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% demo_l2_l1 - This demo illustrates the TwIST % algorithm in the l2-l1 optimization problem % % xe = arg min 0.5*||A x-y||^2 + tau ||x||_1 % x % % where A is a generic matrix and ||.||_1 is the l1 norm. % After obtaining the solution we implement a debias phase % % For further details about the TwIST algorithm, see the paper: % % J. Bioucas-Dias and M. Figueiredo, "A New TwIST: Two-Step % Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms for Image % Restoration", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, 2007. % %% % Please check for the latest version of the code and papers at % % % Authors: Jose Bioucas-Dias and Mario Figueiredo, % Instituto Superior T閏nico, October, 2007
Update : 2011-04-21 Size : 76.39kb Publisher :

小波变换在数字图像处理方面的应用,很值得学习的文章,程序代码完整,图形分析到位,很不错!与大家共享-Wavelet transform in digital image processing applications, it is worth learning articles, code integrity, and graphical analysis in place, very good! With the U.S. share
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 265kb Publisher : 阳关

a fast multigrid solver for geometric active contour models For a detailed description of the method see the paper G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, Multigrid Geometric Active Contour Models, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 229-240, Jan. 2007.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 494kb Publisher : wdbigboy

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhu xs

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JBEAM-soft is a software package written in MATLAB. It was used to generate the simulation results, as well as figures, in paper "JBEAM: multiscale curve coding via beamlets" by X. Huo and Jihong Chen. This paper will appear in IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 14 (11), in November 2005
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 295kb Publisher : Galilleo

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关于鲁棒性边缘检测的数字图像处理论文,IEEE授权东南大学论文享有。-Robust edge detection on the digital image processing papers, IEEE paper entitled Southeast University mandate.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.17mb Publisher :

摘要:本文在传统CORDIC算法的基础之上,通过增加迭代次数,对参数进行了优化筛选, 提高了运算精度,使设计出的软核能够在精度要求较高的场合中运行,如实时语音、图 像信号处理、滤波技术等。输出数据经过IEEE-754标准化处理,能够直接兼容大多数处 理器,扩展了其应用范围。最终在Altera公司NiosⅡ处理器中通过增加自定义指令的方 式完成了硬件实现。 关键字:CORDIC ,自定义指令, IEEE-754标准化处理。-Abstract: In this paper, based on the traditional CORDIC algorithm, by increasing the number of iterations, selection of parameters were optimized to improve the computing precision, the design of the soft-core to the occasion in the high precision in the running, such as real-time voice , image signal processing, filtering technology. IEEE-754 output data after standardization, can be directly compatible with most processors, expanded its scope of application. Altera, Nios Ⅱ ultimately by the processor the way to add custom instructions to complete the hardware. Keywords: CORDIC, custom instruction, IEEE-754 standard treatment.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 223kb Publisher : daisywmc

SSIM 近些年来被广泛用于衡量图象的质量,它克服了PSNR固有的一些局限性.目前网络上的SSIM相关的实现代码主要是MATLAB或者使用OPENCV库的代码.本代码完全采用C语言实现,接口简单,便于嵌入到用户代码中评估生成的图象质量-Using pure C language, this code implement the SSIM algorithm presented in the paper "Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity" of IEEE Transaction on image processing.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 89kb Publisher : 罗忠祥

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This code demomstrates an improved algorithm based on the local binary fitting (LBF) model in Chunming Li et al s paper: "Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17 (10), pp.1940-1949, 2008. Usage: These codes can be used for Matlab 7.0.4 or higher versions in Windows. Run the Demos in the M-files for several test images. Once an image comes out, click the mouse to generate a polygon as the initial contour: left click to get a number of points, then right click to get the end point. The number of iterations may need to be increased if the initial contour is too far away from the desired object boundary. -This code demomstrates an improved algorithm based on the local binary fitting (LBF) model in Chunming Li et al s paper: "Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17 (10), pp.1940-1949, 2008. Usage: These codes can be used for Matlab 7.0.4 or higher versions in Windows. Run the Demos in the M-files for several test images. Once an image comes out, click the mouse to generate a polygon as the initial contour: left click to get a number of points, then right click to get the end point. The number of iterations may need to be increased if the initial contour is too far away from the desired object boundary.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 263kb Publisher : Tina

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This software release consists of a MULTISCALE PIXEL DOMAIN, SCALAR GSM implementation of the algorithm described in the paper: H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "Image Information and Visual Quality"., IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : ahmed seghir

This package contains a beta MATLAB version of the VSNR function from the paper "VSNR: A Wavelet-Based Visual Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Natural Images," D. M. Chandler and S. S. Hemami, published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, September 2007.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 626kb Publisher : ahmed seghir

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This an efficient implementation of the algorithm for calculating the universal image quality index proposed by Zhou Wang and Alan C. Bovik. Please refer to the paper "A Universal Image Quality Index" by Zhou Wang and Alan C. Bovik, published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2001. -This is an efficient implementation of the algorithm for calculating the universal image quality index proposed by Zhou Wang and Alan C. Bovik. Please refer to the paper "A Universal Image Quality Index" by Zhou Wang and Alan C. Bovik, published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2001.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : ahmed seghir

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This software release consists of an implementation of the algorithm described in the paper: H. R. Sheikh, A. C. Bovik, and G. de Veciana, "An Information Fidelity Criterion for Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics," IEEE Transactios on Image Processing, in publication, May 2005.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : ahmed seghir

Matlab下的实时跟踪程序,内附demo程序,也可以选择手动选择跟踪区域,这种方式需要将demo中的一段代码前的注释去掉-Main file: Tracking_PLS.m You can set the initial position of the target object with know parameters or select the target region manually in the first frame. You can tune the \Sigma parameter for particle filtering to obtain better results. You can also test the PLST1 method mentioned in our paper which is named "Tracking_PLST1.m". Reference --------- Qing Wang, Feng Chen, Wenli Xu, Ming-Hsuan Yang. Object Tracking via Partial Least Squares Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. In press.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.4mb Publisher : 唐璜

is Matlab code implements a new level set formulation, called distance regularized level set evolution (DRLSE), proposed by Chunming Li et al s in the paper "Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and its Application to Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 19 (12), 2010 The main advantages of DRLSE over conventional level set formulations include the following: 1) it completely eliminates the need for dreinitialization 2) it allows the use of large time steps to significantly speed up curve evolution, while ensuring numerical accuracy 3) Very easy to implement and computationally more efficient than conventional level set formulations. This package only implements an edge-based active contour model as one application of DRLSE. More applications of DRLSE can be found in other published papers in the following website: -is Matlab code implements a new level set formulation, called distance regularized level set evolution (DRLSE), proposed by Chunming Li et al s in the paper "Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and its Application to Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 19 (12), 2010 The main advantages of DRLSE over conventional level set formulations include the following: 1) it completely eliminates the need for dreinitialization 2) it allows the use of large time steps to significantly speed up curve evolution, while ensuring numerical accuracy 3) Very easy to implement and computationally more efficient than conventional level set formulations. This package only implements an edge-based active contour model as one application of DRLSE. More applications of DRLSE can be found in other published papers in the following website:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 王捷

这个对运动估计的一个综述性论文,IEEE论文,很权威,对于把握图像处理研究。很值得-In the motion estimation, a review paper, IEEE papers, very authoritative, for the capture image processing research. It is worth a look
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 228kb Publisher : lu

基于梯度模方差的图像质量评估,发表于IEEE Trans on Image processing 2014的最新论文的代码。-Image quality assessment based on gradient magnitude variance, published in IEEE Trans on Image processing code 2014 latest paper.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘云鹏

This the MATLAB code that was used to produce the figures and tables in Section V of F. Forbes and G. Fort, Combining Monte Carlo and mean-field like methods for inference in Hidden Markov Random Fields, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2006. 1 MATLAB has the capability of running functions written in C. The files which hold the source for these functions are called MEX-Files. Some functions of our codes are written in C. The purpose of this software is to implement the MCVEM algorithm, described in the paper mentioned above, when applied to Image Segmentation. MCVEM consists in combining approximation techniques - based on variational EM - and simulation techniques - based on MCMC -. This software is the first version that is made publicly available. 2 How to 2.1 Obtain the source code Download it from After unpacking the archive, you should obtain • two-This is the MATLAB code that was used to produce the figures and tables in Section V of F. Forbes and G. Fort, Combining Monte Carlo and mean-field like methods for inference in Hidden Markov Random Fields, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2006. 1 MATLAB has the capability of running functions written in C. The files which hold the source for these functions are called MEX-Files. Some functions of our codes are written in C. The purpose of this software is to implement the MCVEM algorithm, described in the paper mentioned above, when applied to Image Segmentation. MCVEM consists in combining approximation techniques - based on variational EM - and simulation techniques - based on MCMC -. This software is the first version that is made publicly available. 2 How to 2.1 Obtain the source code Download it from After unpacking the archive, you should obtain • two
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 676kb Publisher : jeevithajaikumar

有11篇关于基于内容的数字图像处理的论文综述,全英文,对了解CBIR的研究者来说很有用。 -There are 11 paper on digital image processing based on content, all in English, is very useful to understand the researchers in CBIR.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.04mb Publisher : 王松

This program implements the rendering framework that is used in the paper D. De Silva, W. Fernando, and H. Kodikaraarachchi, “A NEW MODE SELECTION TECHNIQUE FOR CODING DEPTH MAPS OF 3D VIDEO,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2010. pp. 686-689. Mar. 2010. which has the following features: 1. Depth maps are interpreted according to the MPEG Informative Recommendations in MPEG Doc. N8038. 2. Left image is rendered Right most pixel to the Left most pixel and Right Image is rendered vice versa. This is done to make sure that no background pixels would appear as foreground. 3. Disocclusions are filled with Background pixel extrapolation, however with some small modifications. Disocclusions are filled in the opposite direction to rendering. - This program implements the rendering framework that is used in the paper D. De Silva, W. Fernando, and H. Kodikaraarachchi, “A NEW MODE SELECTION TECHNIQUE FOR CODING DEPTH MAPS OF 3D VIDEO,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2010. pp. 686-689. Mar. 2010. which has the following features: 1. Depth maps are interpreted according to the MPEG Informative Recommendations in MPEG Doc. N8038. 2. Left image is rendered Right most pixel to the Left most pixel and Right Image is rendered vice versa. This is done to make sure that no background pixels would appear as foreground. 3. Disocclusions are filled with Background pixel extrapolation, however with some small modifications. Disocclusions are filled in the opposite direction to rendering.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : phonox
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