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[Embeded Linuxev44b0ii_kbd

Description: 44b0 uclinux 键盘驱动程序源代码-44b0 Basis keyboard driver source code
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:

[Driver DevelopKeyboardhook

Description: 键盘驱动,可以使初学者对此有个了解,好东东阿,不下后悔,-keyboard driver source code
Platform: | Size: 264192 | Author: 董早 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxLINUX-keyboard-DRIVER

Description: 一款LINUX下的键盘驱动程序,是I2C总线控制的。-new keyboard-driven process, the I2C bus control.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: liuli | Hits:


Description: 在linux内核下面的键盘驱动程序,能使QT支持键盘操作-Linux kernel in the following keyboard driver, can support keyboard operation QT
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 竹子节 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdriver

Description: 键盘\led\lcd的3个驱动程序,以WORD的格式打开,有设计思想,步骤,框图,为你学习带来方便-3 of ledlcd keyboard driver WORD format to open, have design ideas, steps, block diagram, in order to bring convenience to learn from you
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 吕俊怀 | Hits:


Description: USB键盘驱动代码,做键盘的可以参考下.-USB keyboard driver code, so the keyboard can refer to the next.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxkeyboard

Description: 基于S3C2410开发板,基于中断方式的键盘驱动程序-S3C2410 based development board, based on the interruption of the way the keyboard driver
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 夏冬雪 | Hits:


Description: linux下的矩阵式键盘驱动ppt教程与源码实例!-matrix under linux keyboard driver source ppt tutorials and examples!
Platform: | Size: 732160 | Author: prllhf | Hits:


Description: 4*8矩阵键盘的驱动程序。QuartusII5.0编译通过!-4* 8 matrix keyboard driver. QuartusII5.0 compiled through!
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: sunhao | Hits:


Description: 用Visual C++实现键盘的驱动程序-Using Visual C++ Achieve keyboard driver
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: luanjinlong | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxkeyboard

Description: 基于linux和arm s3c2410的键盘驱动程序,动态加载内核模块,当按键按下,触发外部中断,通过spi和中断管脚,将键盘对应值在测试程序中显示。-Based on linux and arm s3c2410 keyboard driver, dynamically loaded kernel module, when the button is depressed, trigger external interrupt through the spi and interrupt pin, the corresponding value of the keyboard shown in the test procedure.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: rbk | Hits:

[Driver DevelopkbhookCode

Description: 实现驱动程序级别的键盘记录功能的源代码!!使用vc++6.0实现!!程序可以记录键盘信息-To achieve level keyboard driver source code for the record!! Use vc++ 6.0 to achieve!! Program can record the keyboard information
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 单片机键盘驱动资料,包括键盘接口技术介绍、扫描法矩阵键盘驱动程序、行列反转法矩阵键盘驱动程序、AT89S52单片机键盘接口原理图等。程序有详细的注释。资料基于AT89S52单片机系统,键盘为4×4矩阵键盘。-Singlechip keyboard-driven information, including the keyboard interface technology, the scanning matrix keyboard driver, the ranks of matrix inversion method keyboard driver, AT89S52 Singlechip schematics, such as the keyboard interface. Procedures detailed notes. AT89S52 Single-chip-based information system, the keyboard for 4 × 4 matrix keyboard.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 老树 | Hits:

[Windows CEKeyPad

Description: windows ce 6.0 keyboard driver
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yenan | Hits:

[Windows Developkeyboard

Description: 2440 矩阵键盘驱动 测试没有问题 5*4按键-Matrix keyboard driver 2440
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 保密 | Hits:


Description: 適用USB HID的鍵盤驅動程式,使用atmal mcu編程的程序.-For USB HID keyboard driver, using atmal mcu programming procedures.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: jackal | Hits:

[Driver DevelopMinix-keyboard-driver

Description: Minix 键盘驱动程序,能够实现删除单字,删除一行,复原单字,复原一行,快捷键等功能。Minix版本3.1.2 源码,readme,测试用例在文件夹中-Minix keyboard driver, delete the word can be achieved, remove the line, recovery word, recovery line, shortcut keys and other functions. Minix version 3.1.2 source code, readme, test cases in the folder
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 杨岩 | Hits:


Description: 完成对8051F310的基础配置后载入此键盘驱动程序,可以通过外部按钮对控制芯片。-The basis of complete 8051F310 configured to load the keyboard driver, can be an external button on the control chip.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 单峰驼日 | Hits:


Description: AVR 环境下P2P键盘驱动程序,使用ATMEG128单片机-AVR keyboard driver P2P environment
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: a | Hits:


Description: Driver for matrix keyboard 3x4
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Anatoly | Hits:
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