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[Graph RecognizeProgram_Model

Description: 本程序为图象二值化,以及对图象马赛克,基于人体肤色划分等,功能齐全-procedures for the two binary images, and the right image mosaics, based on the delineation of human color, multifunctional
Platform: | Size: 82061 | Author: 程余 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeProgram_Model

Description: 本程序为图象二值化,以及对图象马赛克,基于人体肤色划分等,功能齐全-procedures for the two binary images, and the right image mosaics, based on the delineation of human color, multifunctional
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 程余 | Hits:


Description: 实现简单的图象处理功能,如锐化,柔化,马赛克等.可以绘制图象的直方图.由于时间仓促,代码未进行优化,图象处理速度较慢.-simple image processing functions, such as sharpening, soft, such mosaics. mapped image histogram. Because time is so short, not code optimization, image processing speed is slower.
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: 清灵五月 | Hits:


Description: matlab基于角点信息和透视变换的图像镶嵌 其中包括给定图片-matlab based on the corner of information and perspective transformation of the image mosaics including the given picture
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: wenbin | Hits:


Description: Creating Full View Panoramic Image Mosaics and Environment Maps
Platform: | Size: 2006016 | Author: hao | Hits:


Description: 本程序基于Visual C++.net ,能实现 图像的马赛克效果 。代码均有注释。对初学者很有帮助!-This procedure based on the Visual C . Net, to achieve the effect of image mosaics. Code have the Notes. Very helpful for beginners!
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: 羊妹妹 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmasaike

Description: 是我自己编的一个图像处理的程序。可以对图像进行马赛克,还可以对几个图像进行合成。请各位高手指点指点。-Yes I own an image-processing procedures. Image mosaics can also be of some synthetic images. Please instruct the expert advice.
Platform: | Size: 1999872 | Author: ANMINGSHOU | Hits:

[Industry researchmosaicing

Description: Useful power point slides on image mosaics
Platform: | Size: 659456 | Author: Shivakumar | Hits:


Description: Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration is the process which makes the pixels in two images pre- cisely coincide to the same points on the ground. Although the images are then in relative registra- tion, the absolute ground coordinates of the pixels may be unknown. Registration is easier to achieve with imagery that has been previously corrected for sensor and orbit distortions. Once reg- istered, the images can be combined, or fused , in a way that improves information extraction. Examples of fusion include extraction of DEMs from stereo image pairs and compositing of images with different spatial and spectral resolutions.-Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration is the process which makes the pixels in two images pre- cisely coincide to the same points on the ground. Although the images are then in relative registra- tion, the absolute ground coordinates of the pixels may be unknown. Registration is easier to achieve with imagery that has been previously corrected for sensor and orbit distortions. Once reg- istered, the images can be combined, or fused , in a way that improves information extraction. Examples of fusion include extraction of DEMs from stereo image pairs and compositing of images with different spatial and spectral resolutions.
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: Hoang Duy | Hits:

[Software Engineeringxlptanh

Description: Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration is the process which makes the pixels in two images pre- cisely coincide to the same points on the ground. Although the images are then in relative registra- tion, the absolute ground coordinates of the pixels may be unknown. Registration is easier to achieve with imagery that has been previously corrected for sensor and orbit distortions. Once reg- istered, the images can be combined, or fused , in a way that improves information extraction. Examples of fusion include extraction of DEMs from stereo image pairs and compositing of images with different spatial and spectral resolutions.-Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration is the process which makes the pixels in two images pre- cisely coincide to the same points on the ground. Although the images are then in relative registra- tion, the absolute ground coordinates of the pixels may be unknown. Registration is easier to achieve with imagery that has been previously corrected for sensor and orbit distortions. Once reg- istered, the images can be combined, or fused , in a way that improves information extraction. Examples of fusion include extraction of DEMs from stereo image pairs and compositing of images with different spatial and spectral resolutions.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: Hoang Duy | Hits:


Description: Multiresolution Spline whith aplication to image mosaics, Laplacian pyramid blending,
Platform: | Size: 1967104 | Author: jcmecias | Hits:

[Special EffectsPanoramic-Image-Mosaics

Description: Panoramic Image Mosaics This paper presents some techniques for constructing panoramic image mosaics from sequences of images. Our mosaic representation associates a transformation matrix with each input image, rather than explicitly projecting all of the images onto a common surface (e.g., a cylinder)
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: mahesh chorage | Hits:

[Special Effectspinjiepaper

Description: 本人搜集的图像拼接的相关论文资料 值得初学者参考,欢迎下载-papers about image mosaics, please download them, I think they are worthy to be read.
Platform: | Size: 1941504 | Author: lili | Hits:

[Special EffectsImage-Alignment-and-Stitching

Description: This tutorial reviews image alignment and image stitching algorithms. Image align- ment (registration) algorithms can discover the large-scale (parametric) correspon- dence relationships among images with varying degrees of overlap. They are ideally suited for applications such as video stabilization, summarization, and the creation of large-scale panoramic photographs. Image stitching algorithms take the alignment estimates produced by such registration algorithms and blend the images in a seam- less manner, taking care to deal with potential problems such as blurring or ghosting caused by parallax and scene movement as well as varying image exposures. This tu- torial reviews the basic motion models underlying alignment and stitching algorithms, describes effective direct (pixel-based) and feature-based alignment algorithms, and describes blending algorithms used to produce seamless mosaics. It closes with a dis- cussion of open research problems in the area.
Platform: | Size: 354304 | Author: bou33aza | Hits:

[Special EffectsAn-Image-Mosaics-Method

Description: 本文提出了一种基于时域和频域的图像拼接算法。该算法采用一种先粗后细的两步拼接方法,首先利用Fourier变换将原始图像变换到频域进行粗估计,再利用图像时域特征计算精确变换关系,然后根据得到的变换关系迸行匹配拼接。-Image mosaics Feature points Fourier transform
Platform: | Size: 1020928 | Author: zhu runqing | Hits:


Description: 图像融合:算法及应用一书提供了在这一领域最新的进展,包括了贝叶斯方法,ICA和小波方法。它还包含了关于图像马赛克,遥感应用等的极有价值的资料。-Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications provides a representative collection of the recent advances in research and development in the field of image fusion, demonstrating both spatial domain and transform domain fusion methods including Bayesian methods, statistical approaches, ICA and wavelet domain techniques. It also includes valuable material on image mosaics, remote sensing applications and performance evaluation.
Platform: | Size: 10486784 | Author: zxcvb | Hits:

[Industry researchdownload-(1)

Description: image mosaics-image mosaics
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: zaid_teq | Hits:

[Special EffectsKey_Technology_for_Image_Mosaics-

Description: 提出一种基于特征点的运动场景图像拼接算法。基于相似变换消除选取在运动物体上的特征点,并使用RANSAC算法进行外点的剔除。在融合阶段,根据齐次变换矩阵求得对2幅图像的差异图像,并执行区域增长算法。从而分割出运动区域。使用一种分段映射算法生成全景图像。实验证明了算法的有效性。-A feature-based algorithm for image mosaics of 8c宅Iles with moving objects is pI.oposcd.The algorithm eliminates the feature points which arc selected in moving objects using similarity transform,and the outliers are eliminated using RANSAC algorithm.In the image blend phase,a difference of two images is created using homogeneous transformation matrix,and a region growth algorithm is implemented SO as to segment the movmg object region.A piecewise mapping algorithm for generating panoramic images is used.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: 紫烟 | Hits:

[GUI Developharris

Description: 使用特征点来代表图像的内容,运动目标跟踪,物体识别,图像配准,全景图像拼接,三维重建-The use of feature points to represent the content of the image, moving object tracking, object recognition, image registration, image mosaics, 3D reconstruction
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 孙龙 | Hits:


Description: Peter J原代码能够实现金字塔层次的图像融合-Source code of A Multiresolution Spline With Application to Image Mosaics (1983) Peter J. Burt, Edward H. Adelson
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: mm | Hits:
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