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乙社区6.0是一套基于JAVA技术的网络虚拟社区,采用了Hibernate+Spring+Struts的轻量级J2EE框架,较5.x的内核有又-B 6.0 is a set of Java-based network of virtual communities using the Hibernate Spring Struts lightweight J2EE framework, 5.x is also the core
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : 贾志刚

乙社区6.0是一套基于JAVA技术的网络虚拟社区,采用了Hibernate+Spring+Struts的轻量级J2EE框架,较5.x的内核有又-B 6.0 is a set of Java-based network of virtual communities using the Hibernate Spring Struts lightweight J2EE framework, 5.x is also the core
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : 贾志刚

利用struts+hibernate技术实现B/S结构平台开发 有利于java高级者的学习-Use struts+ Hibernate technology to achieve B/S structure of platform development is conducive to the learning senior java
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.29mb Publisher : dawei

人力资源管理系统,主要用于企业的人事信息管理,考勤管理,招聘管理,培训管理,薪酬管理,绩效管理。涉及到的业务主要有人事档案信息的添加删除和查看,人员调动管理,员工的考勤管理,员工的招聘,员工的绩效评估,薪酬计算和培训跟踪。采用Java平台,并且采用B/S模式应用, 框架与技术的选择:Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax。-Human resources management system, mainly for the personnel information management, attendance management, recruitment management, training management, remuneration management, performance management. Involved in the business are mainly personnel file information to add delete and view, mobility management, employee attendance management, staff recruitment, staff performance evaluation, salary and training track. The use of Java platform, and the use of B/S mode applications, frameworks and technology choice: Struts+ Hibernate+ Spring+ Ajax.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37.71mb Publisher : chenwanzhi

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Struts+Spring+Hibernate开发的BBS,功能很强大很完善,是个很好的研究例子。-Struts+ Spring+ Hibernate developed BBS, features a very powerful sound, is a good example of the study.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.24mb Publisher : 3333

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医药管理, 本项目拟选择B/S构架,采用Struts、Spring、Hibernate 三大开源框架、Ajax技术和MySQL数据库技术-Based on the basic needs of the project, the project intends to select B/S architecture, using Struts, Spring, Hibernate framework of the three major open source, Ajax technology and MySQL database technology,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.58mb Publisher : 郑艳清

该在线考试关系统(B/S结构)主要采用JAVA语言开发涉及主要WEB技术有:Struts+Spring+Hibernate框架,html,javascript,css,ajax技术。开发工具:MyEclipse 服务器:tomacat5.5 数据库:oracle9 -Online Examination System in the (B/S structure) JAVA language mainly involve the development of WEB technologies: Struts+ Spring+ Hibernate framework, html, javascript, css, ajax technology. Development Tools: MyEclipse server: tomacat5.5 database: oracle9
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.57mb Publisher : wuxu

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基于B/S结构的电子商务网站。网上购物商城-Based on B/S structure of the e-commerce sites. Online Shopping Mall
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.07mb Publisher : zz

DL : 1
一个用java实现的基于b/s结构的实时聊天网站,使用ssh框架开发-a real time chat platform based on B/S structure which is developed by sturts+spring+hibernate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.79mb Publisher : gaoxun

DL : 1
TXT小说网是一个简单易用的B/S模式的阅读器,采用Java,Struts2,Spring,Hibernate开发,是我的毕业设计,附带论文等。用户可以上传txt格式的网络小说,系统会根据小说的内容自动匹配出章节索引。方便用户阅读,系统会自动保存用户的阅读进度。-TXT novel network is an easy to use B/S model reader, using Java, Struts2, Spring, Hibernate development is my graduation project, with paper and other. Txt format, users can upload the network novel, the system will automatically match the content of the novel chapter index. User-friendly read, the system will automatically save the user' s reading progress.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.24mb Publisher : GreatGhoul

主要内容:通过java编程的基本框架实现一个基于B/S结构的项目管理软件。涵盖以下功能: 管理员部分: (1)用户、用户组的管理 (2)项目管理 (3)系统管理 (4)工程角色管理 (5)问题(ISSUE)管理 用户部分: (1)项目操作 (2)问题操作 研究方法:分析已有的基于JAVA的WEB商业项目管理系统JIRA的功能和实现方式,借鉴基于PERL的开源WEB项目管理系统BUGZILLA等进行系统的功能开发指导。学习HIBERNATE、SPRING、STRUTS等框架,以及EXTJS等JAVASCRIPT包。 技术路线:JAVA方向。使用HIBERNATE、STRUTS、SPRING框架,界面以JSP页面为准,主要采用EXTJS技术。数据库主要使用sqlserver2000 -Contents: java programming through the realization of a basic framework based on B/S structure of the project management software. Cover the following functions: Administrator section: (1) user, user group management (2) Project Management (3) system management (4) project management role (5) issues (ISSUE) Management User section: (1) project operation (2) issues operation Methods: Analysis of existing commercial projects based on JAVA the WEB management system JIRA features and implementations, open source reference PERL WEB based project management system BUGZILLA function of the system, etc. Development of guidance. Learning HIBERNATE, SPRING, STRUTS framework, etc., and EXTJS other JAVASCRIPT package. Technical line: JAVA direction. Use HIBERNATE, STRUTS, SPRING framework, interface with JSP pages prevail, mainly EXTJS technology. Database mainly used sqlserver2000
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.66mb Publisher : 何枫

DL : 0
主要内容:通过java编程的基本框架实现一个基于B/S结构的项目管理软件。涵盖以下功能: 管理员部分: (1)用户、用户组的管理 (2)项目管理 (3)系统管理 (4)工程角色管理 (5)问题(ISSUE)管理 用户部分: (1)项目操作 (2)问题操作 研究方法:分析已有的基于JAVA的WEB商业项目管理系统JIRA的功能和实现方式,借鉴基于PERL的开源WEB项目管理系统BUGZILLA等进行系统的功能开发指导。学习HIBERNATE、SPRING、STRUTS等框架,以及EXTJS等JAVASCRIPT包。 技术路线:JAVA方向。使用HIBERNATE、STRUTS、SPRING框架,界面以JSP页面为准,主要采用EXTJS技术。数据库主要使用sqlserver2000 -Contents: java programming through the realization of a basic framework based on B/S structure of the project management software. Cover the following functions: Administrator section: (1) user, user group management (2) Project Management (3) system management (4) project management role (5) issues (ISSUE) Management User section: (1) project operation (2) issues operation Methods: Analysis of existing commercial projects based on JAVA the WEB management system JIRA features and implementations, open source reference PERL WEB based project management system BUGZILLA function of the system, etc. Development of guidance. Learning HIBERNATE, SPRING, STRUTS framework, etc., and EXTJS other JAVASCRIPT package. Technical line: JAVA direction. Use HIBERNATE, STRUTS, SPRING framework, interface with JSP pages prevail, mainly EXTJS technology. Database mainly used sqlserver2000
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48.34mb Publisher : 何枫

DL : 3
在线订餐网站是一个基于互联网的B/S模式的网上订餐系统,利用主流框架struts2+hibernate开发技术和MYSQL数据库来开发这个系统。该系统为客户提供会员注册 登录,修改密码和资料,在线订餐(可选定喜欢的菜式或者饮料网上订餐),菜谱浏览,客户留言(可对本网站的服务进行评判及提出宝贵的意见),使用图文并茂(功能代码及截图)的方式,对整个网上订餐系统功能模块的实现方法进行阐述和分析。-This project is based on B/S structure of the online reservations Website, it uses the mainstream framework of the struts2+ hibernate and MYSQL database development technologies to develop this system. This System provides the necessary functions, it includes member registration and login, change passwords and information, order online (can select favorite dishes or drinks), browse recipes, message and reply message (can make some valuable observations on the website). We elaborate and analyze the entire implementation methods of the online reservations system function module with function code and pictures.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.51mb Publisher : 傻瓜

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毕业设计小区物业管理系统 java J2EE开发 B/S架构 采用struts,spring,hibernate整合框架-Graduation residential property management system java J2EE developer B/S structure with struts, spring, hibernate integration framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33.95mb Publisher : lucifer

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用java 编写的 基于B/S struct+hibernate+spring三层架构编写的简单资源共享系统-Prepared with the java based B/S struct+ hibernate+ spring prepared by the simple three-tier system of resource sharing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.34mb Publisher :

本系统是一种基于B/S架构的电子相册管理系统,它采用目前最流行的Java语言编写,用到了当今先进的技术如 JSP技术、Hibernate、Spring、Struts框架等来实现该系统。 系统分为五大模块、相册列表模块、新建相册模块、修改资料模块、修改密码模块、添加相册分类模块。注:前四大模块是根据注册用户的提供的,注册用户登陆后可以进行添加相册,上传,删除照片,修改资料等一系列操作,最后一项是管理员登陆所进行的操作。而如果是未注册用户只能查看相册中的内容,没有权力进行相应的修改。 - The system is based on B/S structure of the electronic photo album management system, it uses the most popular languages java, using today s advanced technologies such as jsp technologies, Hibernate, Spring, Struts framework to achieve the system. System is divided into five modules, the album list module, new album module, modify the module, modify the password module, add the album classification module. Note: before the four modules are based on the provision of registered users, registered users can add after landing albums, upload, delete photos, edit information, such as a series of operations, the last one is carried out by the administrator landing operation. And if it is unregistered users can only view the content of the album, does not have the authority to amend accordingly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 401kb Publisher : 李伟光

本网上购书系统是基于B/S架构的三层Web应用,即浏览器与服务器模式,浏览器可以使用IE6.0、Netscope4.0、Firefox Web Browser等,服务器采用开源的Tomcat5.0,数据库采用开源的MySQL5.0。本系统基于Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 平台,使用Java、XML、JavaScript与JSP语言,Struts与Hibernate等开源框架进行开发。-The online purchasing system is B/S structure-based three-tier Web applications, the browser and the server mode, the browser can use the IE 6.0 Netscope4.0 Firefox Web Browser and server using open source Tomcat5.0 The database uses the open source MySQL 5.0. The system is based on Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform, using Java, XML, JavaScript and JSP language, Struts and Hibernate and other open source framework for development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : yaowei

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1.系统平台架构:B/S 2.Web服务器:Tomcat 7.0 3.开发工具:eclipse 4.数据库:MySQL5.5 5.程序语言:java 6.程序开发框架:Spring + Struts +Hibernate 7.系统前台页面仿万达旧版网站页面,实现技术:jsp+javascript -1 System Platform Architecture: B/S 2.Web server: Tomcat 7.0 3. Development tools: eclipse 4. Database: MySQL5.5 5. Programming languages: java 6. Program development framework: Spring+ Struts+Hibernate 7. System front page Imitation Wanda old website pages, implementation techniques: jsp+javascript
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.88mb Publisher : 杨举

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本系统是一种基于B/S架构的电子相册管理系统,它采用目前最流行的Java语言编写,用到了当今先进的技术如 JSP技术、Hibernate、Spring、Struts框架等来实现该系统-This system is based on B/S structure of the electronic album management system, which uses the most popular Java language, used in today' s advanced technologies such as JSP technology, Hibernate, Spring, Struts framework to implement the system, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.51mb Publisher : 胡瑞

毕业设计 Office Automation 办公自动化(Office Automation,简称OA),它是将现代化办公和计算机网络功能结合起来的一种新型的办公方式。企业办公自动化管理系统在此基础上实现企业的高效运转和交流,进而有效提高企业办公效率。 本文介绍了Internet环境下基于B/S结构采用MVC设计模式,利用Java 语言和JSP技术,同时采用了Struts2、Spring、Hibernate、Sitemesh框架,Tomcat服务器,MySQL开源免费的数据库开发的办公自动化系统。该系统包括用户登录、个人通讯录管理、日程安排管理、工作日志管理、短消息管理、公告管理、会议管理和退出等功能。它满足了企业办公信息化管理的基本需求,实现了企业办公的网络化,自动化,从而提高企业内部的管理水平,降低了企业办公的成本。该系统能全面提升企业在市场中的综合竞争力。 -Office Automation Struts2; Spring; Hibernate;
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.6mb Publisher : liu
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