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ASP案例开发集锦[配套光盘] 本书精选来自实战中的ASP案例,每个案例配有详细的实现步骤和完整的源代码解释。通过精确分析ASP在数据库、内建 对象、组件、文件系统、图像、安全、XML、VML矢量绘图、手机WAP、多媒体、游戏、邮件、短信、网络传呼、购物车、 广告、BBS、聊天室等方面的案例开发过程,在描述ASP应用技术知识的同时,展现ASP的强大编程功能。 -case ASP Development Collection [CD supporting] the book selected from the real case of ASP, Each case is equipped with the detailed implementation steps and integrity of the source code. ASP through precise analysis of the database, built-in objects, components, file system, image, security, XML, VML vector graphics, WAP mobile phones, multimedia, games, e-mail, text messaging, paging network, shopping cart, advertising, BBS, Chat rooms of case development process, described in ASP Application and technical knowledge, demonstrate the strong ASP programming functions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.49mb Publisher : ant008

这是我想到的一个非常有用的小程序,顾名思义,这个程序就是把不同的信号(如不同的文件:文本,图片,语音,乃至视频...)储存入电脑的图片文件.BMP文件中,以达到节省空间,安全加密,数据保护,多媒体同时运行,提高空间与时间的并行性。 -I think this is a very useful small program, as the name suggests, the procedure is different signals (such as different files : text, images, voice and even video ...) storage computer image files. BMP file, to save space, security encryption, data protection, while multimedia and increase the space and time of parallelism.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : 盒香烟

ASP案例开发集锦[配套光盘] 本书精选来自实战中的ASP案例,每个案例配有详细的实现步骤和完整的源代码解释。通过精确分析ASP在数据库、内建 对象、组件、文件系统、图像、安全、XML、VML矢量绘图、手机WAP、多媒体、游戏、邮件、短信、网络传呼、购物车、 广告、BBS、聊天室等方面的案例开发过程,在描述ASP应用技术知识的同时,展现ASP的强大编程功能。 -case ASP Development Collection [CD supporting] the book selected from the real case of ASP, Each case is equipped with the detailed implementation steps and integrity of the source code. ASP through precise analysis of the database, built-in objects, components, file system, image, security, XML, VML vector graphics, WAP mobile phones, multimedia, games, e-mail, text messaging, paging network, shopping cart, advertising, BBS, Chat rooms of case development process, described in ASP Application and technical knowledge, demonstrate the strong ASP programming functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.49mb Publisher : ant008

Author: Fahd Ahmad Abbasi Summary: Matches two pictures given as arguments. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: The function takes two images as argument and using edge detection checks whether they are the same or not...a cool and simple code which can be used in security systems. The level at which the two pictures should be matched can be controlled. -Author : Fahd Ahmad Abbasi Summary : Matches two pictures given as arguments. MATLAB B. Release : R13 Required Products : Image Processing Toolbox Description : The function takes two images as argument and us ing edge detection checks whether they are the s ame or not ... a cool and simple code which can be u sed in security systems. The level at which the t wo pictures should be matched can be controlled .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jallon

于内容的图像认证技术是一种新颖的图像信息安全技术,用来验证数字图像内容的完整性与真实 性。本文介绍了基于内容的图像认证技术的分类、发展历史和研究现状,并针对其现有算法的缺陷,对未来的发 展趋势和应用进行了展望。 -content in the image authentication technology is a novel image information security technology, used to verify digital image content authenticity and integrity. This paper introduces the content-based image authentication techniques classification, history and current status of research and against its existing algorithm, the future trends and applications of Outlook.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 741kb Publisher : cici

DL : 0
最近很多木马利用文件映像劫持导致杀毒软件和部分安全软件不能正常工作,该程序可以查看被劫持的程序,同时可以清除劫持.-Recently, many Trojans hijacking resulted in the use of document imaging software and some anti-virus security software is not working properly, the program can view the process was hijacked at the same time they can get rid hostage.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 萧剑

提出一种基于视觉特性的图像摘要算法,增大人眼敏感的频域系数在计算图像Hash时的权重,使得图像Hash更好地体现视觉特征,并提高鲁棒性。将原始图像的分块DCT系数乘以若干由密钥控制生成的伪随机矩阵,再对计算的结果进行基于分块的Watson人眼视觉特性处理,最后进行量化判决产生固定长度的图像Hash序列。本算法比未采用视觉特性的算法相比,提高了对JPEG压缩和高斯滤波的鲁棒性。图像摘要序列由密钥控制生成,具有安全性。-Based on the visual characteristics of the image digest algorithm, increasing the human eye-sensitive frequency-domain coefficients in the calculation of the image when the weight of Hash, Hash makes images better reflect the visual characteristics, and improve robustness. Will block the original image multiplied by the number of DCT coefficients generated by the key control of pseudo-random matrix, then the results of calculation based on the sub-block of Watson HVS treatment, and finally quantify the judgments arising from fixed-length sequence of images Hash . Than the algorithm did not use the visual characteristics of the algorithm, improve the JPEG compression and Gaussian filtering robustness. Abstract image sequence generated by the key control, with security.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 164kb Publisher : kurt

Firstly, research on robust image watermarking. A digital watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform was proposed. It realizes the watermarking extract without the original image using 64×64×8 bit gray image as the watermark signal. In order to enhancing the security of the watermark, we employ an encryption technology based on chaos and bit plan. Simulation results show that our scheme have good invisibility and can survive low-quality JPEG compression, median filtering and so on. In addition, the analysis of the extracted watermark can help us to detect and localize tampers.-Firstly, research on robust image watermarking. A digital watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform was proposed. It realizes the watermarking extract without the original image using 64 × 64 × 8 bit gray image as the watermark signal. In order to enhancing the security of the watermark, we employ an encryption technology based on chaos and bit plan. Simulation results show that our scheme have good invisibility and can survive low-quality JPEG compression, median filtering and so on. In addition, the analysis of the extracted watermark can help us to detect and localize tampers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher : xiaxianming

利用小波变换方法进行多卫星遥感图像数据融合,分析不同长度的小波基对融合图像的影响,从信息的保持性、视觉效果及运用灵活性等方面与IHS、PCA 融合算法进行了比较,从而探讨这一新算法在遥感图像分析应用中的可行性。-Using wavelet transform methods of multi-satellite remote sensing image data fusion, analysis of different wavelet bases on the length of the impact of image fusion, from the maintenance of information, visual effects and the use of flexibility with the IHS, PCA fusion algorithm are compared in order to explore the This new algorithm in the application of remote sensing image analysis feasibility.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : lieutenant

During the past four years, most of our research activities have been focused on image but also video and 3-D objects processing for security applications (watermarking and biometrics) and communications (talking heads, interfaces), with a special emphasis on facial images. More about our work can be found at Our research activities are conducted with the backing of several industrials, in particular France Telecom Research and STMicroelectronics. For the past few years, we have had a regular scientific collaboration on Fractal Image Coding, Watermarking and Biometrics with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), in particular with Prof. K. Ros
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : surajs

中值滤波是常用的降噪算法,它可以保留比较尖锐的边界,但是却容易模糊图象的细节。尽管已经有一些改进 算法,但效果并不十分理想。文章介绍了一种保细节中值滤波算法,采用了多尺度多方向的窗口,根据图象各部分特性自 适应地选择窗口进行中值滤波。实验结果证明,文章的算法优于其他几种常用的中值滤波算法。 -Median filter is commonly used in noise reduction algorithm, which can retain relatively sharp boundary, but the details easy to fuzzy images. Despite some improved algorithm, the effects are not very good. In this paper, the details of a security filtering algorithm using the multi-scale multi-orientation of the window, according to characteristics of the various parts of the image selection window for adaptive median filter. The experimental results proved that the article is better than several other commonly used algorithm of median filtering algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 222kb Publisher : 陈卿

数字水印技术目前 正处于一个快速发 展和持续深入的阶 段, 应用领域也在 快速扩展。 刀 市场经济飞速发展的今天, 这 对于企业形象和经济利益存在 严重损害危险的企业和数字产 品侵权的创作者来说, 无疑是 一个良好的解决方案。数字水 印及其应用技术不仅提供了突 破性的信息安全防护方式, 而 且在数字防伪中占据着重要的 地位, 这对维护国家经济秩序 是大有益处的。-Digital watermarking technology is currently in a rapid and sustained development of advanced stage, applications are also rapidly expanding. Knife of the rapid development of the market economy today, which is the economic interests of corporate image and the risk of serious damage to businesses and digital products for the creators of infringement is a good solution. And application of digital watermarking technology provides a breakthrough approach to information security protection, and security in the digital occupy an important position, which is to safeguard national economic order is a great benefit.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1021kb Publisher : 青菜

本文提出了基于二维混沌映射的数字图像水印算法,混沌具有随机性、似噪声及对初始条件的极端敏感性等特点。将经过二维混沌映射置乱后的数字水印信号嵌入图像小波域的低频系数,实现了数字水印的隐蔽性、保密性和稳固性;利用二维混沌映射Arnold变换对水印信号进行置乱,不仅增强了水印信号保密性,同时有效提高了视觉上抵抗图像剪切攻击的能力。-In this paper, two-dimensional chaotic map based on digital image watermarking algorithm, Chaos with random noise and the likelihood of extreme sensitivity to initial conditions and so on. Two-dimensional chaotic map will be scrambling after the digital watermark embedded image signal of the low-frequency coefficients in wavelet domain, the realization of a digital watermark hidden, security and stability the use of two-dimensional chaotic map on Arnold transform scrambling watermark signal, not only enhances the confidentiality of the watermark signal at the same time improve the visual image shear resistance attacks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 653kb Publisher : lafeng

本方法可以将图像或水印置乱,保护水印图像在网络中安全传送!-This method can be image or watermark scrambling to protect the watermark image transmission in the network security!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 代江艳

This sample application demonstrates how to create a lightweight image viewing and editing tool using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Image thumbnails are displayed in the preview pane, while metadata associated with an image is displayed within a panel to the right of the screen. For comprehensive coverage of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Microsoft .NET Framework application development best practices, refer to the following as appropriate: Accessibility - Accessibility Best Practices Security - Windows Presentation Foundation Security Localization - WPF Globalization and Localization Overview-This sample application demonstrates how to create a lightweight image viewing and editing tool using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Image thumbnails are displayed in the preview pane, while metadata associated with an image is displayed within a panel to the right of the screen. For comprehensive coverage of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Microsoft .NET Framework application development best practices, refer to the following as appropriate: Accessibility- Accessibility Best Practices Security- Windows Presentation Foundation Security Localization- WPF Globalization and Localization Overview
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 355kb Publisher : wuda0750

数字图像处理领域中的一些应用实例,以理论和实践相结合的方式,系统地介绍了如何使用C#进行数字图像处理。 全书共11章,分别讲述了图像的点运算、几何运算、数学形态学图像处理方法、频率变换、图像平滑与去噪、边缘检测、图像分割、图像压缩编码和彩色图像处理等相关技术。-Digital image processing in the field of some application examples to the theory and practice, a combination of systematically describes how to use C# for digital image processing. The book has 11 chapters, respectively, the point about the image computing, geometric computing, mathematical morphology image processing method, frequency conversion, image smoothing and denoising, edge detection, image segmentation, image compression and color image processing and other related technologies.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 986kb Publisher : yangou

ieee一种基于混沌的新加密方法An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Map - In this paper, a novel block digital image encryp- tion scheme based on a chaotic coupled map lattices (CML) is reported. Within this scheme, an original image is decomposed into sub-blocks with a given size, and an external secret key with 192-bit is used and mapped to the system parameters, which are employed to generate a spatiotemporal chaotic binary sequence matrix to encrypt the block original image. Besides, the former sub-block encrypted result will be acted as a feedback to the following sub-block encryption proc- ess. The proposed scheme is described in detail, along with the security analyses such as key space analysis, sensitivity analysis, information entropy analysis and correlation coefficients analysis of adjacent pixels. The computer simulation results indicate that the suggested image encryption scheme has some properties desir- able in a good security cryptosystem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : ff

SecurityCam converts your WebCam to a Security Camera (IP Camera). If any person crosses in front of your camera, the software will alert you. Security Camera 2008 VB.Net source contains a simple image processing algorithm to do that.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 160kb Publisher : makh

摘 要: 提出了一种基于医学图像中感兴趣区域(ROI)的盲检测水印算法, 将包含重要病理信息的灰度图像作为数字水印, 经置乱后在混沌序列的控制下嵌入到宿主小波域非感兴趣区域中。实验结果表明, 该算法在保护医学 ROI 的同时提高了水印抗 JPEG 压缩的鲁棒性, 并对篡改、 几何剪切、 滤波等均具有良好的鲁棒性和透明性, 而且混沌序列增强了系统的安全性。-Abstract: This paper presents a region of interest based on medical images (ROI) of the blind detection watermarking algorithm will contain important pathological information of gray image as digital watermark, after scrambling after the chaotic sequence embedded into the host under the control of wavelet-domain Non-interest area. The experimental results show that the algorithm in the protection of medical ROI while increasing watermark robustness against JPEG compression, and tampering, cropping, filtering Dengjun has good robustness and transparency, but also enhanced the system chaotic sequence security.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 409kb Publisher : 还都

the image security using diverse medis
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : senthil
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