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 利用几何成像原理建立起CCD 双目立体视觉测量系统的数学模型,从提高系统测 量精度出发,在理论上重点对系统结构参数、图像识别误差与系统测量精度的关系进行了深入的分析和探讨,并通过实验对结论进行了验证。研究内容对实际建立该测量系统具有很强的指导作用。-Established the principle of the use of CCD imaging geometry binocular stereo vision measurement system of mathematical models to improve system measurement accuracy from the start, in theory, focus on structural parameters of the system, image recognition system error and the relationship between the measurement accuracy of an in-depth analysis and discussion and through experiments carried out to verify the conclusions. Study of the actual establishment of the measurement system has a strong guiding role.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 332kb Publisher : chenruibao

寻找相应的特点,在一副图片的基础是许多光流、立体的视觉和图像间的配准算法。一个发现匹配方法简单,取一小块一个图像,计算其滑动互相与其他的形象,并找到一个高峰。此表格提供了课堂的实现方法。-Finding corresponding features in a pair of images is the basis of many optic flow, stereo vision and image registration algorithms. One straightforward approach to finding a match is to take a small patch of one image, compute its sliding cross-correlation with the other image, and find a peak. This submission supplies a class which implements this method.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 758kb Publisher : 王羽

利用matlabde实现双目立体视觉中,对应图像对的深度信息的获取 (区域匹配算法实现)。-Use of matlab binocular stereo vision, corresponding to the depth of the image information
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 231kb Publisher : 杜益福

matlab实现图像匹配的视差图,可以用于3D重建系统,机器视觉等领域。-Matlab image matching parallax figure, and can be used in 3 D reconstruction system, machine vision, etc
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.01mb Publisher : 开降龙

在matlab环境下面编程,最好使用2012版本及其以上,完成利用matlab软件提供的图像处理函数来完成图像匹配,3D重建的工作。最后的效果图很好,由于是利用matlab自带的图片,所以压缩文件中无图片,直接打开m文件就可以运行!-Below programming in matlab environment, it is best to use 2012 version and above, using matlab software provides complete image processing function to complete the image matching, 3D reconstruction work. The final renderings good, as is the use of matlab comes with a picture, so the compressed file without pictures, you can directly open the m-file to run!
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李雪松

For fast image processing this script extracts all the parameters for stereo image rectification in order to get the largest rectangular image pairs with only valid pixel values. The parameters are sorted in the way images are read in (First pixels of first row, then pixels of 2nd row etc.). Furthermore the precision for the bilinear transformation can be reduced to 8, 16, 32 or nearest neighbor in order to save calculation efforts. The effect of precision reduction are evaluated with Double_versus_uint.m . Requirements: This script works only in conjunction with the Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab from Jean-Yves Bouguet: Also required is the modified file FindLargestRectanglesPUS.m (original from Jaroslaw Tuszynski, see This files is included in this package. - For fast image processing this script extracts all the parameters for stereo image rectification in order to get the largest rectangular image pairs with only valid pixel values. The parameters are sorted in the way images are read in (First pixels of first row, then pixels of 2nd row etc.). Furthermore the precision for the bilinear transformation can be reduced to 8, 16, 32 or nearest neighbor in order to save calculation efforts. The effect of precision reduction are evaluated with Double_versus_uint.m . Requirements: This script works only in conjunction with the Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab from Jean-Yves Bouguet: Also required is the modified file FindLargestRectanglesPUS.m (original from Jaroslaw Tuszynski, see This files is included in this package.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 114kb Publisher : Adilson

matlab版本的双目立体视觉的图像基线校正参数,输入摄像机的外参,输出两幅图像对应像素校正前后的映射-Mapping matlab version of binocular stereo vision image baseline correction parameters, external reference input of the camera, the corresponding pixel in the output of the two images before and after correction
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : gh

置信度传播立体匹配,matelab就能运行,比较简单 1、需要Matlab 2013a及以上版本; 2、运行demo_stereo.m,注意修改图片路径; 3、左右图像使用3通道灰度图;(Confidence propagation stereo matching, MATELAB can run, relatively simple 1. Matlab 2013a and above is required; 2. Run demo_ Stereo. M, pay attention to modifying the image path; 3. The left and right images use 3-channel gray-scale images)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : 学习立体匹配
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