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GSM TCH/FS 信道编码仿真 仿真通信系统包括内外编码器、交织重排器、加性/突发或混合干扰信道、去交织反重排器、内外译码器,模拟了信息从信源到信宿的全过程; 在高斯噪声、突发干扰或混合信道下测试每个步骤对误码率和系统性能的影响,通过数字及图形的比较,得出通信系统中各个模块的作用。-GSM TCH/FS channel coding simulation Simulation of communication systems, including internal and external encoder, interleaving rearrangement, and additive/sudden or mixed channel interference, de-interlacing anti-rearrangement, and internal and external decoder, analog information from the source to the letter places the entire process in Gaussian noise, sudden disruption or mixed channel to test each step of the bit error rate and system performance, through the figures and graphics comparison, the communication system in the role of each module.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 123456

波达方向(DOA)估计的基本问题就是确定同时处在空间某一区域内多个感兴趣的信号的空间位置(即多个信号到达阵列参考阵元的方向角)。最早的也是最经典的超分辨DOA估计方法是著名的MUSIC方法.本研究报告给出改进music的实现步骤-Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimates the basic problem is to define the space at the same time in more than interested in a particular region of the spatial location of the signal (ie, multiple signals arrive at the array element reference to the direction of angle). The earliest and most classic super-resolution DOA estimation method is well-known MUSIC method. The present study is given to improve the realization of music steps
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 张洪欣

结合马尔可夫过程,提出一种概率论的声源定位算法,并给出了基于DSP的机器人实现。其中声源定位部分采用三个麦克风呈三角形放置,为减小由于噪声等引起的TDOA估计误差,采用马尔可夫过程计算时延,这样计算的时延会更可靠。该方案中的声源定位也属于一维定位,即只需知道声源的方向角-Combination of Markov process, a probability theory of sound source location algorithm, and give the robot based on the DSP implementation. Sound Source Localization in part one of the three microphones were used to place the triangle, in order to reduce the noise caused because of the TDOA estimation error, calculated using Markov process time delay, such delay will be calculated more reliable. The program of the sound source location is also a one-dimensional positioning, that is, only need to know the direction of the sound source angle
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 851kb Publisher : chen

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This a simple position location algorithm using Least Square Estimation algorithm. Timing information is time of flight (TOA) of signal between Tx and Rx. This code generally describes the Positioning method, Also it plots final coordinate of node in 2D. All other information was inlcuded as comments in source code.-This is a simple position location algorithm using Least Square Estimation algorithm. Timing information is time of flight (TOA) of signal between Tx and Rx. This code generally describes the Positioning method, Also it plots final coordinate of node in 2D. All other information was inlcuded as comments in source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher :

无线定位代码,包括各种定位算法的基本函数,定位算法包括TDOA、TOA、AOA等-Wireless location code, including the basic function of a variety of localization algorithm, localization algorithm, including TDOA, TOA, AOA, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : hongyang

通过单一的Wi-Fi接入点的信号强度来判断移动物体的位置。比较新的一篇文章。用了蒙特卡罗抽样的办法-Monte Carlo Sampling Method-来估计位置。-This paper describes research towards a system for locating wireless nodes in a home environment requiring merely a single access point. The only sensor reading used for the location estimation is the received signal strength indication (RSSI) as given by an RF interface, e.g.,Wi-Fi.Wireless signal strengthmaps for the positioning filter are obtained by a two-step parametric and measurement driven ray-tracing approach to account for absorption and reflection characteristics of various obstacles. Location estimates are then computed using Bayesian filtering on sample sets derived by Monte Carlo sampling. We outline the research leading to the system and provide location performance metrics using trace-driven simulations and real-life experiments. Our results and real-life walk-troughs indicate that RSSI readings from a single access point in an indoor environment are sufficient to derive good location estimates of users with sub-room precision.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 442kb Publisher : weihuagao

The main reason for inaccuracies observed in location estimation, imposed by the propagation conditions of the wireless channel, is the Non Line Of Sight (NLOS) due to transmitted signal blocking. Because of the NLOS, the first TOA, which bears information related to the mobile terminal position, suffers stronger attenuation than later arrivals and therefore wrong timing information is obtained yielding biased position estimation. Several NLOS mitigation algorithms have been presented. One of the most common approaches consists of correcting the TOA measurements exploiting the fact that the variance of the TOA measurements is significantly increased in NLOS scenarios
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 228kb Publisher : zhangjianrong

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这个程序可以计算给定点处的小区信号范围覆盖。-is program computes a map of visibility from a selected point on a topography. It has been written to help the search for radio relay best location. Because it considers only direct line of sight, it gives a good estimation for possible radio link for short distances only (less than 10 km), neglecting curvature of the Earth, Fresnel zone and atmospheric refraction on radio waves propagation. The program computes the relative elevation angle of the mask for each point (the angle is null or negative if the point is visible). The function needs a digital elevation model Z and associated (X,Y) vectors or matrices of coordinates (same unit as Z), position of the point (X0,Y0), the antenna height H0 (for instance 4 m), and the hypothetic antenna height Ha on each topography points (for instance 3 m). When no output argument is given, the function plots a map of the results (color map of mask angles, and blank for visible points, see example screenshot). The script is not fully optimize
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 424kb Publisher : ken

WSN经典定位算法,基于RSSI,MATLAB仿真-Relative Location Estimation in Wireless SensorNetworks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 463kb Publisher : 蔡玲玲

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estimation of error performance of location of nodes with one anchor and three anchor nodes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : akram

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提出了一种多姿态知识模型, 并以之从人脸器官梯度图中获得候选脸的大小、位置、姿态类别和眼、嘴重心坐标, 然后 按姿态类别将候选脸与对应的模板进行匹配确认人脸. 该人脸检测算法集人脸检测、姿态估计和眼、嘴定位于一体, 具有检测速 度快的特点, 适于多姿态多人脸场合的人脸检测. 该算法只利用了图像的灰度信息, 因此对灰度图像和彩色图像的人脸检测均 适用.-Proposes a multi-gesture knowledge model, and to the organs of the gradient map from the human face to get the candidate face size, location, posture, type and eyes, mouth center coordinates, and then press the gesture categories will face a candidate to match with the corresponding template to confirm face. The set of face detection algorithms face detection, pose estimation, and eyes and mouth position in one, with detection of the characteristics of speed, suitable for Multi-pose face of occasions more than face detection. The algorithm uses only images grayscale information, so the grayscale images and color images of face detection apply.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 469kb Publisher : 天使

论文以增加频率变化率和波达角变化率两个观测量的定位与跟踪方法为基础,讨论其 定位与跟踪算法、频率变化率精确估计、波达角及其变化率的精确估计三个方面的关键技 术。-Paper to increase the frequency rate and the rate of change of direction of arrival of two measurements with positioning and tracking method based on discussion of positioning and tracking algorithm, the frequency change rate of accurate estimates of arrival angle and its rate of change of the accurate estimation of three key technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.31mb Publisher : jane

基于LANDMARC的定位系统上进行的算法复杂度的减小的优化,包括了具体的优化后系统的实现,误差前后对比,改文章还提出了一种adaptive的定位算法,更利于外部变化环境下-In wireless networks, a client’s locations can be estimated using signal strength received from signal transmitters. Static fingerprint-based techniques are commonly used for location estimation, in which a radio map is built by calibrating signal-strength values in the offline phase. These values, compiled into deterministic or probabilistic models, are used for online localization. However, the radio map can be outdated when signal-strength values change over time due to environmental dynamics, and repeated data calibration is infeasible or expensive. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm, known as Location Estimation using Model Trees (LEMT), to reconstruct a radio map by using real-time signal-strength readings received at the reference points. This algorithm can take real-time signal-strength values at each time point into account and make use of the dependency between the estimated locations and reference points. We show that this technique can effectively accommodat
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : xuchen

多用户环境下定位精度的克拉美罗下限 与时延估计算法 -In this paper,the Cramer-Rao lowbound (CRLB) formobile station location based on time of arrival (TOA) in CDMA system is obtained.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : 无所谓

High accuracy peak location and amplitude spectral estimation via tuning APES method- High accuracy peak location and amplitude spectral estimation via tuning APES method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : mary

基于各种技术的wsn定位算法。rssi。三边算法,极大值估计法,三角算法,质心算法,apit算法等。-A variety of technology-based the wsn positioning algorithm. rssi. The trilateral algorithm greatly value estimation method, triangulation algorithm, the centroid algorithm, apit algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : semon 白

Altitude location for UAV by using federated filter is discussed, the fourth structure is selected, because its two sub-filters involving altitude sensor and the difference Global Positioning System (d-GPS) respectively are fully isolated from each other and thus make the federated filter more fault-tolerant and better in real-time performance. Data fusion based on this federated filter was simulated. When the d-GPS is working normally and simulation results show that values estimated by data fusion base on federated filter are very close to real values and the variance of federated filter converges to 10m. When the electromagnetic environment is very bad, as is usually the case in war zone, the d-GPS is silent for a long time, variance based on federated filter converges to 13m, bigger than the 10m. Compared with previous paper variance based on Kalman converges to 15m, higher than the 13m. Federated filter can give much more accurate estimation than Kalman filter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 321kb Publisher : Clovis

随机森林法估计人脸姿态。我们提出用于估计位置和一个人的头部的方向,从由一个低质量的设备获取的深度数据的系统。-Random Forest method to estimate the face pose,。We present a system for estimating location and orientation of a person s head, from depth data acquired by a low quality device.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : cui

VSC-HVDC Transmission Line Faults Location Using Active Line Impedance Estimation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 301kb Publisher : chahra

大学作业,移动多机器人系统中目标定位。Distributed Sensor Fusion for Object Position Estimation by Multi‐Robot Systems文献中相关的算法实现-University operations, mobile multi-robot systems targeting. Distributed Sensor Fusion for Object Position Estimation by Multi-Robot Systems literature related algorithms
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : hejiarui
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