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[Special Effects43566

Description: 本文主要叙述的是利用MATLAB软件实现图像的几何操作。利用imresize() imrotate() imcrop() 等函数实现图像的缩放,选转,剪切。 在对图像的几种几何操作中,图像的缩放和旋转都要用到插值操作。-This paper describes the use of MATLAB software images of geometric operations. Use imresize () imrotate () imcrop () Function Image Scaling , elected to the shear. In the image of several geometric operation, image scaling and rotation should be used interpolation operation.
Platform: | Size: 639055 | Author: 刘鎏 | Hits:


Description: 基于matlab的而二维图像几何变换。与库函数imrotate(a,angle)功能相同。
Platform: | Size: 26112 | Author: caoguangying | Hits:

[Special Effects43566

Description: 本文主要叙述的是利用MATLAB软件实现图像的几何操作。利用imresize() imrotate() imcrop() 等函数实现图像的缩放,选转,剪切。 在对图像的几种几何操作中,图像的缩放和旋转都要用到插值操作。-This paper describes the use of MATLAB software images of geometric operations. Use imresize () imrotate () imcrop () Function Image Scaling , elected to the shear. In the image of several geometric operation, image scaling and rotation should be used interpolation operation.
Platform: | Size: 638976 | Author: 刘鎏 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimrotate_my

Description: 一个空间点P绕一个中心点C旋转可用接续的三个变换来实现:第1个变换平移点C到坐标系原点位置,第2个变换将点P绕原点旋转,第3个变换平移点C回到其相对于坐标系原点的原始位置。当原始图像点乘以变换矩阵,得到新的图像位置点时,其位置可能不是整数值,该位置的灰度值需要通过灰度插值获得。在不改变输出图像大小的情况下,超出原始图片范围的区域,MATLAB原有函数imrotate的处理方法为将其灰度值全部置零,本文通过取模操作对超出区域进行了另外一种控制方法imrotate_my函数,能够较好的显示出图像旋转的边界变化。 -A space around the center point P C available in three rotating to realize the transformation: the first one translation: C to coordinate transformation, the origin place of 2 transform point P around the rotation, the origin of the three points to the transformation of C translation relative to the original position of axis. When the original image point multiply the transformation matrix, a new image position, the position may not integer, this position gray value by gray interpolation gain needed. No change in the size of the image output circumstance, the area beyond the original image, the original function imrotate MATLAB treatment method for the grey value all zeros, based on beyond the area take mould operation on another control method imrotate_my function, to better show of image rotation boundaries.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 肥猪流 | Hits:


Description: 基于双线性插值的图像旋转,似于MATlab的imrotate函数功能-imrotatePos
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 涂洪国 | Hits:

[Special EffectsProjection2to1and-Reconstruction

Description: 二位图像投影到一维通过imrotate指令完成。可以选择投影的任意角度。同时包括基于一维投影完成重构图像。-Using imrotate commond line to realize the projection of image from 2D to 1D for any view angle. And also include the reconstruction process
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tianya | Hits:

[Special EffectsMATLAB

Description: MATLAB数字图像处理张德丰这本书中的大部分源程序-MATLAB Digital Image Processing Zhang Defeng this book most of the source
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 荣沐 | Hits:


Description: 自己编写的旋转算法,没有用imrotate函数-havne t use the function imrotate of matlab
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zyr_lucia | Hits:


Description: 练习读入lena.bmp图像,在workspace中查看图像,显示图像,并将此图像存储在C盘根目录下,命名为1.bmp。 读入两幅尺寸相同的图像(lena.bmp和sky.bmp),做加法,实现双曝光的效果。 读入两幅尺寸相同的图像(2.bmp和2background.bmp),做减法,实现减背景效果。 读入lena.bmp图像,编写一个模板,此模板是以图像中心为圆心,64像素为半径的圆内为1,其他位置为0,以此模板乘以读入的lena图像,显示结果。 用图像除法完成减背景操作( 5.bmp和5background.bmp运用公式:f=g ÷ b х m )。 已知信号整数时刻1至10秒的幅值为[10,25,33,17,50,5,76,17,78,80],用线性插值方法,求[1.3,1.77,2.58,3.85,9.65]这5个时刻的信号幅值。(要自己写函数完成此题目,不要直接用matlab现成的插值函数)。 利用help文档,自学imrotate、imresize和imcrop函数的用法-Practice reading into lena.bmp images, view the image in the workspace, display images, and the images are stored in the root directory of C named 1.bmp. Read into two of the same size the image (lena.bmp and sky.bmp) do addition, to achieve the effect of double exposure. Read into the two dimensions same of images (2.bmp 2background.bmp), and subtract to achieve the effect of background subtraction. The image reads lena.bmp write a template, this template is the center of the image to the center and 64 pixels for the radius of the circle is 1 other location, this template is multiplied by lena image reads and displays the results. Image division completed less background operation (5.bmp, and 5background.bmp use of the formula: f = the g ÷ b х m). The known signal integer time of 1-10 seconds amplitude [10,25,33,17,50,5,76,17,78,80 using a linear interpolation method,, [1.3,1.77,2.58,3.85, , 9.65] this is five times the signal amplitude. (To write your own functions to complete t
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 单车少年 | Hits:

[2D Graphicimrotate

Description: 适用于matlab 的图形旋转代码,可自定义旋转角度,使用邻近插值不全图像-Applicable to matlab graphical rotation code, the rotation angle can be customized using the neighbor interpolation incomplete picture
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 王隶桢 | Hits:

[2D Graphicprog1

Description: 用于计算图像旋转角度以及进行校正,利用matlab语言开发-image imrotate degree
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: tostar | Hits:


Description: 图像旋转,功能与matlab函数imrotate一样-Image rotation, the same function with matlab function imrotate
Platform: | Size: 3731456 | Author: ysr | Hits:

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