple MacOs 操作系统人员的有用资料。-Write native iPhone applications using Eclipse CDT. How Windows and Linux developers can bypass the iPhone SDK and write iPhone apps using open source tools.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 912kb Publisher : 张伟

Beginning iPhone Development(Exploring the iPhone SDK):Dave Mark |JeffLaMarche 著 英文版,好不容于掏到的-Beginning iPhone Development (Exploring the iPhone SDK): Dave Mark | JeffLaMarche the English, He He better not be in the Tao Dao
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.13mb Publisher : 狮子

IPhone SDK Application Development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : hebin_hit

iPhone 游戏编程基本技巧(1)基本动画实现与阴影处理。 演示程序包括: 1。如何产生管理动画定时器。 2。如何使用Quartz 2D函数库来在layer object中进行缓冲区render动画帧,及其进行阴影处理。 编译与运行环境: 1。系统:Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) 或 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard) 2。编译环境: 在 Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)中,XCode 3.14 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 在 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard)中 ,XCode 3.2.1 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 3. 运行环境: iPhone Emulator.-iPhone 游戏编程基本技巧(1)基本动画实现与阴影处理。 演示程序包括: 1。如何产生管理动画定时器。 2。如何使用Quartz 2D函数库来在layer object中进行缓冲区render动画帧,及其进行阴影处理。 编译与运行环境: 1。系统:Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) 或 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard) 2。编译环境: 在 Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)中,XCode 3.14 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 在 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard)中 ,XCode 3.2.1 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 3. 运行环境: iPhone Emulator.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 619kb Publisher : Lazy Boy

iPhone SDK 3.0 Programming Edition September 2009 Retail Ebook-ATTiCA-With iPhone SDK Programming, developers have the expert guidance they need to begin building native applications for Apple s new iPhone 3G as well as the iPod touch. Inside, veteran mobile developer and Bell Labs scientist Maher Ali begins with a foundational introduction to Objective C and Cocoa programming, and then guides readers through the building programs with Apple s iPhone SDK 3.0. Topics covered include: * User interface development and GUI controls * Working with animation * Making use of the camera and video * Utilizing the SQLLite Database * Making your applications location-aware And more. also interesting ... Apress.-.iPhone.Advanced.Projects.-.Development.Tales.of.iPhone.App.Masters.Edition.October.2009 Pragmatic.Programmers.-.iPhone.SDK.Development.Edition.2009 McGraw.Hill.-.IPhone.SDK.Programming.A.Beginners.Guide.Edition.October.2009 Oreilly.-.Programming.the.iPhone.User.Experience.Edition.September.2009 Apress.iPhone.Cool.Pr
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.09mb Publisher : zengjian

iPhone手机SDK编程参考书,不仅叙述详细,而且还有许多例子代码,是学习iPhone SDK编程的一本好书。-iPhone, SDK programming reference books, not only described in detail, and there are many examples of code, is to learn from iPhone SDK programming, a good book.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : abc

《iPhone SDK 3开发指南》的各章源代码-the source for <iphone sdk 3 develop>
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.25mb Publisher : 陈刚

TouchFighter2 TouchFighter2 is an OpenGL ES game that shows how to handle and calibrate accelerometer data, recognize gestures, handle multiplayer, add a movie sequence, and get maximum OpenGL ES performance. By looking at the code, you ll earn how to organize a large OpenGL game project. TouchFighter2 uses physics to give realistic movements and collisions. It uses particle system classes for fire and smoke effects. You can reuse the core game objects in your own game. Build Requirements iPhone SDK, Mac OS X 10.5.3 Runtime Requirements iPhone OS 2.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.86mb Publisher : Weiping

《iPhone Open Application Development》这本书是一本非常不错开发者需要的书,虽然在体积上是最小的。这本书介绍了在前iPhone SDK时代,运行在iPhone上的Native软件是如何开发出来的。是全球iPhone黑客的一个精华总结。书中介绍了使用Objective-C和iPhone版Mac OS X的编程基础。如果你正打算学习iPhone程序设计,这本书无疑是你学习官方iPhone SDK的一个不可多得的辅助手册。让你对iPhone的OSX有一个更加深刻的了解。适合高级玩家阅读。-" IPhone Open Application Development" This book is a very good developers need to book, although the volume is minimal. This book introduces the era of the first iPhone SDK, run the iPhone' s Native software is how to develop out. Is the essence of the world' s a summary iPhone hackers. The book describes the use of Objective-C and the iPhone version of Mac OS X programming foundation. If you are want to learn iPhone programming, this book is no doubt that you learn the official iPhone SDK in a rare supporting manuals. OSX on the iPhone, you have a more profound understanding. For senior players to read.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 723kb Publisher : skyge

This book is going to avoid the iPhone SDK wherever possible. All you’ll need to follow along with the vast majority of examples is a text editor and the most recent version of Safari (or better yet, WebKit, which is a more cutting-edge version of Safari that’s available for both Mac and Windows at You do need a Mac for the PhoneGap material in Chapter 7, where I explain how to convert your web app into a native app that you can submit to the App Store.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.8mb Publisher : guosong

最新出的iPhone开发书籍,值得大家好好研读一番!-Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37.33mb Publisher : 周光义

iphone开发大全,2010最新开发资料-iphone develop book
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43.7mb Publisher : kongfei

電子書:Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C.pdf-Beginning iPhone SDK Programming with Objective-C.pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52.37mb Publisher : micky
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