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Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive element in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register. -Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword l KV (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents five bit. Uses GF (2 ^ 5) with primitive polynomial p (x) = x ^ x ^ 5 2 1 Ge nerator polynomial. g (x) = a ^ a ^ 15 * 21 ^ 6 a X * X ^ a ^ 15 2 * X ^ a ^ 3 25 * X ^ a ^ 4 17 5 * X ^ a ^ 18 ^ 6 X * a * X 30 ^ 7 ^ a ^ 20 * X ^ a ^ 23 8 * X ^ a ^ 9 * 27 X 10 ^ a ^ 24 * 11 ^ X ^ X 12. Note : a = alpha, primitive element in GF (2 ^ 5) and a ^ i is the root of g (x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizab le RTL modeling. Consists of five main blocks : SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver). CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator) Controller and FIFO Register.
: 2008-10-13
: 13.91kb
DL : 3
源码 │ 0108_12864LCD-F149.ASM │ 12232-1520.c │ 12232.c │ 12864-ks0108.asm │ 12864-ST7290-F149.C │ 12864-zb.c │ 12887.c │ 24C01-64.C │ 24C01-F440.C │ 28sf040a.asm │ 51use.txt │ 6963.C │ 93c46.asm │ 93c46.c │ 93cxx.c │ ad7416-mcuzb.c │ ad7416.c │ AT24C01.h │ AT24C16.asm │ at45d041.c │ colck-x41x.c │ DS12887.ASM │ Ds1302.asm │ DS1302.C │ ds1820.asm │ ds1820.c │ I2C-MCUZB.C │ KEY-MSP430.C │ LSD12864-LCD.C │ mcu2pckey.C │ MSP430.C │ PCF8563.C │ PCF8576-1121.c │ print-x44x.C │ rdflash.c │ scom-F13X.c │ SD2001.C │ Sle4442.asm │ TLC0831.c │ TLC0831A.c │ TLC1543.c │ TLC5620.c │ touch-ads7846.c │ w77e58_ram.asm │ x24c44.c │ x25020.c │ x5045.asm │ x5045.c │ ├─AD-MSP430f149D │ MSP430f149 AD源程序.doc │ ├─ADC8535 │ ADC8535.ASM │ Adc8535.c │ ADC8535.INC │ ├─bin │ 八月桂花香8yghx.txt │ 单灯振荡器ddzdq.txt │ 多灯振荡器duodzdq.txt │ 按键计数.asm │ 数码管0-99计数器99jsq.txt │ 时钟cloc.txt │ 正反流水灯lsdzf.txt │ 流水灯加数码管lsdsmg.txt │ 祝你平安znpa.txt │ 简单数字显示smg1.txt │ 键盘控制jpkz.txt │ 顺流水灯.asm.txt │ 顺逆流水灯.txt │ ├─c51源程序 │ 12232点阵信利液晶基本驱动程序.txt │ 16C554扩展多串口.txt │ 24C01.txt │ 24LC65.txt │ 51无防真器下内存监测程序.txt │ 8051和DS1820接口程序.txt │ 80c196kc的高速输入口和高速输出口模拟一个全双工的串口.txt │ 80c552读ds1820.txt │ 89c51与PC机的通讯程序.txt │ 8位C51 CRC 校验原程序.txt │ 93C46.txt │ ASM中的模块设计.txt │ AT24CXX 芯片驱动程序.txt │ AT45D041大容量IC卡 读写程序.txt │ AT90S2313仿真卡程序.txt │ Atmel 24C01.txt │ AVR模拟串口源程序1.txt │ AVR的开方子程序.txt │ C51 CRC16.txt │ C51几个有用的模块.txt │ C51的单片机底层串口程序.txt │ C51编程经验三则.txt │ CRC16 C程序.txt │ CRC中的计算方法.txt │ DES算法的ST7单片机实现程序.txt │ DS12887的C程序.txt │ DS1302 C51驱动程序.txt │ DS1302读写驱动程序.txt │ DS80c320接口程序.txt │ EEPROM测试程序.txt │ EPSON M311.txt │ HD44780.txt │ hex to bcd 的算法程序.txt │ HEX2BIN.txt │ keil c51 610a.txt │ K型热点偶温度电压曲线参数表.txt │ lcd多级菜单.txt │ LCD字库程序.txt │ LED显示器件的基础.txt │ Max7219的C51程序.txt │ max7219的串联编程.txt │ MD5算法简介.txt │ MGLS-240128T液晶点阵显示驱动程序.txt │ MON51板.txt │ MSP430F1121与液晶驱动芯片PCF8576的连接程序.txt │ MSP430F1121设计电子产品.txt │ PCF8563实时时钟IC.txt │ PC与单片机通信.txt │ PSD913F2 DS80c320.txt │ qqSLE4442.txt │ RD_AD2543.txt │ SED1335控制器汉字显示.txt │ sle4442 操作子程序.txt │ SLE4442.txt │ SMC1601接口程序.txt │ standard midi file format.txt │ T6963C图形.txt │ TLC2543驱动程序.txt │ ucdos 字库提取程序.txt │ winbond的w77e58双串口测试程.txt │ X25045用法完全公开.txt │ X25045看门狗_C.txt │ X9313这类数字电位器.txt │ 一个C51的通讯子程序.txt │ 一个字节位颠倒.txt │ 两片max7219的串联.txt │ 中华人民共和国国家标准.txt │ 中国电信.txt │ 串口中断服务程序.txt │ 串口数据收发的算法问题.txt │ 农历万年历.txt │ 划线的好的算法.txt │ 单片机上网子程序之一 .txt │ 单片机上网子程序之一.txt │ 单片机仿真IC电话卡.txt │ 单片机实现WAV文件的播放.txt │ 另类笑话一则.txt │ 国标字库.txt │ 多机通讯程序.txt │ 奇偶校验位.txt │ 如何提高电子产品的 EMC & EMI.txt │ 如何选择便携式产品电源IC.txt │ 字模提取程序.txt │ 字节位颠倒程序.txt │ 存储浮点数.txt │ 小区联网报警接收中心源程序.txt │ 找汉字点阵的子程序.txt │ 提供51无防真器下内存监测程序.txt │ 时钟芯片ds12c887的驱动程序.txt │ 智能温度记录仪.txt │ 有关protel99se sn.txt │ 标准授时信号.txt │ 汇编的CRC16程序.txt │ 液晶上画圆.txt │ 用普通IO模拟I2C总线源代码.txt │ 电容的选取与使用.txt │ 电脑舞台灯具.txt │ 相开始检测.txt │ 红外线接收程序.txt │ 编矩阵式键盘的方法.txt │ 编程规范.txt │ 西门子4442.txt │ 贴片元件手工焊接.txt │ 软件复位.txt │ 通用菜单模.txt │ 键盘扫描和键值检测.txt │ ├─c51源程序锦集 │ 16sw10.c │ 24cxx.c │ 93cxx.c │ acm12864.c │ at29c040_card.c │ │ demo1.c │ e-1330.c │ hd44780.c │ │ ht1380.c │ ht9200b.c │ Hzf.c │ key.c │ led.c │ p89c51.c │ │ │ │ pc_115k.c │ ps-89rx.pdf │ r89c51.c │ read21ic.txt │ reset.c │ rp89com.c │ RP89com3.c │ rw_card.c │ softdog.c │ soft_ad.c │ soft_inf.c │ sp89com.c │ sp89com3.c │ t6963c.c │ │ ├─ct2Timer │ REG54.H │ t2Timer.c │ t2timer.hex │ t2timer.Opt │ t2timer.Uv2 │ ├─py-sc │ 使用说明.txt │ 拼音输入.C │ ├─py-sc+ │ 51main.c │ 51PY.C │ PY.Uv2 │ 说明.txt │ └─thermo thermo.c
: 2011-01-21
: 656.54kb
DL : 1
Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive element in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register. -Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword l KV (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents five bit. Uses GF (2 ^ 5) with primitive polynomial p (x) = x ^ x ^ 5 2 1 Ge nerator polynomial. g (x) = a ^ a ^ 15* 21 ^ 6 a X* X ^ a ^ 15 2* X ^ a ^ 3 25* X ^ a ^ 4 17 5* X ^ a ^ 18 ^ 6 X* a* X 30 ^ 7 ^ a ^ 20* X ^ a ^ 23 8* X ^ a ^ 9* 27 X 10 ^ a ^ 24* 11 ^ X ^ X 12. Note : a = alpha, primitive element in GF (2 ^ 5) and a ^ i is the root of g (x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizab le RTL modeling. Consists of five main blocks : SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver). CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator) Controller and FIFO Register.
: 2025-03-07
: 14kb
DL : 0
非常实用的单片机键盘扫描程序,含常规行列扫描,通过74LS164或74HC595的串并转换后的行列扫描,以及通过TLC1543后的A/D转换后的直读扫描,再有常规的直读扫描,程序中含有记忆算法。-Very practical single-chip scanner keyboard, with the ranks of conventional scanning, 74LS164 or 74HC595 through the string and the ranks of the post-conversion scanning, as well as through the TLC1543 after A/D conversion time straight after the scan, and then there are the direct reading of conventional scanning and procedures contained in the memory algorithm.
: 2025-03-07
: 3kb
Industry research
DL : 1
ABSTRACT In this paper we put forward a kind of secure LEACH routing protocol (SC-LEACH) based on low-power clusterhead selection algorithm. This protocol gets the total number of all nodes by their collaboration in selecting, to precisely calculate the present thresholds with which the cluster-heads is generated. Consequently, the probability of producing optimal cluster-heads in each round is the biggest,and the variance is the smallest, thus the network reaches its optimal energy cost. The adoption of pre-shared key pair dispatch improves the security of the routing effectively. Comparing with the LEACH protocol using symmetric keys dispatch, the simulation validates the effectiveness of SCLEACH.
: 2025-03-07
: 1.22mb
Windows Develop
DL : 0
Here are some key features of "WinSIM Pro": · Wide variety of readers - Compatible with all smart card readers complying with the PC/SC specification · File Manager - Access any file on the SIM card with its PATH, as well as interpret the properties of the file · Command Manager - Quick and easy sending an APDU command with customized parameters · Script Manager - Offering a useful way to organize and play a batch of commands · Trace Manager - Keeping track of all transmitted APDU commands and responses Screenshots: The settings page is mainly used for configuring PC/SC reader for WinSIM Professional, the commented screenshot below illustrates how to use this page:-Here are some key features of "WinSIM Pro": · Wide variety of readers- Compatible with all smart card readers complying with the PC/SC specification · File Manager- Access any file on the SIM card with its PATH, as well as interpret the properties of the file · Command Manager- Quick and easy sending an APDU command with customized parameters · Script Manager- Offering a useful way to organize and play a batch of commands · Trace Manager- Keeping track of all transmitted APDU commands and responses Screenshots: The settings page is mainly used for configuring PC/SC reader for WinSIM Professional, the commented screenshot below illustrates how to use this page:
: 2025-03-07
: 549kb
Windows Develop
DL : 0
Gene sequence data is the most abundant type of data available, and there is a rich array of computational methods and tools that can help analyze patterns within that data. This book brings together the detailed terms, definitions, and command-line options found in the key databases and tools used in sequence analysis. It s meant for use by bioinformaticians in both industry and academia, as well as students. This book is a handy resource and an invaluable reference for anyone who needs to know about the practical aspects and mechanics of sequence analysis.
: 2025-03-07
: 490kb
Shell api
DL : 0
运行sc-RO.bat后 1.程序会按照系统时间,将"copyfile" 复制一份并重命名为当前日期格式的文件夹,日期格式为"YYYYMMDD"。 2.如果新文件夹已复制,程序会监测是否存在"finish"的文件,如果不存在,则进行路由表获取,(获取完成后,获取窗口会停留在当前状态,点击一下便可消失)获取完成后生成"finish"文件。 3.返还sc-RO.bat窗口,会提示"请按任意键继续. . ." 程序后台运行文件对比程序,完成后弹出对比结果文件"fccheck.log"。-Run sc-RO.bat Program in accordance with the system time "copyfile a copy and rename the folder for the current date format, date format in YYYYMMDD. If the new folder has been copied, the program will monitor whether there is "finish" the file, if it does not exist, then the routing table to obtain (access is completed, get the window will stay in the current state, one click can disappear) to obtain generate the "finish" finished file. . Return sc-RO.bat window will be prompted to "Press any key to continue ..." pop-up comparative results file "fccheck.log," the program running in the background file comparison program, completed.
: 2025-03-07
: 1kb
DL : 0
总体下来,能查杀exe文件夹病毒文件,但无法清除它在c:\F10S 目录下的 ctfmon.exe 与 svchost.exe 和它生成的启动组的快捷方式。 由于条件的限制,我也乏天回术。它将自己的句柄写入到 系统关键的进程 winlogon 中。 源码中有个UnLocker的类、本来想清掉它的句柄删除文件,但是发生个很无奈的 0xC0000005(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)错误。最后我很无耻的放弃了。 另外 附加 LPK查杀。基本上它创建的服务,打开的进程,注入的线程,文件都能查杀。 源码中有个SysService类。用来枚举系统服务的、测试过程中发生个未知的错误。 无奈之下也无耻的放弃了。最后使用了CMD的SC命令来卸载服务。-Overall down, killing exe folder virus file, but you can not clear it in the c: \ F10S directory, the ctfmon.exe and the svchost.exe and it generates the Startup group shortcut. Due to constraints, I also spent days back surgery. It write your own handle to the key process winlogon. A UnLocker class in the source code, originally wanted cleared its handle to delete files, but are helpless of 0xC0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) of errors occurred. Finally, I am shameless abandon. Addition additional LPK killing. Basically it created the service, open process, injected threads, files can be killing. Source in SysService class. Services used to enumerate the system, unknown error occurred during the test. In desperation shameless abandon. Finally, use the CMD SC command to uninstall the service.
: 2025-03-07
: 643kb
DL : 0
Zhi-Hua Zhou received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Nanjing University, China, in 1996, 1998 and 2000, respectively, all with the highest honor. He joined the Department of Computer Science & Technology of Nanjing University as an Assistant Professor in 2001, and at present he is a Professor, Deputy Dean of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Standing Deputy Director of the National Key Lab for Novel Software Technology, and Founding Director of LAMDA (the Institute of Machine Learning and Data Mining) at Nanjing University.
: 2025-03-07
: 36.39mb
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