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Description: 章C51入门教程 C51_lesson 第01课,了解单片机及单片机的控制原理和DX516的用法,控制一个LED灯的亮和灭.pdf-Chapter C51 Tutorial C51_lesson No. 01 lessons, understand the single-chip and single chip control principle and the usage of DX516, control an LED lamp and the light out. Pdf
Platform: | Size: 1649664 | Author: sam | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCFX_training_PPT

Description: CFX5 1996年正式面世,是全球第一个在复杂几何、网格、求解这三个CFD传统瓶径问题上均获得重大突破的商业CFD软件,CFX5掀开了新一代CFD软件的面纱,并领导着新一代CFD商业软件的整体发展趋势。 -CFX5 1996 was officially released, is the first in a complex geometry, grid, solving the three traditional bottle diameter CFD issues were a major breakthrough in the commercial CFD software, CFX5 opened a new generation of CFD software, the veil, and led the a new generation of commercial CFD software, the overall trends.
Platform: | Size: 13747200 | Author: 宫晓春 | Hits:

[Other systemsLEDPackaging

Description: 本文件为ppt格式,初步介绍LED发光二极管的封装工艺。-Ppt format for this document, the initial introduction of light-emitting diode LED packaging technology.
Platform: | Size: 852992 | Author: xiaocao | Hits:


Description: 大学EDA课程的课件以及课后部分习题的程序。包括最基本的加法器、计数器、LED显示以及部分高级VHDL程序。-University of EDA software programs, as well as some after-school exercise procedures. Including the most basic adder, counter, LED display, as well as some high-level VHDL procedures.
Platform: | Size: 8547328 | Author: 寂静的璀璨 | Hits:

[Software Engineering51LED

Description: 51系列单片机LED显示的PPT,主要讲解硬件连接和编码,为学校培训的内部资料,对初学者有很重要的参考意义-51 Series Microcontroller LED display PPT, mainly to explain the hardware connections and coding, training, internal information for schools, for beginners are very important reference value
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 小温 | Hits:


Description: fpga 资料 学习 ppt adc dac led-fpga learning ppt adc dac led
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 李龙 | Hits:

[Graph programclip_image002

Description: LED 驱动 大家分享 好东西-LED Driver
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: ffbf | Hits:


Description: 电子钟的主要功能有:整点报时;四只LED数码管显示当前时分;并且具有闹钟功能。-Clock' s main features are: the whole point of time 4 LED digital display current hours and has alarm clock functions.
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: 张龙 | Hits:


Description: LED packaging technology
Platform: | Size: 4140032 | Author: 钱进 | Hits:


Description: labview有关DAQ,钢琴,LED控制,PPT控制等程序示例-labview about DAQ, Piano, LED control, PPT control program example
Platform: | Size: 4710400 | Author: aa | Hits:

[3G developVCL-ofdm

Description: 这是一个介绍可见光通信OFDM的ppt 介绍了LED白光可见光通信的优点及发张潜力,并结合OFDM技术对可见光通信做了深入的说明。-This is an introduction of visible light communication ppt describes the advantages of OFDM white LED visible light communication and sent Zhang potential, combined with OFDM technology for visible light communication done a thorough explanation.
Platform: | Size: 646144 | Author: hantanqingshi | Hits:


Description: 在dsPIC30中,3路Ad转换结果送d口LEd显示(In dsPIC30, 3 path Ad conversion results are sent to the D port LEd display)
Platform: | Size: 8507392 | Author: 慰安妇为爱 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net