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[Game Program1046843849257

Description: 由于开发时间创促,未对分辨率进行分类考虑,所以强烈推荐1024X768下面运行。 (对于winXP操作系统,可以正常运行,但是会发现速度很慢,具体问题有待解决。对于 其他操作系统有可能出现不可预料的问题) 控制键 1P:方向键 w s a d 开火: j 2P:方向键 上 下 左 右 开火: 小键盘0 本游戏内置15种彩蛋,具有一定趣味性,但需要慢慢体会。 由于为了节约空间,所以去掉了背景图,并把一些图片地效果改低,唯一优点就是小-as promoting innovation development time, the resolution failed to consider classification, So strongly recommend running below 1024 X768. (For winXP operating system, it works, but will find the speed is very slow. specific issues to be resolved. for other operating systems is possible unpredictable) 1P control keys : Key direction d w's a fire : j 2P : The next key about fire : small keyboard 0 15 games built-in egg, certain interesting, but take time to appreciate. Because in order to save space, remove the background map and some photographs to effect change low, the only advantage of the sma
Platform: | Size: 795800 | Author: 王者 | Hits:


Description: Delphi资源文件生成工具 我经常要在程序中加入许多资源,比如:声音、位图、光标等,这样可以使自己 软件更具特色。可以自己建立一个.RC的文件,然后再用Delphi\\Bin\\Brcc32.EXE来 编译生成一个.RES的文件,有了这个文件才能把资源编译到软件中去。 可是如果要加入一大批资源,要加入30个位图和20个光标的话,就要在.RC文件中一 行行加入要用的资源,比较麻烦。我是个懒人,所以自已写了这个能自动批量帮你完 成这个任务的工具,可以非常方便的生成.RES资源文件。 注意:由于Borland的Brcc32.EXE不能识别包含有空格和汉字的路径,所以你的资源来 源路径和保存路径不要带有空格和汉字,否则不能建立.RES的文件。-Delphi resources to generate tool I often join in the proceedings of many resources, for example : voice, bitmaps, cursors, etc., can make more software features. One can establish their own. RC paper, and then spend the Delphi \\ bin \\ Brcc32.EXE to build a generation. RES document, the document can have the resources to build software. But if a large number of resources to join, to join the 30-bit map and the cursor 20, then we should. RC paper lines to join with the resources, and trouble. I was lazy, so own writing this volume will automatically help you complete this task tool, it is easy generation. RES resource files. Note : Due to Borland's Brcc32.EXE not include recognition of Chinese characters and spaces are the path, so you Source path and not to preserve trails and spaces w
Platform: | Size: 237562 | Author: akay | Hits:


Description: Euler 回路问题 .问题描述: 对于给定的图G 和G 中的2 个顶点v 和w,连接顶点v 和w 且经过图中每条边恰好1 次 的路径称为顶点v 和w 之间的1 条Euler 路。当v=w 时得到一条首尾相接的Euler 回路。 .编程任务: 对于给定的图G,编程计算图G 的一条Euler 回路。 .数据输入: 由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个 顶点和m 条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。接下来的m 行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v ,表示 图G 的一条边(u,v) 。 .结果输出: 将编程计算出的Euler 回路输出到文件output.txt 。如果不存在Euler 回路,则输出-1。-Euler circuit problem. Problem description : for a given graph G and G of two vertices v, w, connectivity and vertex v w map through which each side precisely the path to a meeting called vertices v, w between a Euler Road. When v = w be an end-to-end circuit Euler. . Programming tasks : for a given graph G, programming terms of a graph G Euler circuit. . Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. Line 1 has two positive integers n and m, to the graph G with n vertices and m edges and vertices numbered 1, 2, ..., n. Next m OK, every trip has two positive integer u, v, said of a graph G edge (u, v). . Results output : Programming will be calculated by Euler circuit output to a file output.txt. If there is no Euler circuit, the output 1.
Platform: | Size: 62019 | Author: 无翼 | Hits:

[Graph programImg

Description: 1.打开Debug中的Img.exe 2.文件-〉打开,选小图 3.预操作-〉存为子图 4.文件-〉打开,选大图 5.预操作-〉存为母图 6.操作-〉隐藏 7.文件-〉存入剪切板 8.文件-〉推出 9.将剪切板中图存为另一文件 10.打开Debug中的Img.exe 11.文件-〉打开,选9中的另一文件 12.操作-〉反隐藏 13.输入小图(需恢复的文件)的(宽*长) 14.看到小图(需恢复的文件)-1. Debug to open the Img.exe 2. File-> Open election small Figure 3. Pre-operate-> saved as son Figure 4. file-> Open big 5 election. Pre-operate-> retention of the mother Figure 6. Operation-> hidden seven. document-> deposited Shear panel 8. document-> push nine. Shear panel were to the survival of another 10. Debug to open the Img.exe 11. document - > Open the election of nine other documents 12. Operation-> Anti-Hide 13. the importation of small plans (subject to restore the files) (W *) 1 4. see small map (which requires restoration of the document)
Platform: | Size: 115239 | Author: dave | Hits:

[WEB Codedynamicalsystem

Description: 几种常见混沌时间序列matlab实现 1)chua flow 2)duffing flow 3)Rossler flow 4)Lorenz flow 5)ikeda flow 6)Mackey_Glass flow 7)logistic map 8)henon map 9)Quadratic map(二次图) 也欢迎大家提供更多的混沌方程或映射的经典matlab实现。 -several common chaotic time series to achieve a Matlab) chua flow 2) duffin 3 g flow) Rossler flow 4) Lorenz flow 5) ikeda ss w 6) 7 Mackey_Glass flow) Logistic map 8) henon m ap 9) Quadratic map (Second) of welcome we provide more chaotic or mapping equations by the Code Implementation of Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 21506 | Author: 呆雁 | Hits:


Description: he power method will be applied to the jacobian matrix of the 2-D henon map to approximate the first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln|yn| vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power method and yn = 1/n*ln|DG^n(xo)*yo|. The slope will be an approximation to the largest Lyapunov exponent.-he power method will be applied to the jacob ian matrix of the 2-D map to approximate henon th e first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln | yn | vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power m ethod and yn = a / n * ln | DG ^ n (xo) * yo |. The slope w ill be an approximation to the largest Lyapunov exponent.
Platform: | Size: 1428 | Author: 杨蒙 | Hits:

[OpenGL programshpere

Description: OpenGL 编写程序,显示一个球体,要求: 1. 使用线框图表示; 2. 经纬度间隔各为 15 度; 3. 手动计算坐标,不要使用 glutWireSphere ; 4. 推荐使用顶点数组,只计算一次坐标值; 5. A 、 D 键左右旋转 5 度, W 、 S 键上下旋转 5 度 -OpenGL programming, shows a ball, requirements : 1. Use wireframe map; 2. layout of the latitude and longitude of 15 degrees; 3. manually calculate coordinates, and not to use glutWireSphere; 4. Suggested use vertex arrays, and only once the coordinates; 5. A and D keys rotating around 5 degrees, W, S bond next five degrees rotation
Platform: | Size: 8791 | Author: 付强 | Hits:


Description: he power method will be applied to the jacobian matrix of the 2-D henon map to approximate the first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln|yn| vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power method and yn = 1/n*ln|DG^n(xo)*yo|. The slope will be an approximation to the largest Lyapunov exponent.-he power method will be applied to the jacob ian matrix of the 2-D map to approximate henon th e first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln | yn | vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power m ethod and yn = a/n* ln | DG ^ n (xo)* yo |. The slope w ill be an approximation to the largest Lyapunov exponent.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨蒙 | Hits:

[3D Graphicterrain_view

Description: 利用D3D实现了通过高度图生成地形的基本功能,支持地形纹理的载入、程序运行桢数的显示以及在场景中进行漫游(方向键控制移动,w/s键控制俯仰角),适合D3D初学者-D3D realize through the use of a high degree of topographic map to generate the basic functions to support the terrain texture loading, the program shows the number of run-ching as well as in roaming scenarios (the arrow keys to control movement, w/s keys to control pitch angle), suitable for early D3D scholars
Platform: | Size: 1681408 | Author: 张冬 | Hits:


Description: 传奇3G的外挂。超人外挂,升级快。经验多。这个是破解的。-Legends of the plug-in 3G. Superman plug, upgrades faster. Experience. This is the crack.
Platform: | Size: 1604608 | Author: 肖国强 | Hits:


Description: linux常用命令及参数详解 VI编辑器常用命令图 Unix下打包命令的使用 makefile的配置及编写 GDB调试工具 Oracle表数据的C/C++存取方法 -linux commands and parameters commonly used VI editor Detailed map commonly used Unix commands use the command under the package makefile configuration and the preparation of GDB debugging tools Oracle table data C/C++ Access Method
Platform: | Size: 483328 | Author: 泉水 | Hits:

[3D GraphicROAM-LOD

Description: ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner brturn@bellsouth.net January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL (www.opengl.org) Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". (www.TreadMarks.com) CONTROLS: MOUSE - Hold Left Mouse Button to Rotate View Angle Q - Change Rendering Mode (Wireframe, Lit, Fill, Texture) O - Change View Mode (Observe, Follow, Drive, Fly) W/S - Move forward/back A/D - Rotate left/right (in Observe Mode only) F - Stop Animation R - Toggle Frustum Drawing 0/9 - More/Less Triangles per frame 1/2 - Adjust FOV-ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner brturn@bellsouth.net January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL (www.opengl.org) Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default map is read from HeghtXXX.raw where XXX is the MAP_SIZE (as defined in Landscape.h). If this map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". (www.TreadMarks.com) CONTROLS: MOUSE- Hold Left Mouse Button to Rotate View Angle Q- Change Rendering Mode (Wireframe, Lit, Fill, Texture) O- Change View Mode (Observe, Follow, Drive, Fly) W/S- Move forward/back A/D- Rotate left/right (in Observe Mode only) F- Stop Animation R- Toggle Frustum Drawing 0/9- More/Less Triangles per frame 1/2- Adjust FOV
Platform: | Size: 380928 | Author: lifeng | Hits:


Description: Cacti是一套基于PHP,MySQL,SNMP及RRDTool开发的网络流量监测图形分析工具。 它通过snmpget来获取数据,使用RRDtool绘画图形,而且你完全可以不需要了解RRDtool复杂的参数。 它提供了非常强大的数据和用户管理功能,可以指定每一个用户能查看树状结构、host以及任何一张图,还可以与LDAP结合进行用户验证,同时也能自己增加模板,功能非常强大完善,界面友好。 -Cacti is a set based on PHP, MySQL, SNMP and RRDTool developed graphical analysis of network traffic monitoring tool. Snmpget to obtain it through the data, the use of RRDtool graph painting, and you do not need to fully understand the complexity of the parameters of RRDtool. It provides a very powerful data and user management capabilities, you can specify each user can view the tree structure, host as well as any one map can also be combined with LDAP user authentication, but also to increase their own templates, very powerful sound friendly interface.
Platform: | Size: 2299904 | Author: | Hits:

[GIS programwebgis

Description: 利于C#和mapxtreme开发的一个web的gis系统!利于mapxtreme实现对地图的操作,由于版权问题只提供代码供参考!不提供所用的地图,-Conducive to C# And MapXtreme developed a web-gis system! MapXtreme conducive to the realization of the map operation, due to copyright issues to provide the code for reference only! Used do not provide maps,
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: guogen | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsw

Description: 单原点最短路径问题算法,在这个问题中,给出有向图G,它的每条边都有一个非负的长度(耗费) a [i ][ j ],路径的长度即为此路径所经过的边的长度之和。对于给定的源顶点s,需找出从它到图中其他任意顶点(称为目的)的最短路径。-Single-origin issue of the shortest path algorithm, in this issue, given directed graph G, each of which has a non-negative edge length (cost) a [i] [j], that is, the length of the path for this path by After the length of the edge of and. For a given source vertex s, find the need to map from its other arbitrary vertex (known as the purpose of) the shortest path.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 韩鑫 | Hits:

[File FormatWeb_Feature_Service_WFS_02-058_1.0

Description: WFS 这个文档是 OGC地图开发标准,来自官方,很不容易才下下来,这儿有wfs wcs wms 还有sld-WFS this document is the development of OGC map standards, from the official, not easy to be down under, here are sld have wfs wcs wms
Platform: | Size: 570368 | Author: your name | Hits:

[2D GraphicPanZoomControlLibrary

Description: 基于WPF的地图控件,支持按tile来显示不同detail的地图。-Map-based WPF controls, supported the tile to show the different detail maps.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: jim | Hits:


Description: SOM神经网络(自组织特征映射神经网络)是一种无导师神经网路。网络的拓扑结构是由一个输入层与一个输出层构成。输入层的节点数即为输入样本的维数,其中每一节点代表输入样本中的一个分量。输出层节点排列结构是二维阵列。输入层X中的每个节点均与输出层Y每个神经元节点通过一权值(权矢量为W)相连接,这样每个输出层节点均对应于一个连接权矢量。 自组织特征映射的基本原理是,当某类模式输入时,其输出层某一节点得到最大刺激而获胜,获胜节点周围的一些节点因侧向作用也受到较大刺激。这时网络进行一次学习操作,获胜节点及其周围节点的连接权矢量向输入模式的方向作相应的修正。当输入模式类别发生变化时,二维平面上的获胜节点也从原来节点转移到其它节点。这样,网络通过自组织方式用大量训练样本数据来调整网络的连接权值,最后使得网络输出层特征图能够反映样本数据的分布情况。根据SOM网络的输出状况,不仅能判断输入模式所属的类别,使输出节点代表某类模式,而且能够得到整个数据区域的分布情况,即从样本数据得到所有数据的分布特征。 -SOM neural network (self-organizing feature map neural network) is an unsupervised neural network. Network topology is an input layer and an output layer. Input layer nodes is the input dimension of the sample, each node represents a component input samples. Output layer nodes are arranged in two-dimensional array structure. X in the input layer and output layer each node of each neuron node Y by a weight (the weight vector as W) is connected, so that each output layer corresponds to a connection node of the right vector. Self-organizing feature maps of the basic principle is, when each category of inputs into the model, its output layer one node get the maximum boost and win, Huoshengjiedian around Yixiejiedian Yin Zuo Yong Ye Shoudaojiaotai lateral stimulation. Then a learning network operation, the winner node and surrounding nodes in the right direction vector to the input mode to make consequential amendments. When the input mode type changes, the two-dimensional plane of the wi
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: leidan | Hits:

[WEB Codemapsapi

Description: 一个基于MapInfo的,web电子地图开发,源码,经测试可用。-A MapInfo-based, web digital map development, source code, available via testing.
Platform: | Size: 941056 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[OS programkeference-map

Description: Filtering Strategies for TFC Selection Schemes in 3GPP W-CDMA()
Platform: | Size: 420864 | Author: Quvrna | Hits:
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